Chapter 5

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Your POV

I woke up and it was Friday but then there was a knock on my door i rub my eyes and said "come in" the door opened and i saw Lauren smiling at me "Morning sleepyhead" i smiled sleepily "Morning" i rasped out. "Well i wanted to say that mom and dad said they're going in a business trip for four days and Chris is feeling sick so he won't be going to school. You can also not go if you want to but if you want to go i can drop you off and pick you up too. Anything is cool with me." i smiled "I would want to stay in" she chuckled "alright are you waking up or still sleeping? it's like 6:15 am mom woke me cause they had to go and i had to wake you up just in case you want to go" i bit my lip "Maybe i'll eat then i'll back to sleep" she chuckled "Okay, come i'll make you breakfast" she said walking out i rub my eyes and stretch my body. I got downstairs after brushing my teeth cause i hate bad breath, then i sat down at the dining table as Lauren cooks breakfast, soon she finished and put two plates on the table. "I'll just ask Tay if she's going alright? go start eating" she said and she unexpectedly kissed my head before going up, i sighed and started eating "Mm... this is so good" i mumble and continued to eat.

Soon Lauren got back down with her hair in a messy bun "She's not going to school either" she said sitting next to me i smile and chew on my food "This is so good Lauren" she blushed "Thank you" i nodded and she began eating her food too. When we were done i was about to wash the dishes but she pulled me back "I'll wash the dishes" she said "It's not that you're worried about me getting a booboo again isn't it?" she smiled "Nope, just wanted to wash and yeah i don't want you to get another booboo" she said smirking i crossed my arms. "Hey, i can do things! that was just one time" she shrug "Still i hate people bleeding, maybe if i'm over it you can wash the dishes again" i sigh and nodded. "Go to your room and sleep if you want" i nodded "or you wanna go to my room?" i look at her and she was focused on the dishes, "your room?" she nodded "Yeah you know where it is right?" i nodded "Yeah, but i never went inside" she raised an eyebrow "Really? that's weird. But you can go and sleep there if you want well if you're lonely, i'll be there with you anyway" i bit my lip thought about it. Maybe this is my chance to cuddle with her, well not cuddle well you know like in a same room plus i get to see her room! "Okay i'll wait for you there" she nodded and i ran up to her room.

When i opened the door my eyes scanned the room which was full of posters of Lana Del Rey and one horse poster, she had so many polaroid pictures on her table beside it was a polaroid camera. She also have another camera, wow this girl is rich! i look around and saw a softball bat then books on her shelf. She also has this keyboard i then saw her baby pictures and her pictures when she was playing softball, i smile at how cute she is, i then saw a family picture the Jauregui kids were so young and adorable. I bit my lip and look at her queen sized bed, i then saw the big dog and her bear sitting near the window i smile and got in her bed, oh shit her duvet is so comfy and her air conditioner is open so it's cold. Her pillows smells like her so is her duvet, oh my god i'm loving this bed so far but soon my eyes felt heavy thanks to the warm duvet, soft pillows and cold air conditioner.

Lauren's POV

When i was walking up the stairs i was humming a song and when i got in my room i was looking for Y/N i was confused at first but when i saw the bed i smiled at how cute she looked, she looked so warm and relaxed inside my warm duvet. I closed the door so the air won't get and i put on my hoodie cause i'm cold i then slipped beside her inside my duvet and sigh i hear her soft snores making me turn to her. She looked so adorable and just to make things clear i don't like her as you know like love thing but i like her as my friend she's really friendly i like it, she's so different and really fun to be with i enjoy the times when i spend time with her. She made a cute small groan and turn her back on me making me giggle quietly i move closer to her and just laid there and finally closed my eyes to sleep but soon i felt a weight on my body causing me to open my eyes i saw her cuddled up to me. At first i was thinking to push her away gently but i didn't want to disturb her beautiful sleep so i let her be, so instead i wrap my arm around her and fell asleep with her.

Hours later, i woke up and rub my eyes then i heard my air conditioner turn off cause of the timer, i look at the time and it was already 9 am and i decided to wake Y/N up. I look down and saw her still cuddled up to me her face was still nuzzle to my neck i really don't want to wake her because she looks so adorable, i kissed her forehead softly and then stare at her face. I saw her scrunch her face making me smile she soon opened her eyes slowly and our eyes locked, we both stared into each other's eyes and just got in lost in them. Soon she sat up and look at me "Well good morning" i said giggling she ran her hand through her hair "did i squish you?" she ask i shake my head "No" i said smiling "Are you sure?" i nodded "Well you did surprise me when you cuddled to me" she raised her eyebrow "I'm sorry i'm just used to hugging pillows or something beside me" i nodded and gave her a hug. "Come on let's go downstairs" i said she nodded "I'll just shower" she said i nodded and she exited the room, when i got up i stretched my arms but then suddenly got pushed back to the bed. I groan and look up seeing Taylor on top of me giggling "Oh good morning" i said smiling "you slept with Y/N? Seriously Lauren? i thought you don't have time for that?" she said smirking i rolled my eyes "We didn't have sex" i said she laughed hysterically making me confuse.

"Why are you laughing?" i ask "Because- bec- HAHA! what i meant was you slept with her i meant like you know just sleeping in the same bed not sex" i raised my eyebrows "Oh" i then felt my cheeks started heating up. "Shut up you naughty teenager" i said covering her mouth as she laughs "Really Lauren sex?" Chris said i rolled my eyes "Not you too! i can't handle two monkeys at the same time" i said sighing "you like her don't you?" Chris said i groaned loudly "No Chris i don't! She's 17! I'm 19" they both rolled their eyes and smirk "You both are so weird" they smiled sheepishly and i walk downstairs. When i got there i put my hair in a high ponytail and took off my hoodie, "Geez i'm hungry again" i mumble to myself i then got a juice box and some apple. I bit the apple and walked to the back of the house where the pool is, i sat down on one of the beach chairs and stare at the pool i felt the wind hitting my face and it feels so good. "Hey" i look away from the pool to Y/N who was on her home clothes she actually looks so adorable, i stopped chewing and look down to her clothes she was wearing short shorts and and oversized shirt. Well those legs tho! "hi" i mumble she smiled and sat on the other beach chair eating her apple, soon i saw Chris and Taylor joined us Chris sat with Y/N making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna go for a swim" i said standing up "Ohh me too!" Taylor said standing up too "I'll just stay here" Y/N said smiling Chris shrugged "I'm swimming" he said "Psshh you guys are just copying me!" i joked they laughed and hugged me. Soon i came back with a robe, Taylor and Chris already jumped to the pool and i first put sun block. I sat down and put the sunglasses on top of my head and saw Y/N reading a book, "Hey that's my book" i said she looked at me then the book and her eyes widen "Oh really? I'm sorry i just saw this in Taylor's room and i just got interested in it" she said giving it back to me. I chuckled and shake my head "it's okay you can read it" i said smiling i saw her bite her lip at first i was confused but once i look down to my body the robe was opening revealing my exposed skin, i blushed but quickly hid it. I finished putting sun block on and stood up i took off my sunglasses and took off the robe, i then walk to the stairs and jumped in i smiled at how cold the water is "This is so refreshing!" i said and i started floating on my back.

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