Chapter 30

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Your POV

2 months.... it's been 2 months and Lauren and i are like more than friends we didn't know what we are yet i'm actually so happy the past few months and she made me fall for her once again and she treats me like a princess and everything. Every time she would do something really cute i fall for her, that's how charming she is. I was on my room just finishing some studying for a test on Wednesday and i'm so so tired, i really wanna sleep but i just have to finish this then i'll sleep. I heard knocks on the door making me sigh "Come in" i said i turn to the door and saw Lauren smiling at me "Hey Angel" i smile and open my arms "Huggy" she giggle and crawl to the bed then hugged me tight "How are you my princess?" she ask then kissed my cheek i pout "I'm really sleepy but i just have to study this part" i said showing her the papers. "Hm... oh i know this!" i rolled my eyes "Of course you do" she giggle and pull me down with her to the bed, i rest my head to her chest and look up to her "Okay i'll teach you the easier way for this" i nodded and then she started talking and i was there listening to her beautiful voice. When we were done i finally understood it "Thank you for helping me Lolo" i said pecking her lips she smiled in our kiss "you're welcome princess" she mumble "Can we sleep?" she nodded "Of course" i smile and cuddled to her more and she wrap her arms around me tighter.

Hours later, i woke up and saw it was just 5:00 pm i yawned and cuddle my face to Lauren's neck, i look at her and she was still asleep i gave her small pecks on her cheek and neck and few minutes later she started to stir. She groaned and rub her eyes i look up and smile at her i saw her open her eyes then look down to me she smiled when she saw me looking at her "Hey beautiful" i smile widely and kiss her soft pink lips. "Mmmm..i love your kisses" she mumble i blush and peck her cheek "you're too cute" i said then sat up i then felt her hands on my hips "Baby where are you going?" she whine "I'm just going to fix my table" i said she nodded and then i stood up and fixed my table. "Hey babe?" i glance at her she smiled "You look really sexy with booty shorts just wanna say" i blush and rolled my eyes "Whatever Jauregui" i heard her chuckle as i was fixing my books i felt arms circling my waist. "So, wanna go out and eat dinner outside tonight?" she ask kissing my shoulder then to my neck, i tilt my head the left giving her more space, she sucked on my weak spot and i let out a small throaty moan and tighten my grip on her hand. "Lauren we can't do this now" i said turning my head to her she smiled and kissed me "Okay beautiful" i smile and hugged her tightly "Gosh i'm really in love with you" she said kissing and sucking below my earlobe where my weak spot is. I moaned and placed my hands on her cute butt, she pulled away and smile at me. "Where are we going for dinner?" i ask then took out some dresses she shrug and laid down on my bed "Want something fancy? or just a simple one?" i smile "Simple" she chuckled and nodded.

"My treat okay? Where are we going?" she ask i smile and shrug "You choose for me" i said pecking her lips and then got a dress and showed it to her she bit her lip and nodded i chuckle and then heard her phone ringing. She sighed and answered her phone "No" she said to her phone then she started to talk and i was thinking it was Lucy, i sat on her lap and she wrap an arm around my waist when she hung up she look at me with a frown. "Lucy wants to talk about us" i nodded "It's okay" i said kissing her forehead "Go on" she sighed "I don't want to" she whine i giggle "Come on after your talk i'm already dressed" she nodded and then kissed me passionately. "I'll be back for you princess" i smile and nodded "Where will you meet her?" i ask standing up "She said she wanna talk in my room" i nodded and then wrap my arms around her neck and pull her in for a kiss. "I'm gonna shower now okay?" she nodded and kiss my cheek "See you later Angel" i smile and wink at her "See yah" i said then went inside my bathroom. When i was done i took out the dress and placed it on my bed i put on my panties then bra then my dress, i dried my hair with a blower then put a little make up i smile and put some lipstick. I then heard a knock on my door i thought it was Lauren but when i opened it, it was just Chris he whistled and i rolled my eyes "Where are you going?" he ask laying down on my bed "I'm eating dinner with Lauren outside" he smiled "Naw! My wittle best fwend is now a big baby" i giggle and then gave him a hug.

Okay, it's been an hour now i sent 15 messages to her and 10 missed calls she didn't reply nor didn't answer my calls, i was starting to get worried because she told me that she'll be here soon. I bit my lip and paced back and forth "Y/N i think you should call her again" Chris said i shake my head "There's no use i called her 10 times Chris" i said sighing "Well where did she say she went?" i bit my lip "On her apartment with the girls" he nodded "i'll drive you there then" i nodded and then got my phone we then went inside the car then drove to theirs. When i got there it looked like the house was empty "It looks empty Chris" i said frowning "No come on, let's go in" i sighed and then went out of the car then we both walk to the door. When i turned the knob it opened "Why is it unlock when the house looks empty?" i then went inside with Chris, "I'll look down here and you look upstairs" i nodded and then walk up the stairs i check the girl's room and they weren't there i then stopped at Lauren's door. I knock on the door and opened it "Lauren?" i whisper and then my eyes widen my jaw fell "Lauren?" my then started to water this can't be happening. I saw Lauren open her eyes and then look at me her eyes widen "Y/N!" i look over to Lucy and she giggled "Hey Y/N" i shake my head and wipe a few tears "What is this?" i cried "Y/N she-" i cut her off by running back downstairs. I saw Chris and i immediately ran to him and hug him tight his strong arms wrapped around me "What happened up there?" he ask stroking my head i sniffled "Lauren and Lucy were having sex" i whisper i then felt him tighten his grip on me.

"Y/N i promise nothing happened between us-" she said but i cut her with a slap i knew i shouldn't have done that but I was done with her shit, she played with my feelings AGAIN! She held her cheek and look at me with watery eyes. "Y/N you're seeing this the wrong way-" "Wrong way?! I saw you two having sex right in front of my eyes!" i shout she then started to cry "No baby-" "Don't baby me!" she flinch "Y/N-" "NO! Lauren, i gave you a second chance and this is what you give me? How long is this game your playing? I can't play anymore, my heart is too fragile" she then started to sob "Oh hey Chris" i heard Lucy say "Shut up" Lauren said angrily at her. She then tried to hug me but i pushed her away "Lauren....i trusted you...i trusted you" i cried "Please let me explain-" i cut her off by running outside and went inside Chris's car. I look at them inside the house and saw Chris and Lauren arguing then i saw Lucy was about to talk but i heard Lauren shout "Shut up!!" then slapped her, i turn away and cried to myself. I thought she loves me..... but then again i thought wrong, she just played with my feelings again, fuck my heart hurts i feel weak i feel so shattered i need someone to hold me. I heard the car door open i look up and saw Chris so red and furious he was about to drive but i stop him "relax first Chris, don't drive when you're mad" he sighed deeply "I'm sorry it's just.... my sister can't just play with your feelings all the time! It's frustrating! I hate seeing you sad all the time" i frown and hug him. When he relaxed we finally drove home to our apartment.

When i got to my room i changed back to my home clothes and wiped off my make up i walk to my bed and cuddle with my pillow, i felt my phone vibrating i took it out and saw Lauren calling me. I bit my lip and answered her call, "Y/N i promise nothing happened between us, please let me explain" i sniffled "Lauren you don't have to, we're not together anyway. You're just a player to me now Lauren i'm not giving you another chance. Because another chance means another heart break" i cried "Please please... she dru-" "Bye Lauren" i then hung up. I can't take this anymore, Love is so complicated and i don't want to play Lauren's little game anymore.

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