A/N: You All's Options

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Hello peoples! So I decided to make another authors note and thank u guys for 1K reads! I am so happy that I came this far. On Saturday I have something special I'm doing for the story on Saturday. So as u know I said the annocement of this fanfic will end at part 40. So I have a few ideas of how this fanfic will end. And a lot of my friends in reality have been telling me: JUST TURN BELLA INTO A VAMPIRE!!!!!! But I've been thinking, could Bella be something other then a vampire? Here is your opitions:

A cold one (Edwards type of vampire)

A Vampire Diaries Vampire

A ORIGINAL Vampire (Klaus's type of vampire)


A Vampire Hunter (Idk just an idea) is that even in the show? Lol

And then there is realationships we have to dicide on. As u know this book is about Bella and Damon. But just like in TVD Elena and Damon broke up a few times and got with other people. And I can focus on other charathers realationships too. So here is the list of realationship ideas:

Obviously Stefan and Elena.

Damon and Elena

Klaus and Caroline

Klaus and Bella

Elijah and Bella

Caroline and Stefan

Bella and Stefan

Rebekah and Damon

Bonnie and Jeremy

Matt and Rebekah

Rebekah and Stefan

So those were my ideas. But if Damon and Bella ever break up, they WILL get together right away. So yeah. So yes those are our opitions. So plz plz plz guys in the commnts tell me what you want to happen. Like do u want Bella a vampire? What realationships should be together? You can list MORE THEN ONE. So go crazy in the comments. Okay I love u guys! I'll write next chapter on Saturday. Bye!


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