Chapter 14: Rebekah

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Hello peoples! So I decided that this fanfiction will end at part 40. But don't worry there will be a second book. I am very excited. Well not for this to end, but for Bella and Damon's future. And I will be updating 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday! So I'll be quiet and write. Enjoy the story guys!

I woke up in the dark. Again. I don't even know how many days

I've been in this damn-well wherever I am. I was starving. I felt the pain and hurt of my burning throat. I needed to feed. I groaned. I heard footsteps.

"Not so comfy in here is it?" Klaus said. I still couldn't see him. I breathed in and out. 

"Where is Bella, Klaus?" I said in irriatation. Klaus totally ignored my question.

"I've went through far worse then this. They tormented me for 52 years 4 months and 9 days. They made me want to die. The hallucinations never ended. The pain, the torture, the heartbreak, the sickness. I went through it all." I rolled my eyes.

Another thing Klaus tried to make about himself. 

"Then why don't you kill me now?" I asked. I totally didn't mean that. But I was wondering what he would say. 

"Oh I intend too. Right after I let you see me bite Bella," I growled. I tried to get up and I hit the ceiling that was two inches away from my head. Ouch. I laid back down.

"Klaus I swear if you bite Bella I will kill you, you asshole." Klaus just chuckled darkly.

"If you can get out of here. Well later," I screamed. But the footsteps faded shortly.

Bella wherever you are, I will save you, I thought.

My day seemed strangely normal in the Mickelson's house for me today.

So far, I woke up, read a book from the bookshelf, ate breakfast, and now I was talking to Elijah.

The thought kept popping in my head: Do I have feelings for Elijah? I tried to avoid it, but it was very hard. More things popped in my head: Is Damon safe? Is Jacob and Edward still alive? Is Stefan and the others looking for me?

I needed answers and I needed them now. Anyways, I was in the living room with Elijah. Talking bout different things. Literature, our past, and more. 

"You know you really should get some new clothes," I looked behind me and Elijah to who interfered with our conversation.

It was Rebekah. I haven't seen Rebekah sense me and Damon were attacked by Klaus and her.

Maybe she was keeping a distance?

"Oh I'm fine with these clothes," I said. Rebekah rolled her eyes and walked towards us. 

"Bella, a jacket and ripped jeans are not fine. Come on, I'll take you shopping," I looked at Elijah. He was smiling. Might as well.

"Okay fine," I said getting up. Rebekah was absolutely beautiful. She had blond hair, a little lighter then Klaus's hair, and blue eyes. Rebekah smiled.

"Well come on I'll take you to the mall," There was a mall in New Orleans? I followed Rebekah to her car. 


Me and Rebekah were inside one of Rebekah's favorite stores. There was a lot of colorful clothes inside. Not really my style. I turned to her.

"Are you sure about this?" 

"Bella your my guest. And I just won't allow you to wear the clothes your wearing," she insisted.

We went into the store and tried on tons of clothes for like ever. It was so much fun. In the end I got a leather jacket, dark blue skinny jeans, a gray sparkely sweater, a black spegatti strap dress, boots, a few tank tops, and more jeans

Rebekah got a lot more than me. I think I have a new best friend. Rebekah didn't want to pay, so she did something called compel the cashier.

We walked out of the store and sat on one of the benches.

"See? You have the potentail of being a girly girl in you!" She gushed. I looked down and smiled.

"Thank you Rebekah. I'm really happy I'm your friend," Rebekah smiled.

"Me too. You know you would be a even more fun person if you were a vampire," She said. 

"Exactly! Well I'm going to dress like one." 

"Well we better get home. Come on," I smiled and we left the store. We talked more. You know, Rebekah wasn't half bad. She was pretty awesome.

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