Chapter 1

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Your POV

I was sitting on a bench with Chris while petting his dog, yeah today is a Saturday so we decided to walk the dog in the park so here we are after an hour of walking. "You're so lucky you guys have a dog" i said pouting he chuckled "Why don't you get one?" i frown "My parents wouldn't like that" he frowns too "Why?" i shrug "My parents never liked pets, but it's okay you have one and i can just pet him" i said smiling at the little Pug. He then gave me a side hug i smile at him "Would you want a puppy for your birthday?" he ask i bit my lip "I really want to but i can't" he sigh "Well i'll think of something" i giggle "Chris, my birthday is still like very soon" he shrug "Eh, just wanted to know what to buy" i smile and hug him. "You're the best you know?" he chuckled "I know" i giggle and slap his tummy, then suddenly his phone started ringing he got his phone and smiled widely i looked at him weirdly and then he answered it with excitement on his voice. "SHIT REALLY?!" he shouted i got Bailey the Pug and put him on my lap petting his head as he closes his eyes and sleep. I smile at how cute he his and suddenly Chris hugged me tight "Oh bro you're hurting me!" he laughed "Sorry, i'm just so fucking excited!" i look at him confused "Why?" i ask he bit his lip "My sister will visit us for 4 months!" "Taylor?" he rolled his eyes "NO! Lauren!" i nodded " that's her name" he nodded "Yeah so come on let's go home!" he said carrying me bridal style. "You know i can walk right?" i ask he nodded "Yeah but you're a slow walker" i gasp and glare at him making him laugh.

When we arrive their home Chris started telling them the good news and they started squealing and started to clean the house "Chris!! When is she coming?!" Taylor asked "Tomorrow morning" Taylor smiled widely and started to clean up her room. I stood there with Bailey watching them all clean "Y/N do you want to go to my room?" Chris ask i nodded "Sure" he nodded and then i walk up the stairs. As i got up i walked passed i guess his older sister's room which was closed i never went inside and i was curious what was inside. I sigh and then went inside his room i laid down on his bed and pet Bailey, he looked at me and barked making me smile "You're so cute" i mumble while poking his little nose and then he sneezed making me laugh. He then stood on my chest and began to lick my face "No!!" i squeal and got him off but then he just laid down on my tummy, i got my sleeve and wiped my face and played with his ears. As i was about to fall asleep the door opened and i saw Chris sweating "Woah you're so sweaty" he nodded "Yup i know" he then took of his shirt, my jaw dropped i know we're best friends but honestly Chris is so fucking hot. Like his damn abs bro! but i only see him as my best friend same with him, people always think we're together because we act like a couple but we both know we're just friends.

He used to have a crush on me but then i told him i see him as a friend so he said it was okay and now we're just really good friends well best friends. People think we're together because we hang out together a lot, we hug each other a lot, we joke around a lot and he's always there when i need him like a best friend would do. We have cuddled before but as friends! we kissed each other's cheeks before but as friends! Nothing more and his family knows that. "Y/N?" i blinked "Yeah?" i ask he chuckled "You alright? you were so deep in thought" i shrug "Nothing" he smiled and jump on his bed and laid down beside me "I'm so excited to see my sister tomorrow" he said i smile at him. He then look at me "You should come by tomorrow and meet her!" he said excitedly i shake my head "No it's okay, you guys should have a family bonding thing" i said he shake his head "But Y/N you're already a part of the family" i blush and shake my head again. "You know what i mean Chris" he frown "Please? I want you to meet her" he then pouted i look away "Fine but after you guys bond as a family" he sigh and nodded. "NO actually sleep over!!!" i raised an eyebrow "No i don't think my parents will like that" he groaned and got my phone "What are you doing?!" he then ran out of the room i groaned and stayed on his bed.

"Your mom said it's okay they have to go somewhere for a week so if you ever want to go home she said the key is under the mat" i sigh and nodded "Can you drive me there? i have to get clothes if i'm sleeping over here" he nodded "Sure, come on" he said getting his keys. As we went downstairs he walk to his mom "Mom can Y/N sleepover for a week because her parents are leaving her for a week" Clara immediately nodded i glare at Chris and he just smirked "Of course Y/N, you're like our daughter now" i smile politely "Thank you so much Clara" she nodded an then i felt a pat on my back making me turn around. Mike gave me smile and he hugged me "I want you to meet Chris's older sister okay?" i nodded and he smiled and pat my back again "Go get your stuff" Chris then pulled me to his car i sigh and buckled up my seat belt. "Why is your family so nice?" he smiled "They're your family too" i sigh "stop saying that" he chuckled "What? they are, we are your second family" i smile and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, now stop being cute" he giggle and then we start to drive, when we arrive i got the key under the door knob and got all the things i need for a week when i went to the kitchen i saw Chris eating a sandwich i laughed and shake my head. Well he always does that when we're here he'd always eat our food but in return he would buy me lunch or dinner.

When we got back to their house Chris suddenly grabbed my bag and he carried it upstairs i look at him weirdly and followed him, well he always does that when we're in school like when my bag is too heavy he'll just get it and carry it for me even though i said he doesn't need to. He's really a gentleman, i went inside and walk upstairs to his room "Oh Y/N want to play Xbox with me?" i shrug "why not?" he then gave me a controller and we began to play. Hours later my eyes really hurt so i laid down and closed my eyes i then felt a weight on m y tummy "Chris can i play?" i heard Taylor ask "Ask Y/N" he said i nodded "Sure" she smile and hug me "Thank you" and then they both started to play. "CHILDREN DINNER!" Clara yelled from downstairs Chris paused the game and we all went downstairs  we then serve ourselves "Are you guys ready to see your sister?" Mike asked the Jauregui kids "YES!! We missed our Lolo so much!" Taylor said excitedly Clara smiled at me. "You'll love her Y/N, she's sometimes a goofball" i smile and nodded "Is she nice?" i ask "She's very friendly" Clara said smiling i nodded and feel a little nervous on meeting her. I hope she is nice.


Next morning i woke up on the bed i look at the time and it was already 9:30 am i got up and brush my teeth and then my hair. I walk out of the room and bumped into someone "Sorry" i immediately said i then look up my eyes widen a bit and my jaw dropped a bit too. Shit, i literally forgot his sister is coming home this morning and she's now in front of me and too be honest she's so fucking beautiful! And so sexy. "It's okay,'re Chris's girlfriend?" she asked woah! her voice is hot too holy shit i think i have a little crush on her, wait wait wait!! i have to answer her question!! What was it? oh yeah "N-No..he's my best friend" i said smiling shyly she smiled and nodded. "Well nice to meet you i'm Lauren" she said holding her hand out i stare at it at first then look at her eyes i slowly lift my hand up and shake her hand she smiled at me cutely "Your name?" she ask "oh yeah...stupid me.." i mumble "I'm Y/N" she nodded "Oh you're the famous Y/N?" i look at her confused "Chris won't shut up about you" i smile and shrug. "We-" "Y/N! Damn you're finally awake" Chris said and he looked at Lauren "So you guys finally know each other?" Lauren nodded "yup, she's very shy" Lauren said giggling and then she walk downstairs and i stare at her as she walk downstairs. Shit she's perfect!

"Y/N? why you looking at her like that?" Chris ask i look at him "Looking at who? like what?" i ask looking at him he smirked "Nothing nothing let's just go" he said pulling me downstairs i shrug and walk downstairs with him. When we entered the kitchen everybody was talking and eating "Well good morning to you!" Mike said i smile "Good morning" and then i sat down which was opposite to Lauren's. I look at her and she was so focused on her food i got my food and started eating but sometimes i glance up to Lauren but quickly look away so i won't be too obvious. Yup, i do really have a crush on her i didn't know she was this beautiful but i really want to get to know her soon but i'm too shy. She's just so mature and everything so i get shy around her, don't blame me. I look up again and then she caught me, fuck! i look away quickly slightly blushing she caught me but again i look at her well i couldn't control myself but when i did she was staring at me so i just look away again and just eat my food. Holy shit i didn't know she had this effect on me this is so weird.

A/N: First chapter is up!! Tell me if y'all want me to continue it, so that I could continue to write this story. I'm sorry if I had mistakes or misspelled words. 😊 Oh and thank you for your support!

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