Chapter 25: The End of the Beginning

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This chapter is for all of you guys. For standing by and being such amazing fans! I am so making a second book. So prepare for your minds to be blown.Because this shit is about to go down. And you have no idea how much I'm crying right now. Lol. Enjoy guys!

We were home. I was just now walking into the doorway of Damon's bedroom.

I smiled on the plane because I was holding Damon's hand the entire time. Now we were here. In the boarding house.

We stepped inside and Damon closed the door. The first thing he did was kiss me. It felt amazing. We stopped after two seconds. He smiled. Then he got serious.

"Bella can I talk to you?" he asked. I nodded and sat on the bed. Damon came over and sat next to me.

"When I was in that horrible place, I thought and thought and thought," I felt horrible for Damon. Because all he had to do was think and ate pretty much nothing. While I had social contact with others, and ate.

"And pretty much everything I thought about, was about you." I smiled. I knew it was about me. I thought about Damon constantly. Other things also. I can't believe I kissed Klaus. Twice. I had to somehow tell Damon.

"I thought about you too. What did you think about?" I asked. "Lots of things. Like were you safe, were you hurt, then my most recent: Is Bella a vampire?" After he said that last line, I looked at him. 

"You thought I was a vampire?" I asked. Damon nodded. My question was why. "Why did you think that?"

"I had this dream that you were a vampire. And I just had to ask you. My kind of vampire can contact people through their dreams. So I tried to get into your dreams but you came to me shortly. And I found out you weren't one," I nodded. Damon most of went crazy. 

"I wouldn't let anyone turn me. And you know that," Damon nodded and grabbed my hand.

"But then through the fight of when Klaus and Rebekah took you away from me, I felt helpless. And what if something like that happens again?" he asked.

I looked down thinking through the last line when he said: And what if something like that happens again? I thought a dozen times of what it meant. Then the light bulb hit me. No. Damon could've never thought of that.

"Damon, I know what you mean," Damon nodded. "I want to protect you. And I'm going too. But I still want you to protect yourself." I looked at my hands. I was kind of happy. 

"Bella if your going to protect yourself, I need to turn you into a vampire." All I could do was nod.

"Then Damon, do it now," I said eagerly. 

"I don't know if I can do it right now," he said. I wanted this. And I wanted it now.

"Please. Do it now." He looked at our hands. 

"Okay. Take off your jacket and tie your hair back," he said. I did as he said. I quickly took off my jacket and put my hair in a ponytail. I could feel the anticipation building up. I was nervous and excited. I sat on Damon's lap and laid my head back.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked. "Yes," And after that Damon quickly put his lips to my neck and bit my neck. I screamed and knew I was a vampire.

I know what you guys are saying: OMG! Me too, believe me. But I hate to end the book here. THERE WILL BE A BOOK TWO. THERE WILL. So if you want to know information about the next book read the Author's Note I'm about to make. I'll go make it guys! So tell me what you think. Please vote and please, please, please read the Author's Note I'm about to make!

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