Chapter 8: New Battles

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Hey guys! I have been so excited to make this part. I know it only chapter eight and what's about to happen you will think its a little to early in the story. But me being my impatient self, decided to go ahead and do this. So I'll stop blabbering and start writing. Enjoy! 

I gasped by the number. Because it was Jacob's number. What should I do? Press call? Just ignore the call? What should I do?

I thought Jacob and Edward were dead because of Victoria. Or could that be a lie? I bit my lip. And I nervously pressed answer.

Unknown Point of View
The blood smelled so good. It was like a tart. A strawberry tart. I had to find where this smell was coming from.

My blood lust felt uncontrollable.

But how was that possible? I've always been able to control it. But I knew this smell would drive any vampires blood lust uncontrollable. I could sense it was a girl. I got up from the ground, and ran towards the smell. 


I pressed answer. 

"Jake?" I said nervously.

"Bella?" I heard his young beautiful voice. I immediately smiled I was close to giggling, but I held it in. It was a sound I haven't heard in months. Jake's voice sounded so real. So right.

"Yes, Jake I'm here, oh my gosh! I am going to kill-" he stopped me at that.

"Bella we can fight later. Me and Edward are in trouble," I gasped. Edward. Jacob. In trouble? I breathed in and out. And I immediately knew the reason. Victoria. That bitch.

"Jacob? I can help you. I met some other vampires," I said.  I heard a growl in the background. Edward.

"Bella what do you mean by other vampires?" Jacob asked. I didn't want to mention I was in love with Damon. Especially with Edward in the background. Plus Jacob.

"I moved to Mystic Falls and met other vampires. Their brothers. The Salvatore brothers," I said. Edward growled again.

"Um, Jake I need to talk to Edward." I said,

"Okay he's on the phone," I smiled. At least I got to talk to him.

"Bella?" he said. His perfect liquid velvet voice sounded so attractive.

"Yes Edward? I'm here." I said.

"So when you said Salvatore brothers, did you seriously meet them?" he asked.

"Yes. Their cool," I said.

"Bella I met them. Stefan's awesome. But Damon, just, no." he said. What is the problem with Damon? Why does everyone hate Damon? I mean what the hell is wrong with him?

"Edward there's nothing wrong with-" he immediately cut me off.

"Bella me and Jacob have to go. Please stay safe. Don't do anything reckless and stupid," He said it so fast.

"Wait! Edward-" then the service went out.

I breathed in and out, trying to process everything. Jacob and Edward are alive! But their still in trouble. I had to find Damon. I had to call him.

But Stefan was the closest. I didn't want to see him, but I would have to make an exception about this. I opened the truck door and literally ran to the boarding house's door. I opened the door and went inside.

"Stefan?!" I yelled. Stefan ran to me in super vamp speed.

"Bella what is it?" he said. "Sit down I need to talk to you," I explained everything.

"Edward's in trouble?" he said. I nodded.

"Do you know where they are Bella?" Damn it! I forgot to ask. I shook my head.

"Then were going to have to wait. But we have to be ready. I'll call my friends over," Friends? Edward and Jacob are on the verge of dying and he is having a party?

"Stefan this isn't a time to have a get- together," I said.

"No! Me and Damon's friends have powers they can help," I nodded and sat on the silk sofa. I felt dizzy, what the hell was Victoria putting Jacob and Edward through? 

Okay, so that is our chapter. Please in the comments tell me who you think the unknown person is. And please vote and share. I hope you guys have a good day. Oh, and also I just got a YouTube channel! So please subscribe my channel! I talk about books, movie, Sims, and more! My channel name is Autumn Welsh! Love you guys! Bye!


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