Chapter 29

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Your POV

After we ate, we decided to watch something on TV the girls were not home probably they have classes or something, Lauren sat me down to her lap and got the remote i smile and laid my head to her shoulder as we watch a movie. She sighed and wrap her arms around me kissing me in the head "You make me so happy" she mumble i smile "Stop being cute" i said pouting she laughed "YOU stop being cute" i smile and peck her lips. "Lauren? Don't you miss Lucy? I mean she's your friend right?" she sighed and nodded "Yeah she is my friend, i don't think i want to have a relationship with her anymore" i sighed and nodded "I'm sorry i ruined your relationship" she shake her head "she ruined our relationship by cheating on me Y/N" i sighed "that was mean" she nodded "Yeah you don't know how many nights i've been alone and felt unloved" i frown and wrap my arms around her neck and nuzzle my nose to her neck. "I'm here now Lolo" i said she tighten her hold on me "Yeah and i'm thankful you're here with me, because before the girls don't really talk to me that much well Ally and Normani talks to me but Camila and Dinah they just sometimes talk to me. I felt so unwanted and unloved i then felt really upset since you're mad at me, every time i call Lucy if she wants to spend the night here since i needed someone she would say she was busy so i had to sleep by myself feeling sad and unwanted" i look at her in the eyes but she was looking away from me.

I gulped and was about to do something that i'm not sure of....but i have to do this so that Lauren will feel loved when her eyes locked with mine i lean down and kiss her with love and care, i wanted her to feel that i love her. Even thought we're not together i want her to feel my love, i cup her cheeks and straddled her deepening the kiss. "Y/N?" she mumble i kiss her jawline then to her neck "Y/N?" she moaned out i then start to grind my hips against hers (If you don't like G!P things then skip this part. Also this isn't really a smut 😂 well just some of it but i will quickly end it.) "Mmm.." she moaned i got up making her look at me i smirk as i saw her crotch growing her eyes are now darker and she was breathing heavily. She lick her lips and look at me as i pull her up and pull her to her room. Once we got there i gently pushed her to the bed and straddle her again "Lauren i want you to feel my love" i said i then started to kiss her as i pull down her boxers but she stopped my hands i pull away and look at her "Are you sure about this?" i nodded and peck her lips. Before i pull down her boxers as i saw her my eyes widen and she immediately covered herself with a pillow "hey hey... it's okay" i said smiling she looked at me still embarrassed so i kissed her first making her relax i then took the pillow off and kiss her cheek.


"Shit" she mumble and then exploded i smile and kiss her cheek she was breathing heavily and she looked so relaxed i look at her and she was smiling at me lazily "Thank you Angel" i blush and nodded she look down and took off the condom and then took it away as i laid there with a smile on my face. She came back and i chuckle at her sex hair i bit my lip and she climb to the bed beside me "I'm sure i have to change my sheets later" i giggle and laid my head to her chest "Did..did we really just had sex?" she ask i blush "Yeah" i said nuzzling my nose to her cheek. She smiled and kissed my cheek "I know that was you first time... so uh how was it?" she asked i laughed "Um... at first of course it was painful then pleasure comes in" she nodded and chuckled and then kissed my forehead "I'm in love with you" she said i smile "I'm in love with you too" we were about to kiss but it was interrupted when the door opened. "SHIT" the person shout Lauren immediately jumped on top of me so she would cover my body and she pull the blanket to her waist. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" she shout i giggle seeing Chris's face all pale and shocked "CHRIS! OUT NOW" Lauren growled Chris blinked then smirked "Just wanted to drop Y/N's clothes" he said and put the bag beside the bed. "Chris! For the last fucking time! OUT" he chuckled and then went out i then started laughing since Lauren's face was so red she looked at me and glare at me playfully, i smile and kiss her "Come on let's shower" she sighed and nodded "Okay" i smile and then we walk inside the bathroom.

When we were done we walk downstairs and saw Chris watching TV suddenly i saw Lauren wrestled Chris "You better not tell mom and dad" she said Chris then started laughing and started to tease her i smile and walk to the kitchen. I bit my lip and stare at the glass, did we really just had sex for the first time? i felt so happy for some reason i don't know i just feel happy, i drank my water and then got something to eat. "OW LAUREN" i heard Chris shout i also heard Lauren's beautiful laugh i smile and walk to the living room seeing Lauren was on top of Chris who had a scared face "Y/N please get your girlfriend off me" i chuckle and put my cookie down. "Come on Lolo don't kill my best friend" i said grabbing her arm she sighed and got up "Remember what i said" she said pointing at finger at Chris who chuckled and wink at me. I blush and smile at Lauren "You hungry?" she nodded i smile and pull her to the kitchen, "wanna try and bake a cake?" she shrug "Sure, what cake would you want Angel?" i smile and peck her lips. She chuckled "What was that for?" she ask i shrug "I just love it when you call me pet names" i said then prepared the ingredients and everything "Really huh babe?" i smile and peck her lips again "Stop, and get the bowl" she laughed and did was she was told. "So, what cake?" i ask "Vanilla?" she asked hopefully i smile and nodded she excitedly hug me and then got the things, "Hey i'll be the one who's gonna taste" Chris said i rolled my eyes and kiss his cheek "Sure" i saw Lauren glared at Chris making him shrug and smile at her sheepishly. Psshh.. Jauregui siblings!

When we were done i placed the cake on the table and Lauren was licking her lips looking at the cake hungrily so is Chris, i chuckled and took a picture of the both of them and then took a picture of the cake. "Can i have some now?!" Chris asked impatiently i chuckle then Lauren slapped his arm "Chris! We made the cake so we're going to eat it first" Lauren said i smile and gave them plates and then gave them forks. I got a knife and then gave Chris a slice "How come he's getting one first?" Lauren said pouting he chuckled sticking his tongue out at Lauren making her growl, i smile and pull her to a kiss "Because he's my best friend" i mumble against her lips she pouted i smile and peck her lips again and then gave her a big slice she smiled and hug me. "Thank you" i smile and nodded and got myself a slice, i got the milkshake Lauren did and gave them some and pour mine in a glass then joined the Jauregui siblings and ate with them. Soon we had our second plate and then i covered the cake for the girls later, i sat on Lauren's lap and kiss her temple as she ate the cake she smiled at me "This is so delicious" she said i smile and run my fingers through her soft brown locks "Thanks baby" i said kissing her she smiled and then fed me some cake.

When Chris left Camila and Dinah came back "CAKE!!" Camila shout then rushed to the kitchen "WHERE?!" Dinah shout and then followed Camila, i giggle and Lauren rolled her eyes and held my hand. "Hey guys Y/N and i are going to go- uh..." we stopped and stare at Camila and Dinah whose cheeks are stuffed with cake "Guys! leave some for Ally and Mani" i said pouting they whined "but it's so good" Dinah whined "I know right" Lauren said nodding "Anyway, we're going out" Lauren said they nodded and then Lauren pulled me to the door. "Where are we going?" i ask she shrug "Just walk around" as we walk we started to talk about life and laugh about some things she embarrassingly did before and then soon i stopped causing her to stop too. "Let's go there" i said pointing to the huge playground, it's not the kiddie playground but it's like for teenagers too, "You're too old for that" she joked "Oh yeah who's 20 and who's 18? Hm?" i said while climbing the monkey bars. She chuckled "You got a point" i smile and then started swinging but she went in front of me and wrap my legs around her waist and wrap her arms around my waist so that i won't fall. I let go of the bars and wrapped my arms around her neck then she carried me to the swing, "You're such a kid" she joke "I know! now push" she laughed and then started pushing me, i smile when the cold air hit my face.

Suddenly i jumped and thought i was gonna land on my feet but i thought wrong, i rolled to the ground and then i started laughing hysterically "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Lauren said pulling me up gently. I giggle when she check for any injuries "I'm fine Lolo" i said giggling "no you're not! what hurts?!" i shake my head "Nothing, i used to do that when i was a kid" i said smiling she still looked worried making me laugh. "Lauren i'm fine okay? Do you see me whimpering or crying?" i said cupping her cheeks she shake her head i smile "That means i'm fine" she sighed and nodded "it's just, i don't want you to get hurt" she mumble looking at me with sad eyes. I smile and pull her in for a kiss "You're sweet aren't you?" she smile and shrug i giggle and then pull her to the slide making her roll her eyes.


A/N: I didn't get to proof read this but yeah sorry for the mistakes! ♡

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