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Hey guys! So once again, I've been thinking about this Fanfiction all day. All freaking day! Lol. So today I wanted to be awesome. I called my friend who absolutely loves this Fanfiction (My friend in reality). And she said I should write a sneak peek for one of the chapters. So I'm writing about when Bella comes and gets Damon and their reunited. This will not be the exact same thing as the real chapter. But it will be like this. Enjoy the Sneak Peek!

Klaus walked me into the dark room in which he said Damon was in. I was angry at him for lying to me, but I was happy he was truthful.

After all we been through he decided to let me go. My emotions were telling me to stop and let me hold him in my arms, but I desperately wanted Damon back.

He flicked on the light to the dark room, and then I saw the truth. Damon was laying in a small space, covered in blood. His eyes were closed.

"Damon!" I ran to the cell he was in. He opened his eyes. Looking at me and smiled.

"Bella," Klaus came over and unlocked it. I pulled Damon out of the cell while Klaus was over at the other side of the room. Damon's head was on my lap. He smiled.

"Your here," he said. I smiled and began to cry.

"Yes, I'm here. I love you," Damon put his hand on my face and stroked my cheek.

More tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't describe the beautiful feeling I felt. The excitement, the pain, the hurt, the love, the anxiety, everything was so overwhelming. Yet perfect.

"I love you more. It feels so amazing to see your face," I smiled. I put my head down to the level his head was at and I kissed him. The world stopped. I felt all the feelings. All the perfectness. We stopped.

"I'll let you two talk," Klaus said. He walked out of the room. Damon talked first.

"I can't explain the feeling I have right now. For what seemed like years I finally have you. But now I know it was only three weeks. Everyday I thought of this face. You. This perfect girl that I'm irresistibly in love with. I hated staying away from you. I love you Bella Swan. With every little piece of me, every little memory, I love Bella Swan."

I was balling, and I didn't care. A tear dropped on Damon's face, but he didn't seem to care. I looked into those brown eyes, my brown eyes. It was my turn to talk.

"You have no idea how many dreams, memories, and thoughts I had about you. Everyday I hoped for a way to be back with you. And now I'm realizing its real. It all seems like a fairy tail right now. But your here. The love of my life is here. I love you Damon Salvatore. With everything I got, I love you,"

Damon kissed me and I knew this wasn't a fairy tail, it was real. More real then anything else. I love Damon Salvatore. And I would not let anything split us apart. Because I love him.

So that was only a PART of the chapter. It probably won't be exactly like that though. I'm crying because of the happiness and excitement of writing this :'). Well guys leave in the comments of what you think about this and please vote. I will be updating tomorrow! Bye guys!

A New Beginning: Bella and Damon Book One ✔Where stories live. Discover now