Chapter 6: New Day, New Love Interest

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Hi guys! We now have 73 reads! And guys I'm updating this on Christmas, so Merry Christmas! Love you all! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

Well I'll stop boring you, so hope you like the chapter!


I woke up smiling. I loved last night. Damon's arms were wrapped around me. He was up too. We smiled.

"We could do this everyday," he said. I smiled. This would be nice. He kissed me, leaving me breathless. Then we got up to start our day.

I put on the clothes I had on yesterday in Damon's bathroom. Damon got dressed in his bedroom. When we were done we met each other outside of his bedroom.

"So whats on the agenda today?" I asked. Damon thought.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" he asked. What do I want to do? I didn't know of anything to do around here.

"Well whats around here to do?" Damon thought for a moment then we entered the kitchen.

"Well first you eat some of Stefan's muffins. I have to go do something." Damon said. Where was he going? I wasn't even going to ask. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Come on is that all I get?" he said. I giggled. Then I kissed him on his lips.

"There, is that better?" I asked.

Damon smiled, "How about one more?" I rolled my eyes.

"Damon I love you now go," I said. Damon obeyed. I looked around the kitchen for something to eat. Then I heard footsteps. It must of been Stephan. But it wasn't Stefan. It was hot shirtless Stefan.

So guys sorry that was such a short chapter. But I hope you enjoyed! So what do you think is going to happen next? Please remember to comment and vote! (If you want). Love you guys and Merry Christmas!

A New Beginning: Bella and Damon Book One ✔Where stories live. Discover now