Chapter 7: Warnings

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Hey guys! It's been four days since I by updating this and I was dying to write about this so I hope you guys enjoy! :-)


I was still staring at Stefan's bare chest. I looked away immediately. Stefan blushed.

"Bella I didn't know you were still here," he said turning away. I got off the chair and walked to him but I stayed a bit away from him. 

"I was here all night," Stefan immediately rolled his eyes.

"Oh so you slept with him?" I looked down and nodded. I still couldn't concentrate he didn't have a shirt on. 

"You know the number one thing you don't do with my brother is sleep with him Bella. Simple as that," he turned to the fridge.

Leaving his back in my face. Why wouldnt he want me to sleep with Damon? I started to get mad. He wasn't in charge of what I do. 

"Why do you say that?" I asked. 

"Then he can take advantage of you. He does that a alot with girls," he turned to face me. I rolled my eyes at Stefan. 

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't," I said. Or could he? I shook my head hard to get the thoughts out of my head.  

"Bella I'm just trying to warn you. So if he breaks-" I didn't let him finish.

"He is not going to break my heart!" I screamed. Stefan looked down. He was angry. But he was hiding it. 

"I'm leaving. If Damon comes back, tell him I left," I walked to the door. I was furious. I looked at Stefan. 

"And could you please put on a shirt?" Stefan nodded and I went out the door.

As I got into my truck I thought about the things he said. Could Damon really just be with me just to sleep with me?

I didn't know, but I should be a little careful with what I do with Damon. I started my truck. Then my phone ranged.

I reached inside my pocket and held it to my face. I gasped. Because the number was Jacob's. I breathed in and out and pressed answer.

Okay so that was our chapter! Another short one! But next time I will be writing two chapters. And the days I update will be every Wednesday and Saturday. Please comment, vote, and share! I hope u all have a good day!


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