Chapter 13: Elijah

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Hey guys! Hows it going? I was thinking about this chapter all day since last Thursday, and I have loads of ideas. I've been writing them down on paper so I will be using those ideas. Well enjoy the chapter guys.

I woke up to the sound of two voices yelling.

"Klaus what kind of person are you for leaving this beautiful girl captive in our house?" The voice sounded like Elijah, the man I met last night.

"Do not question me! First off this is my house and let me tell you, I will do anything to hurt you Elijah if you get in my way!" What does Klaus mean by get in my way? I heard footsteps coming to my room, so I laid back and acted like I was sleeping. Finally the person was in here,

"Bella wake up," It was Klaus. I immediately sat up. He had a pile of clothes in his hand.

"Put this on and go to the kitchen." He sat the clothes on the dresser next to the door. Then he walked out and closed the door.

Great, I wonder what their going to feed me. I guess it was good if I got up. I haven't ate anything in at least two days. I hopped off my bed and went to the dresser. It was a regular navy blue t-shirt with jeans and a green jacket. At least these were the kind of clothes I would wear. I threw on the clothes and went to the bathroom.

My hair was still straight so that was wonderful. I had a hair tie on my wrist so I put it in a ponytail. I usually don't put my hair up, but I was burning up. I walked out of the bathroom into hallway. I was surprised that Elijah was right next to the door. He gave me a smile. I gave him a startled look.

"I'm sorry I really have to stop startling you like this," he said calmly. I looked at the ground.

"Its okay, Elijah. What do you need?" I asked. He smiled.

"Just wanted to take you to the kitchen." I nodded. "Come," he insisted. I followed him. Wow. And I thought the bedroom was big.

We walked through the living room. Which looked antique and old. Yet elegant. We walked into the kitchen which had white appliances and counter tops. We stopped when we got to the doorway.

"So what would you like for breakfast?" he asked. I shrugged.

"A bowl of cereal is fine." Elijah went over to the fridge and got the milk then a bowl and a box of cheerios. He made me the cereal and gave it to me.

"Thanks," I went over to the table with my bowl of cereal and Elijah followed. It kind of felt good that Elijah was near me. He made me feel comfortable in a way. I took a bite of my cheerios. It felt good in my mouth. 

"Do you hate being here?" he asked. I thought about it. I definitely couldn't say I enjoyed it.

"I really do hate being here. I mean I'm away from the people I love. I was captured and thrown here..." I looked down at my bowl of cereal. Then I looked at Elijah. He was sitting across from me.

"I'm sorry, Bella. You didn't deserve to come here," I nodded. "And if you need anything during your stay, I'll be here for you. Okay?" I nodded. I took a bite and talked to him.

"So how old are you?" It was a weird question to ask at the moment, but I wanted to learn more about Elijah.

"I'm an Original. Which means I'm one of the first original vampires. I was born when the world was new. How old are you?" My age was nothing compared to his.

"I'm eighteen. Almost nineteen," He smiled.

"I can't even remember me at eighteen. It was such a long time ago. Can I ask you a question?" What would he ask? I looked at him and nodded. I took a bite of my cereal as he talked. 

"How do you feel about vampires?" I swallowed. What could he mean. Like do I date vampires? Do I hate vampires?

"What do you mean? Like do I like being around vampires?" Elijah nodded. 

"I do. For some reason I like vampires. Romantically and friendly. Like I belong with them," I said.

I always wanted to be a vampire. To live forever and see the world grow. To live with all eternity with Damon. Damon. I forgot about Damon. Back to reality...I looked at Elijah. He smiled.

"So your not afraid of monsters trying to kill you?" I smiled.

"Well there is a risk to being near vampires. It causes pain and sometimes heartbreak. But no matter what vampire I befriend its totally worth it. I'm happy about being near vampires." Elijah smiled a beautiful smile. I grinned back. For the rest of the day me and Elijah talked.

We talked about Katherine and the fights between his family and the enemies. It was comforting. I was happy me and Elijah were friends. But the real question was: Do I think we're more then friends?

That was our chapter! So I need YOUR OPINION do you think Elijah and Bella should have a bit of a love interest? I kind of what them too, but at the same time I kind of don't. Because this story is about Bella and Damon. But I want this interesting. So do you want Elijah and Bella to like each other? Or not? Okay plz, plz tell me in the comments! Have a good day guys! Bye!


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