Chapter 26

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Your POV

I was about to walk away until i felt her pull me back "Y/N please" she begged and continued to sob i sighed "Lauren" she shake her head "I missed you so much" she hugged me tighter, "Lucy is waiting for you" i said she sobbed. "Y/N please please" suddenly i felt lips on mine my eyes went wide when she started to kiss me "Lauren" i mumble "Shut up" she mumble and deepen the kiss "Please please kiss me" she beg i gulped and can't help myself but kiss her back. Oh shit!! Damn it! i gave in, ugh i hate myself. It's not my fault she looks so sad and she was sobbing and she was begging me to kiss her i had to give it to her just to make her a little happy. Minutes later she pulled away and look at me in the eyes i was breathing heavily well since we didn't pull away "You cheated on her Lauren" i said frowning she shake her head. "She doesn't love me Y/N, i know it because this morning i heard her talking to Vero" she said crying slightly i move to her lap and wipe her tears away she wrap her arms around my waist and pull me closer to her. "I think they're together" she said and her voice cracked i frown "Are they really?" she nodded and cried again i pull her to my chest and rub her back "Please, i know you have moved on but i haven't Y/N i lied i haven't moved on from you. At least be my friend? i can't take you not talking to me" she said i took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine" she look at me "I'll be your friend but nothing more" she frown "what if i can get you to like me again?" she ask i shrug "I don't know what's gonna happen" she smile "If you liked me again then will you tell me?" i rolled my eyes and chuckle.

"In your dreams Jauregui" she finally smile and hugged me tight "I really like you Y/N" she admitted "Really now?" she nodded with her serious face, "I have feelings for you" i smile and nodded "Well you can try and make me like you but good luck i'm gonna be so hard to get" i said smirking she chuckled and hugged me tight. "I'll take it" i smile and nodded she look up and smile at the sky and i look at the sunset oh it is beautiful, she took out her camera and took a picture of it when she look at her camera she smiled "It's so beautiful" she said i look down and it was beautiful. I smile and stood up "Where are you going?" she asked i look back to her and she looked like a lost puppy i chuckled and helped her up "Nothing maybe you want to take a picture of the place" i said shrugging i then look at the water. Suddenly i heard a click i look at Lauren and she put her camera down and smile at me "Did you just take a picture of me?" she chuckled and nodded "Yeah you look beautiful" i rolled my eyes "Wow okay" she laughed and hugged me tight. "I really have to break up with her" she said i smile "Good luck" she smiled "Can i take a picture of you?" i raised an eyebrow "Please?" i shrug and smiled and she took a picture. I giggle and held her hand "Come on let's go back but you have to act like you still like Lucy okay?" she pout "It'll be hard, i want to be with you tonight" i chuckle "Too bad then huh?" she glared at me and i smile. "Come on" "wait-" i look at her and then she hugged me tight "Just in case i don't get to hug you tonight" i chuckle "Okay let's go" she sighed and we went back to the others.

Once we got there Lucy walk up to Lauren and they started talking i glanced at them and Lauren look at me and smiled i smiled back but stopped when Lucy turned to me with a glare i look away and walk to Camila. "Hey" she turned around and smile "OH hey! you're finally here, we are gonna start the bonfire" i nodded and got Camila's marshmallows, once the fire was there i smile and sat down and got a stick then poke my marshmallow and put it to the fire. Camila and the other girls then followed they sat next to me and we started talking and laughing, i look back to Lauren and it looked like her and Lucy are in a heated argument. "Well Damn" i mumble and then look back to the fire and got another marshmallow.

Lauren's POV

"Lauren! Why the fuck are you talking to her again?!" Lucy said angrily i rolled my eyes "Lucy i think it's time for us to break up" i said looking at her she was shocked and she looked hurt "'re joking right?" i shake my head "No i'm not, you cheated on me twice and i think you're with Vero" she frown "Don't do this please" she said her eyes are getting watery. "Lucy i'm breaking up with you" i said sighing she then started crying "No Lauren" she hugged me tight but i didn't hug back "I have feelings for her Lucy" i mumble she look at me and sighed. "You still like her Lauren?" i nodded slowly "I'm sorry, i made a mistake you promised not to cheat on me and i promised too but you cheated twice and you lied you didn't tell me you were with Vero! This is a mistake i thought i would finally have a serious relationship" i said and wipe a tear "Lauren i'm sorry, give me a second chance please?" i shake my head and walked away from her "We're done Vives" i said while walking. I sat next to Y/N and the girls looked at us shocked "You guys are friends again?" Y/N looked at me and i smile "I broke up with her" i whispered to her ear she look at me confused then look back to Lucy who was crying on Vero's arms. "Why?" she ask i smile "She's not the right girl, she's not the girl i love" she raised an eyebrow and smile, "you're not getting me that easy" i chuckle "I know, but know this i like you Y/N" she smiled and hug me making me sigh in relief.

I miss her arms around me, it's been months since i've hugged her i really want to kiss her but i don't think it'll be a great idea since you know i just got my friendship back with her and i'm not fucking this up. She's giving me a chance and i'm so happy about it but i wish no bitches will go on my way, i stretch my arms and slowly place an arm around Y/N's shoulder the girls looked at me raising an eyebrow at me i blush and slowly put my arm to my side. I look down and began to feel shy i heard chuckling from the girls making me blush even more, "Want a marshmallow?" Y/N ask i look at her shyly and nodded she smiled and got her stick then poke a marshmallow. "Here" i smile as a thank you and got it "Who's the shy girl now huh?" she whispered in my ear i chuckle and look at her eyes her eyes were still beautiful as always i can't believe i didn't choose her to be my girlfriend. I already know i would treat her like a fucking princess but i'll ask her one day if she still loves me of course, i place my marshmallow to the fire and smile at her. She did the same and place her head to my shoulder, i gulped and felt my heart jumping, so i slowly scoot closer to her trying not to be so obvious. We began to talk and sing songs as Camila play the guitar, suddenly i felt Y/N shivering i look at her and she was cuddled to my shoulder, "You cold?" i asked quietly she look up slightly and nodded i smile and took off my hoodie and gave it to her.

"Are you sure?" she ask taking my hoodie hesitantly i nodded "Yes i'm sure" i said smiling "Aren't you cold too?" i shake my head "Not really i'm wearing a long sleeve so i'm alright" i said she nodded and wore my hoodie. After that she rest her head on my shoulder and i smiled slightly and wrap an arm around her making her cuddle to me i sigh "Gosh i missed you so much" i mumble she look up and smile i smile too and was about to kiss her but i felt a tap on my shoulder. Dang it! I wanted to kiss her! i look up in annoyance and glare at Lucy whose eyes are red and puffy "Woah you alright boo?" Dinah asked Lucy sniffled "Lauren can we please talk?" i shake my head and moved away from her i got Y/N's hand and pull her to a tent. I sighed and went in when she went in i zipped the tent up and look at her she was smiling at me "why are we here?" she asked cutely i smiled and laid down on a sleeping bag. This is actually for two people and i brought this cause i thought Lucy will sleep with me but now i don't think so "Come lay down with me" i said she raised an eyebrow at me "What?" i asked chuckling "you can't get me to like you that fast Lauren" she said laughing i groaned "I just want to cuddle with you...please? i missed you so much Y/N" i said pouting she rolled her eyes. "I'm still hurt about what you said" she said frowning but went inside the sleeping bag zipping it up.

"Shit which one? i'm so sorry" i said my eyes started to get watery again she smiled and cuddled to me "Don't cry" she mumble on my chest i sniffled and nodded and hug her tight "I'm sowwy" i mumble to her hair. She giggle "it's alright" i sigh "Which one hurt you?" i ask hesitantly "The texts" i frown i whimpered and hug her again "I'm sooowwwwy" she giggle again and hug me tight "It's alwight Lauwen" i smile at her baby voice and sigh. "Who are you gonna sleep with tonight?" i ask kissing her forehead since it was the nearest thing to my lips i felt her smile and cuddle more to me "I was supposed to be with Camila" i frown "I know i asked you this months ago but... are you dating Camz?" i ask quietly she chuckled "Nope, the kissing thing is just like our friendship thing" i scrunch my face. "Well i'm here so i don't want anyone kissing those lips" i said she laughed "Okay" i smile "Sleep here with me please? i'm lonely here" she look up and i pouted she smile and nodded, suddenly the tent open making us look towards the person.

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