Chapter 16

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Your POV

Saturday Morning i had to do an essay so i started at 8:30 am right now it's already 10:00 am five more sentences then i'm done, but my head hurts like fuck so i decided to take a break for a while. Lauren was still asleep she looked so tired so i let her rest, I stood up and walk downstairs seeing my dad and Grace again i sighed and when my dad saw me he gave me a death glare so i just to the kitchen. I got my glass and poured chocolate milk it in then suddenly my dad walked in "Did you tell your mother?" i shake my head "No" he nodded "Good, now can you please make two sandwiches and give it to us?" i nodded even though i don't want to. He went out of the kitchen and sighed and began making their sandwiches, when i was done i also made Lauren breakfast but first i gave my dad their sandwiches i walk back to the kitchen and got her breakfast. I sneak inside my room and placed her breakfast on the table and then i look around for her "Lauren?" i called since she wasn't in bed "Hm?" i jumped "Shit" she giggle and surprised me with a kiss i blushed hard and kiss her back. She pulled away and smile at me "You were calling me?" she said raising an eyebrow "Hi" she laughed and shake her head "Oh i mean- i have your breakfast" i said she smiled when she saw it "Thank you Angel" i nodded and then she gave me a hug.

Shit that kiss got me off guard well i can get use to that, i smile to myself and sat on Lauren's lap as she ate then i suddenly i felt something weird touching my butt, i look at Lauren and she was too focused on her food. Maybe i'll ask her later, i kissed her cheek making her look at me "Oh did you eat already?" she ask i nodded "Yeah i was already awake at 8:30 since i had an essay to write" i said showing her my essay. She wrapped an arm around my waist and got my paper with her free hand and look at it as she chewed on her food, she nodded "This is good" she said then swallowed her food "Yeah but i'm not done yet" i said frowning "Really? that's so fucking long" i giggle "Is it?" she nodded "Yes, i don't think you need more sentences because in college i write lots of essays and it didn't have to be this long" she said i nodded "So is that okay? does it make sense?" she nodded "It does, good job angel" she said kissing my cheek i smile and got the paper. She then continued to eat, i opened my laptop in front of us and went to Youtube. I searched for a song then it played softly through my speakers, when she was done i got her plate and walk down and washed it i then walk back up to my room. When i got back she was on my laptop "Damn you look so beautiful here" she said i look at her confused and she was looking at my photos so i shut my laptop she laughed "What? you do look beautiful" i smile "I don't" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"You are" i sighed "Okay" she smiled and then stood up "I'm gonna brush" she said i nodded and i laid down on my bed. Soon I saw her walking to me she then laid down next to me "Lauren I have a question" I said she looked at me telling me to continue "Uhm... uh when I sat on you lap....uh-" she frown "you felt something?" I gulped and nodded she sighed "Well Y/N I'm gonna be honest with you" I nodded "I'm intersex" I look at her and smile "That's so cool!" I said she look at me weirdly she then sat up. "You aren't disgusted?" I shake my head and sat up too "No, why will be disgusted?" She shrug "cause it's not normal?" I smile "it's fine Lauren, I'm happy you told me. So you have a penis?" She laughed and nodded "yes I do Y/N" I smiled and hug her. "That's so awesome" she giggle and kiss my cheek, "have you ever get turned on?" I ask she then started blushing "Next question?" I laughed "Who's the lucky girl?" She rolled her eyes "next question?" I pouted "answer meeee" I whine "soon" she said pulling me down for a kiss. I smile through the kiss and she deepen the kiss, "hm.." she pulled away and got her phone, "hello?" she said "Oh i'm in Y/N's house why?" i look at her and kissed her cheek before standing up to shower.

Lauren's POV

"Are they?" i ask excitedly "yes Lauren, they really want to see you so better come home. Bring Y/N if you want to, the girls wants to hang out with her" i smile and look at the bathroom as Y/N got out "Okay, we're on our way" i said then i hung up. I ran to Y/N and hug her she look at me confused then i look at her outfit i smiled at how cute she looks "You look adorable" i said kissing her forehead she smiled cutely "Thank you" i giggle "I want you to meet my friends they're all in the house" she got her brush and brushed her hair. "You mean Ally, Normani, Dinah, and Camila?" she ask "No" she look at me "Oh, who?" she ask "you'll see, come on wait- are you allowed to go out though?" she nodded "My dad don't care anyway" i frown and nodded i got my stuff and we both went downstairs. When we got there we saw her father and that girl kissing before i could say something Y/N pushed me to the door and then closed it. "Don't say a word or he'll beat you up and i don't want that" Y/N said i sigh and nodded and then we started to walk to my house, when we got there squealed when i saw a familiar car. I ran inside and when i got there we squealed and hugged each other, "Oh my god how are you?!" my friend Alexa said "I'm fine! you look hotter now" i said giggling they smiled an hug me.

"Woah, who is she?" i heard Lucy ask we all turned around and saw Y/N talking to Camila and the other girls "Oh that's um... Chris's best friend" i said looking at her, "She's cute" Vero said i look at her "I know" i said nodding "What's her name?" Lucy ask "Oh her name is Y/N Y/L/N" i said they nodded and stared at Y/N. I saw Lucy walking to me i smiled and gave her a hug "I missed you baby" she whispered i blushed "I missed you too" we then heard someone clearing their throat making me pull away and turn to the girls. "Oh girls these are my childhood best friends, these are Lucy, Alexa and Vero. Guys, these are Ally, Dinah, Normani, Camila and Y/N" they said hi to each other and then i wrap an arm around Lucy's neck pulling her in a side hug. "Anyway Lauren, we're going to the Cabello's house okay?" Dinah said "I'll be back" i told my friends and walk to the girls "huh?" i ask "We're going to Camila's house" Ally said i frown "Why?" i ask "Well we want you to catch up with your other friends" Normani said i nodded "Oh yeah sure, well i'll see you soon in Camila's house?" they nodded and started to walk away but i got Y/N's hand. "You're going with them?" i ask she nodded "Yeah you need to catch up with them Lolo. I'll see you at Camila's" she said and kissed my cheek before catching up with the girls. I sighed and watch her leave but once she's gonna i closed the door and look at my friends, i smiled and pulled them to my room.

As Vero and Alexa were playing UNO Lucy and i were cuddling while watching a movie, okay so Lucy is best friend but our friendship is sorta different from Vero and Alexa and the girls. Cause our friendship involves kissing, she was my crush before and i was hers but we never told our feelings for one another. The reason i knew about her liking me is because Vero told me but i never made a move since i was too busy with school work and so was she, we barely see each other tho she's in a different University. But we both still text at night, our friendship is really weird cause yeah like i said it involves kissing then flirting, i like her but not as much as i liked her before. Kissing and Flirting are pretty normal to us and Vero and Alexa are used to it so they stopped bugging me before, but now i'm starting to think about Y/N. Well i never told her i like her right? Well i do have a tiny crush on Y/N that's why i get jealous every time but i never told her yet i just told her i get jealous, i sighed and look at Vero as she stood up and danced since she won. "You okay baby?" Lucy ask i nodded and smile "Yeah i'm fine" she lift herself up and lean down to kiss me i smile and kissed her back, soon we were in a heated make out session until my two best friends ruin it by diving on top of us while laughing. "Ugh really?" Lucy groaned i giggle and tried to move out but it's impossible "you're suffocating me guys! i'm in the bottom" i said they laughed and moved away. "Sorry you two are just in a heated make out session and we don't want you two to start stripping" Alexa said i blush and hid my face on Lucy's neck.

Soon i started to leave her open mouthed kisses to her neck making her whine quietly "Lauren noo" i giggle and continued soon she started to moan and started to curse in Spanish, "AYE!! STOP IT" Vero said i jumped and sigh "Fine" i pouted making Lucy laugh and kiss my cheek. "Lo siento, mi amor" i shrug and just peck her lips.

A/N: Just to make sure, I don't hate Lucy. I love her!! She's so freakin hot!

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