Chapter 23

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Lucy Vives is just so fucking hot! Sorry back to the story!


Your POV

I was spreading some strawberry jam on my toast until I heard Chris scream in a manly voice and laugh. "Y/N! Y/N help!!" I turned around and saw the scramble egg fell on the floor I laughed and hit his head "you idiot!" He smiled sheepishly and grabbed my waist pulling closer to him "I'm sorry" I smile and kiss his cheek. "It's alright but you have to clean that and I'll make another one" he nodded and I went to make another scramble egg. When I finished I placed the scrambled eggs on a plate "wait- where is my toast?" I turn around and saw Chris's cheeks were stuffed I glare at him and he chuckled "oh was it yours?" I rolled my eyes and smile. "Whatever" he hugged me from behind "I'm sorry" he mumble I nodded and then suddenly I heard a knock from the front door. "I'll get it" Chris said I nodded and then he ran to the door, when he got back I saw two girls coming I look up and frown when I saw Lucy and Lauren. "Uhm... Well our parents wants us to hang out with you two for the day because of what happened yesterday" Lauren said I nodded not making eye contact. "Have you guys eaten your breakfast?" Chris asked for me they nodded "yeah don't worry" then they sat on the dining table. After Chris and i ate i told him i was just gonna shower so i ran up to my room and took a quick shower, when i got back down i couldn't find Chris and it was just Lauren and Lucy there so i awkwardly walk to the kitchen.

"Y/N!" i heard i put my glass down and walk to the living room "Yes?" Chris smiled "Hey wanna go to a fair?" i shrug "Sure" i said smiling i look over to Lauren and Lucy and they were kissing making me frown and look away. "Let's go" i said pulling Chris's arm he looked at his sister and groaned "Lauren stop kissing! This is not our house" she pulled away and nodded "Sorry" i rolled my eyes "Chris come on" i beg he nodded i got my wallet then my small bag then my phone. "We'll see you guys there" Chris said they nodded and the went to Lauren's car, i sighed close my eyes "can i nap for a while?" i ask he smiled and nodded "Of course" i smile and slowly fell asleep.


I woke up and we're here in the fair i smile and went out, "okay let's go?" Chris said holding my hand i nodded and then we meet up with the couple... ugh. Lauren nodded and then we began to walk inside i felt hungry so i tug on Chris's hand "Yeah?" he asked Lauren looked at us while Lucy was looking around the park. "I'm hungry can we eat first?" i ask pouting he chuckled "Sure what would you want?" he asked i smile and look around "Can i get like hotdog sandwich?" he nodded "hey Lauren want anything? we're buying hotdog sandwich" she was slightly glaring at Chris but i could care less. She look at me but i look away from her to Chris "Uhm... i'll buy one babe you want anything?" i rolled my eyes when she said babe. "Uh no thanks" she said and then peck her lips i was starting to get pissed since they're being lovey dovey in front of us, "Okay we'll be back" she said she look at Chris "Give her the money and we'll buy" she said i shake my head at Chris "Lauren i don't think that's a good idea" i glare at Lauren "Come on please" he look at me apologetically and gave her the money. I mentally groan and then glared at him Lauren then started walk and i followed her, when we arrived we ordered and stepped aside as we wait. This whole time was so awkward "So you're with my brother?" she asked i ignored her and just look at the rides "Y/N? did you hear what i just said?" i look at her pissed "Yes Lauren i heard you perfectly and i decided to ignore it. Why will you care anyway? You have Lucy right" i snapped she sighed and look down.

"You're mad because i'm with her?" i rolled my eyes "I'm gonna move on Lauren, you literally broke my heart yesterday and i was crying non-stop thanks to Chris he was there to comfort me" i said wiping a few tears away. I look away and cross my arms, how long do they need to make a freakin hotdog sandwich?! "Look i'm sorry i made you like me okay?" i sighed "I don't like you anymore Lauren" i said she raised an eyebrow. "You haven't moved on that fast right?" she's correct i haven't but i have to stay strong "I'm moving on now Lauren, i'm starting now" i said "Here are your hotdogs ladies" he said i smile "Thanks" he then winked at me. I smile and chuckle "Don't do that" Lauren said through gritted teeth, "and why not Lauren?" i look at her she looked at me and she looked mad i smirked "I'm single anyway and he looks cute" i said then look at the guy and wink at him. "Can i have your number?" he asked "No!" Lauren snapped and she pulled my arm away "What do you want Lauren?" i said in annoyance "He is not good for you" i rolled my eyes "really now?" she nodded "Fine, bye" i then walked away and walk to Chris i heard her groan and followed me. When i got there i gave Chris his hotdog and i sat next to him, Lauren came and sat across us with Lucy, "so... have you decided what rides we should go first?" Lucy asked "or we can split up you know like pairs and go to different rides and just meet up here when we're done?" i said Lauren glared at me and i shrug. I honestly don't want to be with Lauren if she's just gonna kiss Lucy in front of me.

"How about we all stay together?" Lauren said glaring at me "Well today we're suppose to bond because dad said" Chris said i glare at him making him shrug "Fine" i said and lean my head on Chris's shoulder. There was an awkward silence until Lucy and Chris started talking and Lauren and i were just exchanging glares, "Okay let's go" Chris said i tear my eyes away from Lauren and stood up "We're going to the rollercoaster first" Lucy said "Nooo... i hate rollercoasters" i mumble she chuckled "You scaredy cat" i rolled my eyes and pulled Chris's hand. "I don't want to go, well you can i'll just stay here" i said he shake his head "No i'm coming with you if you don't want to go okay? i won't leave you behind" he said kissing my forehead i smile "Really? i mean you can go though" he shake his head and pull me to his chest i smile and wrap my arms around his waist. "Thank you, you're the best friend i could ask for" he smiled and kissed my head "Love you too coconut" i laughed "coconut? really?" he laughed we then heard someone cleared their throat making us both pull away and look at Lauren. She looked different, she actually doesn't look happy i chuckled at her face and shrug "Are we going or not?" she said annoyed "oh you two can go, i'll stay with Y/N" he said smiling i smile too "No we promised we're going together Chris" Lauren said sternly Chris sighed and shake his head.

"Y/N is scared of rollercoasters so i'm staying down here with her, probably going to some game stands" he said i nodded excitedly "Yes yes yes!! Can we go now?" i said pulling his arm he chuckled and wrap an arm around my waist. I saw Lauren eye his hand making me smirk but i push that away since i wanted to win some stuff toys and some other stuff oh and i want to try and play the games, "Baby let's go" Lucy said pouting Lauren looked at her and sighed she look down then back to us. "Fine, we'll meet up back here at 10 minutes" she said hesitantly we nodded and i was already pulling his arm "Come on" i groaned "I mean it Chris...10 minutes" Lauren said Chris nodded "Yeah i know, geez" he then started to walk with me to one of the stands i smile happily and look around. We arrived at one standard this is like when you use a water gun, we started to play and i started groaning cause i kept missing it making Chris laugh all the time i fail. After two games we won two stuff toys i got one and he got one i smile and we walk back to where we had to meet Lauren and her precious girlfriend Lucy. When we got there Lauren was already there with her arms crossed in front of her chest, "Hey" Chris said "hey? it's been 15 minutes!" we both jumped and look at her confused, "why are you so mad anyway?" i said rolling my eyes. "Come on guys let's just go" Chris said "Be-" Lauren was cut by Lucy's lips and i bit my bottom lip harshly, i look away and cross my arms "Baby calm down" Lucy said Lauren groaned "Fine let's go" she said glaring at me.

Hours later we decided to eat dinner here and it was already 7:30 and there are now colorful lights, it's so beautiful the Ferris Wheel is so beautiful! Lucy got up and bought her and Lauren food and i wanted to buy food for Chris and i but he told me no and he will buy. So here i am stuck with Lauren again i took out my phone and began to play "Why are you so annoying now?" she said randomly i look at her confused "Me? Annoying?" she nodded "Yeah, you were not this annoying before Y/N" i look away from her and ignored her. "Oh so now you're ignoring me?" i look at her again "Lauren what do you want from me?!" i said frustratedly "I don't want anything from you i'm just saying you're annoying" that's it. We have been arguing since the hotdog thing and it's really frustrating! I got up and collected my stuff "Now where are you going?!" she said standing up too "I'm going home" i said and started to walk away. Suddenly i felt her got my wrist and yank me back "You are not going anywhere by yourself" i got out of her grip and started walking away "Watch me Jauregui" i said and disappeared through the crowd. I heard her shouting my name but I just ran and never looked back.

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