Chapter 16: We Both Were Judged On the Way We Act, What We Were Like

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Okay guys I'm making the second chapter for the day. I'm making one more to thank you for the 1.2K reads! If you read my last chapter you know everything I'm doing today! So check out Chapter 15. Alright guys enjoy the story!

It was five at the Mickelson's house. I was in my new clothes and at the dinner table.

Me, Elijah, and Rebekah were talking. That was how I liked to spend my days here. Just socializing with them.

Ever since yesterday when Rebekah took me shopping, we have been hanging out a lot.

"Let's play would you rather?" Rebekah asked. I smirked. Elijah gave her a confused look.

"Oh come on? Just this once," I smiled.

"I'll do it," Elijah nodded.

"Okay I'll go first. Bella would you rather date Klaus or jump off a cliff?" she asked. Elijah chuckled.

"That's an excellent question, Rebekah." Klaus said. Gosh! People really need to stop eavesdropping on conversations in this house.

"Well Klaus thank you for coming in and ruining the game," Elijah said. Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Sorry to ruin your childish game but I actually wanted to go on a walk with Bella."  Rebekah smiled at me.

"I don't know about this," I said. Could I trust Klaus?

"Come on Bella. I just wanted to talk to you," I breathed in and got off the dinner chair. Elijah looked down. He isn't really pleased with me hanging out with other people a lot. Klaus walked me outside.

"So what did you need me for?" I asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you about your vampire," What does he mean by my vampire?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Damon," As soon as he said Damon, I immediately looked at him.

"Klaus do you know where Damon is?" Klaus kept walking down the sidewalk I followed.

"I'm sorry Bella, I don't." I looked down. I wanted Damon back. And I wanted him back now. I nodded.

"I know how you feel. We both lost something that means a lot to us," I looked at him with sympathy.

"We both were judged by how we act, what were like," I looked at Klaus as we kept walking. He had a painful past. I could tell.

"I know. People look at you funny. Like your weird. People just want you to act normal. But, you just don't know what normal is," I said.

I had no idea why, but I feel like crying. Like all those times people judged me when I was with normal. And when he left me and I sat at my own table. Klaus nodded.

"Exactly. Nothing or no one is what they seem anymore." And I thought Klaus didn't have feelings. But he was going through things he didn't want other people to know about.

"I understand. Anything you do can be hurt. Other people's choices can hurt you," Klaus didn't say anything.

"Klaus you know you can talk to me. You don't have to stay away from me. I can be your friend." I glanced at Klaus, he smiled.

It wasn't that evil horrible glare you would expect. It was that beautiful, warm, human look. I think that is my smile from Klaus.

"Do you want to know my real name?" he asked. Klaus has another name? I nodded.

"Nik. My name is Nik Mickelson." I smiled. Nik.

"Should we go back?" I asked. Kl-, Nik nodded. I knew I had a connection with Nik. And frankly, it felt amazing.

Okay my readers, that was the chapter. While I was writing this I was kind of smiling because I love when I write about Klaus when he has feelings. It is a beautiful thing. Okay so I am about to write Chapter 17. So guys I hope you enjoyed. Leave a like, comment, and share! Love u guys!

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