Chapter 33

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Lauren's POV

I woke up the next morning and saw Y/N was cuddled up to my side i smile and kiss her forehead she stirred and yawn before going back to sleep i chuckle and rub my eyes with one hand since the other one was wrapped around Y/N. I saw Mocha waking up her head when she saw me i smile at her and she yawned and stretch her body before jumping to the bed and then to me, i smile and kiss her head "Hey baby" i said quietly she look at Y/N and stare at her i smile "I think i'm not the one who admires her beauty" i said to myself i look over to Y/N and she was still asleep. I slowly pull away letting Mocha cuddle with her then i walk downstairs to the kitchen i tied my hair in a messy bun then started breakfast. In the middle of my cooking i felt arms snaking to my waist hugging me tight from behind "Baby i'm hungry" Y/N mumble cutely i turn around and she still look sleepy i smile and kiss the tip of her nose "Go sit down and i'll give you your food" she nodded and peck my lips. "MORNING!" i heard Chris shout "Geez shut up!" Y/N said looking at him grumpily Chris chuckle and kiss her head "Sorry grumpy face" he said she rolled her eyes then sat down. I smile at her then gave her the food "Hey sis" Chris said hugging me "Ow, okay hi" i said he chuckled and got food, "Lolo.." i look at Y/N and she sat me down then sat down on my lap i smile and place a strand of hair behind her ear.

After eating breakfast Chris washed the dishes and Y/N went to go shower and i was left in the living room, then suddenly i heard the doorbell "LAUREN CAN YOU GET THAT PLEASE" Chris shout "Okay" i shout back then stood up walking to the door. I open the door and saw......."Cameron?" he smiled at me "Hey Lauren" i look at him confused "No offense but why are you here?" i ask "Oh Chris invited me" he said "Oh Cameron my man!" Chris said giving him a bro hug i rolled my eyes and walk back inside. I remember him having a crush on my girl.... well she's not mine yet but she's like close to being mine so it's still count! "So Y/N here?" Cameron ask Chris "Oh yeah she's just taking a shower, come in and sit" Cameron then sat on the couch. He smiled at me slightly but i turn away and walk to Y/N's room, "LAUREN!" i jumped then smirk seeing her changing "Sorry didn't know you were changing" she rolled her eyes and just continued changing letting my see her exposed skin. "Stop drooling" she said i chuckle "Sorry" she then put on her shirt, she pulled her hair tie letting her long hair flow down. "Okay let's go bake your favorite cake?" i smile widely and nodded "YAYYY!" i cheered she giggle and held my hand "Come on babe" she said smiling i followed her downstairs, "Y/N?" Y/N stopped and look at Cameron making me roll my eyes.

Your POV

"Oh Cameron? Hey!" he smiled and gave me a hug "How are you?" i ask he shrug "Well i'm done with college i'm now working" i smile "Oh wow, how old are you?" he smiled "I'm 22" i nodded "That's good, cause i just started college with Chris so i still have to get through those shitty essays" he giggle making me smile. I turn to Lauren and she was glaring at the wall with her arms crossed in her chest, "Anyway, i think you're here with Chris? Also i have to bake something with Lauren" i said grabbing her hand but she pulled away and walk to the kitchen i roll my eyes and look and Cameron. "But yeah see you later" i said smiling then followed Lauren to the kitchen i saw her sitting on the table still looked pissed, i walk to her and kiss her cheek but she pull away "Lolo i know you're jealous" i mumble then wrap my arms around her neck. She tried pulling away but i hugged her tight "No need to be jealous Lauren" i said kissing her cheek she groaned "Go back to your precious boyfriend" i rolled my eyes "Hey, i made an excuse so that i would spend my time with you right? I went to the kitchen to bake YOU, YOUR favorite cake. And that is for YOU not for him" she still looked jealous. "Loloo" i whine i sighed after waiting for 10 minutes "fine, then i won't make your cake tell Ally to make it i'll give her the recipe" i said sadly and then walk away.

I walk to the living room and sat with Chris and Cameron "Everything alright?" Chris ask i nodded "Yeah" i said forcing a smile then went to Ally's contact i started to text her thinking Lauren wouldn't want to bake anymore. Suddenly i felt myself being pulled up then pulled down to someone's lap i then felt them hug me tight burying their face to my chest, i look down and smile seeing Lauren's face still mad but her arms were wrapped around me tight like she doesn't want to let go. She looked like as 5 year old who got their candy after a lot of teasing, i smile and wrap my arms around her making her bury her face to my neck. "You okay Lauren?" Cameron ask making her tighten her grip on me i kiss her cheek then caressed it, "Yeah" she mumble i smile at Cameron "she's alright just a little moody" i said he nodded "Still want me to text Ally the recipe?" i ask she shake her head "No" she said in a baby voice i smile and lift up her head but her being stubborn pushed her chin down and continued to bury her face to my chest. I chuckle "come on look at me in the eyes" she shake head i lean down and quickly kiss her lips then stood up holding out my hand for her, she finally look up and took my hand then i pulled her to the kitchen. When we got to the kitchen she look at me with puppy eyes i smile and cup her cheeks "You don't need to be jealous okay Lauren? you already know i have strong feelings for you" i said caressing her cheeks.

"But..but...he had a crush on you and i don't like that you're only mine" she mumble cutely i bit my bottom lip trying not to smile at her cuteness she then scrunch her face "Mine" she mumble again i giggle and hug her slightly squealing. "Lauren don't do that! You're so cute!" i said in awe, she cracked a smile making me giggle "Seriously, sometimes you're sexy and so fierce but sometimes you're really adorable and so cute" i said she giggle "i'm only like this when i'm jealous" i smile "It's really adorable, but you don't have to be jealous alright baby?" she nodded "Okay, now let's make your Vanilla cake" she smiled and i kissed her knowing i'm only hers. "Okay, get the ingredients" i said she nodded and then we started to bake, after we bake i got two slices for the both of us then put the rest in a container for Lauren. "Here you go baby" i said she smiled and pull me in for a hug "Thank you so much" i smile and hug her "No problem" i said and kiss her lips, "HEEY can i have some?!" Chris asked looking at the cake "No it's ours" Lauren said glaring at her brother "But come on!" i saw Cameron staring at me and i felt a little uncomfortable. "Can i talk to you?" he ask i look at Lauren and she was pouting i smile "i'll be back, i promise nothing is gonna happen" i said giving her a kiss in front of Cameron. She smiled and i walk with Cameron to the living room "Yes?" i ask he bit his lip and scratch the back of his neck "Um... so you and Lauren?" i shrug "Well we're not really together" he raised an eyebrow "Really?" i nodded then the next thing i knew i was harshly pushed against the wall.

He was about to kiss me but i push him back his hand was unbuttoning my shorts but i screamed "LAUREN!!" suddenly he was thrown back i was breathing heavily looking at Cameron scared Chris ran to me and look at me worriedly "Are you okay?! Did he try to rape you?" i shake my head "I don't know" suddenly i saw Chris threw a punch on him. "YOU DON'T TOUCH MY BEST FRIEND!" he shout Lauren ran to me and hugged me tight "What the fuck happen?!" i shrug "I don't know he just asked me if i was with you and i said not really then he pushed me agains the wall and tried to kiss me and unbuttoning my shorts" i said i saw her anger rising since she jumped to him and threw a punch to his jaw. "NEVER EVER TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN" She shout, i know this is serious but once i heard Lauren say i was her girl i felt myself blushing, i pulled Lauren back as Cameron looked hurt "I'm sorry, i don't know what came over me!" he said crying "I'm sorry" "Get out of here!!" Lauren and Chris shout together. Woah... Jaureguis are so hot. Cameron got up and ran to me but Lauren got in front of me "I'm sorry Y/N i really am, i don't know what came over me i'm so so sorry-" he was pulled away by Chris. Lauren pulled me to her arms "you will never see that douche again got me?!" she snapped i look at her scared since she rarely snap at me. When she my face her face soften "I'm sorry i just feel so over protective" i smile and nodded then hug her back, "Come on let's eat" i nodded and then we walk to the dining room. Well i guess goodbye Cameron Dallas?

A/N: Hey, it's been a long time since I've updated but yeah here you go guys! I'm sorry for my mistakes and everything.

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