Chapter 20: Delights

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Only because I really wanted to write today, I'm writing some more of this today. I will update tomorrow too so don't worry :). But can you believe that we are halfway through the book guys? Oh my gosh I'm going to cry, yet I'm so happy. So I'll write this chapter tonight and as much as I can tomorrow. Enjoy guys!

I was having a shitty day, what the hell am I saying? Everyday for me is shitty now. I'm stuck in- wherever I am!

Anyways, I was laying on the cold hard ground thinking about the same question: Is Bella a vampire? 

Bella can't be a vampire. She couldn't.

Because I knew the only person she would want to change her, is me.

I breathed. I was guessing it was morning. It sucked because it will always be freaking dark here.

Then it came to me, I'm a vampire. I can connect with Bella through my dreams. I'm such an idiot. Oh damn, Stefan is beginning to be right. Shit.

I rolled my eyes. I had to get to sleep. I needed to somehow talk to Bella. So I could see her, well in my dreams. But if it was morning she could be asleep. I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes. I somehow couldn't sleep.

Klaus's stupid face was even ruining my sleep. Well by stupid I meant beautiful.

I looked at the alarm clock, it was three in the morning. I groaned. I would do anything to rest my head on Damon's chest. To hear his heart beat. I needed to sleep.

I got up and exited the room. I went into the living room on the sofa. I went to the sofa and laid on it. I was freezing. But I didn't feel like getting up. I heard footsteps coming into the room. After like two seconds, I heard Klaus's voice.

"Bella, are you okay?" he asked. I looked up.

"Yeah, I just got a little uncomfortable in my room," He nodded.

"Do you want me to get you a blanket or pillow?" He asked. The sofa was actually quite warm. But I nodded anyways.

Klaus quickly came back with a blue queen size blanket. "Well I'll let you get to sleep," he said. It was hard to admit, but I didn't want Klaus to leave.

"Klaus?" I asked. Klaus turned around before he began walking.

"Yes Bella?"

"Is it okay if you stay here. With... me? On the sofa?" I asked in a awkward tone. I didn't look at Klaus's facial expression.

"Sure," he said and walked over.

"Do you want me to sleep on the ground?" He asked.

I shook my head got off the sofa and made a gesture so he could lay down. He laid on the sofa and I awkwardly got on the sofa next to him. It was wide so I laid next to him. We shared the blanket. Strangely, Klaus's body was a bit warm.

"Klaus can I ask you something?" I asked. He nodded. Our heads were so close to my face. Why was I enjoying this?

"Can you help me find Damon?" I asked.

"Only for you." He said. He looked kind of guilty. Why? I put my head on Klaus's chest. I heard his heart beat. Klaus placed his head on top of mine. I closed my eyes and the last thing I heard was Klaus whispering.

"Good night love," I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

I feel so freaking guilty. Why you may ask? Because I for some sort of ship them! But don't worry I ship Bella and Damon so much more :)! So tomorrow I will be writing as much as I can. I know you guys are eager for Damon to see Bella again. I am too. I'm making plans. Serious plans ;). But I'm going to bed. I hope you guys have a fantastic day. And I'll update tomorrow. Bye guys!

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