Chapter 2: Damon Salvatore

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I went walking inside Mystic Grill. I went to the waitress, and I gave her my information. She handed me the menu. I was expecting her to lead me to a table, but I guess not. Mystic Grill must of been a popular restaurant here in Mystic Falls. The tables were packed. But it wasn't loud. It seemed like everyone was enjoying their food. So I guess I'll sit at the bar.

I don't drink. I probably only had three or four drinks in my entire life. But I didn't have to drink to sit at a bar.

I walked up to the bar and took my set. The bar stools were red and soft. As soon as I got there, the bartender came to me.

That was no surprise. Guys in Forks always liked me.

"Hey. Do you want any drinks? Food?" he asked. "Um, I'll have a coke." he nodded. And after at least two seconds he got me a coke. Like I said, it wasn't loud.

That was a disappointment. I wanted it to be loud, so I wouldn't have to focus on my thoughts. I felt as if I was going to cry. I looked down, I would not cry in public. At all. A tear did fall.

I had to make it to a bathroom. I'll cry in a stall. I ran across the restaurant, trying to find the bathroom. I did find one. It was in the narrow space.

I ran there, apparently I didn't see the man walking out. And I bumped into him. Before I fell, the man caught my hand and pulled me to him. His hands were soft and warm. And when I looked into his face, he was utterly and irresistibly beautiful.

He had black hair that shined from the sun because of the window. He had it blue eyes. And he had ran skin.

He gave me a smile that made me feel warm inside. "Are you okay?" he asked.

It took me a minute to realize what he has said. And I looked at our hands, we were still holding hands. I let go and stepped back.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry for bumping into you," I peeped out.

"No problem. Are you new? Like here in Mystic Falls? I don't think I ever saw you," Wow. He's curious. But I kind of adored his curiosity. So why not create conversation?

"Actually I just moved here. How long have you lived here?" I asked. He looked down, thinking. Doesn't he know?

"I'll have to get back to you after I count. You won't believe the number of years," he said. I smiled. Edward lived in Forks for at least seventy years. I wish this guy knew that I knew about vampires.

"I think I can keep up. I found out some outrageous things since I turned eighteen." I said cleverly. He smiled at me again.

"I'm Damon Salvatore. And you are?" Damon. Damon was quite a beautiful name. It sounded old. Salvatore especially. But I didn't care.

"I'm Bella Swan. Nice to meet you," I replied. Damon smiled took my hand, and kissed it. I was kind if stunned by the gesture, but it was proper. It was sweet.

"And it is nice to meet you too. So do you want to get to that conversation?" He asked. I nodded.

He walked me to the bar. And I sat in my seat. Damon is in my seat next to me. It was crazy and silly that I was getting to know Damon. But I would let my curiosity roam. Just with this guy.

"Can I have a beer?" Damon asked. The bartender gave him one. Great, he drinks. "So why did you move to a small town of Mystic Falls? You look more like a city person," I didn't want to explain everything.

Like about vampires or werewolves. He would think I'm crazy.

"You really want to hear the story? Like the entire story?" Damon nodded smiling.

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