Chapter 22

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Your POV

When we all pulled away I look over to the kitchen and saw her, talking to her parents with a smile on her face. "Go talk to her" Normani said I sighed and nodded so I walk towards the kitchen and when they saw me Lauren's eyes went wide "Y-Y/N?" She stutter I nodded "Hi" she gulped Clara smiled at me and they walk away leaving me alone with Lauren. "Wow, you look amazing" she said I smile slightly "can we talk?" she sighed and nodded and we walked outside. "So, you and Lucy huh?" She frown "how do you know about that?" She asked "I saw on Instagram Lauren" she blushed and nodded "Yeah she's my girlfriend now" she said I nodded "I know but why didn't you tell me? Or why did you kiss me?" I whispered looking down. "Look I'm sorry okay? I know you might have thought I had feelings for you but I did before but now.... I want to have a serious relationship and I wanted Lucy" I frown and nodded "but the kiss..." "The kiss? You kissed me first Y/N" I frown and felt my eyes watering. "So you don't like me anymore?" I ask she frown "No, not more than a friend" ouch that hurt! Geez that went straight to my heart and now my heart is shattered. "Oh" I only said "I'm sorry Y/N but.... I'm 19 soon to be 20 and you just turned 18 I'm still older than you and you have to find someone your own age" I can't help but cry. "Okay..." "Baby-" I look up and saw Lucy "oh sorry did I interrupt something?" Lauren shook her head "No baby we were just talking" I sighed and wiped my eyes. "Hey Y/B nice seeing you again" I smiled slightly "Hello, I'm happy for you two" I lied they smiled "thank you" they said I nodded and walk back inside I was on my way back to the car when I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"I'm so sorry for her" Camila whispered I nodded and hug her back "it's okay, she never liked me anyways" I said and pulled away then walk to the car. I saw Chris walking to me and gave me a hug "let's get home" I nodded "please" I begged he nodded and kissed my cheek. We then went inside the car, I look at the window and saw Lauren looking at the car with a frown but soon smiled as Lucy kissed her cheek. Then Lucy leaned to her and they both shared a kiss making me frown and few tears escaped my eyes. I pulled out my phone and went to her contact.

Me: Lauren I hope you're happy with Lucy, thank you for telling me that you don't like me anymore. So that I could move on from you, it will be hard for me since I'm falling for you but I know you won't go to me because you love Lucy. The way you look at me before was like you love me Lauren why did it change? Was I not enough for you?

Stitch 💙: It was months ago Y/N I didn't know what I was thinking. I just wanted to try stuff, but when I got back to college I spent lots of times with Lucy and I'm beginning to like her before but now I love her. She's my girlfriend Y/N. I love her so much. I'm so sorry.

Me: But what about the necklace and the bracelet you gave me? You told me to keep it.

Stitch 💙: Look, I want to be friends with you okay? Can we please arguing?

Me: we're arguing? You want to be friends? No way! I have feelings for you Lauren!

Stitch 💙: Please don't make this hard. I already told you I'm in love with my girlfriend.

Stitch 💙: and I don't have feelings for you anymore. I don't love you anymore Y/N I only see you now as my friend or Chris's best friend. I'm so sorry that I made you like me I'm really sorry, I liked you too but the thing going on between us before is wrong. I'm sorry. Now please let me be with love life with Lucy.

Ouch.... Ouch.... I can't take it anymore I was literally crying my eyes out I didn't even notice the car stopped. I look up and saw Chris looking at me with sadness in his eyes, "Y/N please don't cry I hate seeing you like this" he said I nodded "I'm sorry... It's just I'm talking to your sister" I said and gave him my phone he started reading it as I wipe my eyes. "Gosh she's so stupid" he mumble I frown and crawl to his lap and cuddle my face to his neck. "Chris?" He wrap his arms around me "Yeah?" He ask "Can you sleepover in my house for two nights? I really want someone to cuddle with" he nodded and kiss my head "of course" I smile and and kiss his cheek. "Thank you" he smiled and then carried me out "I'm just gonna get clothes and you can nap on my bed" I nodded and he laid me down. He started to search for clothes and while he did I fell asleep on his bed.

Lauren's POV

After my last reply to Y/N she didn't text back, there was something in my heart when I saw her crying. It felt like my heart is hurting for some reason just seeing her crying. Her texts made me remember the memories of us, like the time I gave her the bracelet and the necklace. I was in my room re-reading my conversation with Y/N, until I remembered something I stood up and walk to my drawer and open it. I held up the precious bracelet in my hand and stare at it with a frown. I sighed and read the name "Angel" I whispered I ran my fingers through the name as the memory came to my head and replayed it. When I first called her angel, we were both in onesies I sighed and felt something wet rolling down my cheeks. I placed my hand to my cheek and wipe the tears that were rolling and then my fingers started to trace my bottom lip. As the memory of me kissing Y/N started playing, every time I kissed her it felt like I'm in heaven it felt like her lips were my drugs I wanted to take everyday so that I could die but live again once she kissed me again and float to heaven. But I remembered that was the past 5 months ago. I'm now with Lucy Vives.

I heard a knock on my door making me jump and put the bracelet back to where it was and closed it. I wipe my eyes and walk to the door when I opened it I smiled when I saw Lucy. "Are you okay?" She asked I nodded "yeah I'm fine something just went inside my eye" she nodded and kissed my eye. She pulled me to my bed and I cuddled with her, "Lucy?" She look up "hm?" She asked "do you love me?" I asked quietly she lift herself up with her elbows and look at me. "Of course I do Lauren, if I didn't I wouldn't have said yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend" I nodded "I love you Lucy" I said she smiled "I know" I frown "no say it" she smiled "I love you too" I sigh and cuddled back to her. It's a bad move for Y/N to come here cause now i can't stop thinking about her and the memories! Fucking hell! Please help me! Lucy is now asleep on my heat and here I am thinking about Y/N. This is getting frustrated because the thought of her moving on and having a new girlfriend or boyfriend is making me cringe and angry. I have no idea why and it's really frustrating me!
Lets just say I want her to be safe so I wish she won't move on cause I don't want her getting played by fuck boys. Not gonna let her date anyone!! But again who am I to tell her what to do with her life? I'm not her parents or her sibling or her..... Girlfriend. I'm not! But it's hard seeing her with someone else! UGH I NEED TO SLEEP THIS IS FRUSTRATING ME! I love Lucy! That's final. With that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Your POV

Next morning I woke up and I was cuddled to someone, I look up and saw Chris still sleeping I sigh and laid my head to his chest. It was already 6:20 am it was a Saturday, I groaned since I didn't feel like waking up now. I heard Chris started yawning and wrap his arms around me tighter "Y/N? You awake?" I nodded "yeah but I'm going back to sleep" I said "where are your parents?" He ask "they're in a trip for a week" he smiled "well i was thinking we could sleep until it's already 1 pm you wanna join me?" I chuckle and nodded. "This is why I love you" I said kissing his cheek before falling back to sleep.

I woke up and stretch my arms when I saw its was already 1:30 I yawned and woke Chris up. He groaned and stretch his muscles and then pat the bed when he felt my back he just started to hug me tight. Well.... Suffocate me actually. "Chris I can't breathe!" I whine he chuckled and hugged me tighter with his beautiful arms I groaned and tried pushing him but he just pulls me closer and kiss my head. "You're my pillow" he said smiling "I'm not that fat" I said pouting "hey I didn't say that" he then mocked me by copying my pout I groaned and pushed him. "I'm hungry" he groaned and whine I smile "come, we will make breakfast" I said getting his hand "ugh fine but I get to flip the scramble egg!" I rolled my eyes "fine" he smiled and we both walk downstairs and got the eggs, bacon, bread and everything else. "Oooh I've always wanted to do this!" He said excitedly then cracked the eggs "you're weird" I joked and then played music through the stereo "I know but you love me!" I nodded "yeaaah" he tap his cheek making me smile and kiss his cheek.

A/N: Here's the update I promised! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram!! @cuddlesxhugs
I haven't posted a photo yet but I will soon! Chat me there anytime you want if you guys want to talk to me of course.

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