Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV

We look up and saw Camila going in "Hi so Vero and Lucy left because i don't know and the girls said that i should sleep in this tent with you both" she said Y/N sit up making me frown cause i was so comfortable. I sigh and sat up too "Sure" i said Camila smiled and put her sleeping bag and her bag inside "Oh there are more marshmallows outside if you two still want, the girls and i will swim for a while okay?" we nodded and then she got out and screamed "let's go!" i sigh and look at Y/N. She look at me and smile "Wanna eat marshmallows with me?" she ask i nodded and then she got out of the tent. As we got out we saw the girls running to the water i felt a hand on my arm and pull me towards the bonfire, we sat down and Y/N got the marshmallows she got two sticks and gave one to me. "Lauren?" i look at her after i poke my marshmallow "Yes Angel?" she stopped what she was doing and look at me i smile at her softly and place my marshmallow to the fire. She sighed "Uh... how was your relationship with Lucy?" she asked i frown "Do we really have to talk about her?" i whine she chuckle and nodded "Yes Lolo" i smile at the nickname "Well um.... i did loved her before cause i thought she loved me back. But when i saw you that day i started to have second thoughts but i kept telling myself i love her" i said sighing she look at me and i continued "But months passed by and she then kept cheating on me" i said frowning "And yeah" she sigh and scooted closer to me.

"It's alright you broke up with her anyway" she said and then kissed my cheek gently i started to blush furiously making her giggle "I didn't know i still had this effect on you" i smile shyly and then ate my marshmallow. I got another one and poke it with a stick i look at her and she was chewing on her marshmallow, we were in a comfortable silence until we heard squealing we turned around and saw Camila on Dinah's shoulders and Ally on Normani's i look back to Y/N and she was staring at the fire. Soon she look at me and smile "What?" she asked i shake my head "Nothing, you're just so beautiful" i mumble she blush "Stop making me blush" she said pouting i giggle "Why? you're adorable too" i said pinching her cheek gently she scrunched her nose up and smile. "Love birds!" we heard Dinah screamed we turned to them and they were all soaked "Aren't you two gonna swim?" Normani asked i shake my head "I don't want to, i'm alright Y/N you can go" she smiled and got my hand "Come on let's just walk at the sand then sit there while watching the girls" she said, i sighed and nodded she pulled me up and then drag me to the girls. We both sat on the sand as the girls started splashing each other "Ow! DINAH" Camila whined Y/N giggled and then look at me i smile and pull her to me, "do you wanna go to the movies with me tomorrow?" she raised an eyebrow at me. "You asking me on a date?" my eyes widen and i started to blush "I- uh... no" she chuckled "I know it's not a date but okay" i smile and nodded "We can watch any movie" i said she smile and hug me.


A week has passed and finally Y/N and i are back to normal like how the things were used to be between us i'm so happy she's back in my life and i'm starting to think she's beginning to like me again she just won't admit it. I was actually so excited for her to tell me she likes me because right now i'm in love with her, for Lucy? Uh... she's still bugging me, she kept texting and calling me non-stop so i started to get irritated and got a new number. I blocked both numbers of Lucy and Vero, Alexa is still there for me she was surprised that Lucy and Vero were "together" i don't know about them anymore cause i chose to ignore them and give all of my attention to the girls, studies and mostly to Y/N. Today is a Friday and i knew Y/N doesn't have classes on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so i plan on hanging out with her today. I was planning on a simple picnic hangout just by the lake where is not always crowded and i'm gonna buy some food now, i quickly took out my phone and sent her a text asking her if she wants to hang with me today at 3:30 right now it's 2:35 pm so i have time to buy stuff. After i got a text from her saying she's in i smile and finally got out of the apartment and bought food.

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