Chapter 3: Love Sick

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I walked into Stefan's house. Still thinking of Bella. I never felt this happy.

I was love sick and I was happy because of it. Screw Elena, I didn't need her. But what if  I did?

I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out.

I wonder what Stefan and Elena were doing, but why was I going there? Honestly? Seriously? Was I seriously going to my brother about love advice?

I rolled my eyes. I was wasn't I? I drove to the driveway of the boarding house. Still feeling stupid that I was doing this. But I desperately wanted to talk about Bella to someone.

I burst into the boarding house. To my surprise, there was no kissing going on. It was unusually quiet. "Stefan?" I called out. "I'm in here," I heard his voice and ran to him in vampire speed. 

"Hey brother," I said. I sat down in one of the seats.

Stefan breathed in and out. I knew something was wrong with him.

"Whats up with you?" I asked. I realized I sounded cheerful. Stefan noticed it too.

"Nothing. I think we should be talking about you." I smiled at him and began explaining. I thought of a way to start this.

"Well I went drinking, and I met an girl." Great way to start that Damon, I told myself. He snorted. I rolled my eyes.

"Look Stefan, she isn't just any girl. When I saw her my whole world stopped. She's Bella Swan. And she's been through hell," he smiled at me.

But it was an expression I never saw him make. He was pleased. Happy for me, I was guessing. Then he stopped,

"But Damon she can't know about us." I got up. "Well my brother, she already does!" I said smiling. Stefan got up with an angry face. "What the hell were you thinking Damon?" He growled under his breath.

"Oh so I see how it is! Elena can know, but Bella can't!" I screamed. Stefan said something that made me hate every word,

"Well this stupid Bella chick can't know! She is a danger to us all!" That was it, with one push, I sent Stefan flying across the room. He hit the wall with great force. He looked at me, got up and tried to hit me, he hesitated. And didn't.

He put his hand down. I was confused. Why didn't he try to hit me?

"I get it. The first time I saw Elena, I wanted her to be my everything. So I'm happy for you." Stefan smiled. Wow, he was happy for me.

I wanted to see Bella. I called her, she picked up immediately.

"Bella?" I asked casually. "Yeah?" she asked. "Do you want to come to my place tonight?" I asked. I was scared about what she would say. That's surprising.

"Yeah, of course. What time?" she asked. I could hear the excitement in her voice. I thought up the closest time.

"Six," I insisted. "Okay. I'll be there." Then she hung up. I smiled.

"Well Mr. Love Machine, whats the plans with Bella?" Stefan asked.

"I tell her I love her," And I knew instantly Bella Swan was my future... 

A New Beginning: Bella and Damon Book One ✔Where stories live. Discover now