Chapter 12: Captured Part 2

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Hello peoples! This is going to be a super giant chapter! So sit back relax and enjoy reading! As you know yesterday I said I had a devious plan of what will happen to Bella and Damon. And let me tell you its kind of sad. In Damon's situation. Okay I'll let you guys read it for your selves. Enjoy!

I felt the cold hard ground. Where was I? I opened my eyes.

All I saw was dark. Bella. Bella was in trouble. I got up off the cold floor and hit my head on something. Then laughter filled the room.

I squatted down and realized it was Klaus's laughter. Of course. He put me in here. He is so lucky it was dark here.

"Klaus! I swear if I don't get out of-" 

"Sorry Damon but there is no way your getting out of here," Klaus said coldly. I rolled my eyes.

"Klaus!" I wish I could see this idiot. I wanted to be near Bella. I wanted to feel her soft hair and admire her beauty.

"Scream all you want. But your never going to find you beautiful girl. Her blood smells like its awfully tasty." I growled.

"Klaus lay one hand on Bella and I will kill you!" I screamed. 

"Sorry but I have to go. To see your little girl," I screamed for what seemed like hours. And nobody answered.

I was laying on something soft. I opened my eyes and I was in a brightly lit room. I was on a bed. I sat up.

Damon. Damon was hurt and gone. Away from me. I was wearing a tank top and jeans. I looked around the room. It seemed like a normal bedroom. The door was closed.

I felt my head. I grunted. It was bruised. Then I remembered somebody hit my head. It hurt.

Damon was somewhere. I needed him bad. Right now.

I got off the bed with all my determination and might. It hurt my legs, but I got up. There was a window on the right side of the room. I walked slowly to it. Where the hell was I? It definitely didn't look like Mystic Falls. I looked down. I wanted Damon back. A tear went down my cheek. 

"Awfully tragic isn't it?" I turned around and gasped. It was Klaus. He smiled. At first I felt scared then I felt hate.

"Where the hell am I and where is Damon!?" Klaus smiled and looked down. 

"You don't have to worry love. Damon is safe," I let out a sign of relief. Klaus walked to the other side of the room and turned around.

"But cold. And maybe hurt," he laughed a little between the words maybe and hurt. He turned around and faced me. I frowned.

"Take me to him," I said. I wanted to see Damon. Klaus smiled.

"Sorry love, I wish I could," I gave him a confused look. How does he not know where he is?! I wanted an answer.

"Klaus tell me," I said in a firm voice. 

"I can't tell you. Your name is Bella right?" I  rolled my eyes and nodded. He smiled.

"Nice name. You better get comfortable. Your going to be here for a while," He turned around. What...?

"What do you mean?! Answer me!" Klaus turned around again.

"It means your my guest. Congratulations your in a house full of vampires," He turned the door knob. 

"Well I'm a hybrid. And Bella let me tell you, do something idiotic and I might hurt you. But enjoy your stay," he closed the door. What kind of talk was that? Oh your boyfriend is in possibly dying, and nice to see you. You are now my guest but I have the right to hurt you, like what kind of welcoming is that? I looked down. Then more tears went down my cheek. I didn't want to be here.

And if I was here then what was Damon going through? How long would he be there? I sat on the spot of the floor I was standing on. Tears were coming out like there was no tomorrow. I wanted Damon back.

Edward and Jake might actually die this time. I won't be there to protect them. No matter what I'll always be the girl who makes the wrong choices. The girl who will always hurt anyone who is near her. The girl who is stupid. Because I Bella Swan and Iam nothing.


I was on the bed again somehow. My eyes fluttered open. I knew I fell asleep through the horrible melt down. I sat up and a man with brown hair and brown eyes. He noticed me and started to get up.

"I'm sorry. Did I startle you?" He said smiling. I looked at the blanket.

"A little. Who are you?" I peeped out. He smiled again. He's a stranger who was watching me sleep. He could tell me his name.

"Elijah. And you are?" he asked.

"Bella," He nodded. 

"So why are you here? Did you sleep with Klaus or something? Well, Klaus usually doesn't sleep with anyone. But seriously why are you here?" I sensed curiosity in his voice. What should I tell him?

"I don't want to say anything. But do you live here, Elijah?" I tried to stay calm. He wasn't so happy about the first sentence. But he nodded.

"I'm Klaus's brother," After he said that, I looked straight into his eyes.

"I didn't know Klaus had a brother," I couldn't. Elijah doesn't look a thing like Klaus. But they were vampires.

"Well I am." 

"So I'm guessing your a vampire too?" I looked at Elijah as he took it in. He looked scared and surprised.

"How do you know that?" Was all he said. "Its a long story. I'll tell you later. I'm really tired," And that was the truth. I looked over at the clock. It was one in the morning. Elijah nodded. He walked towards the white door. Before he left he said,



"Enjoy your stay. And goodnight." I smiled.

"You to Elijah." He smiled and left. I laid back on the bed. I smiled for a second and closed my eyes. I thought of Damon. Damon's perfect face. A tear again went down my cheek. The pain will never stop. No matter what it will never stop.

Not until I see Damon.

Okay that is our chapter! I actually spent a while writing this. I hope you guys enjoyed reading! I have big plans for what is going to happen next! I cryed while I was writing this a little. But don't forget next chapter is on Saturday. So bye guys! 

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