Chapter 36

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Your POV

I just got back home and dropped my bags and everything then told Chris I'm going to Lauren's apartment. I ran to Lauren's and the girl's apartment then went inside "hey guys where's Lauren" I ask they smiled "She's fixing her car" I nodded and walk to the garage. I saw her all dirty well because she was fixing the car so yeah she's definitely dirty and sweaty. That sounded so sexual but she really is, I walk to her and wrap my arms around her waist "fuck!" She jumped making me giggle. "Oh babe it's just you" I smile and then her around seeing her sweaty face. Her hair is on a cute messy bun, "hey hottie what have you been doing my love?" She chuckled and wrap her arms around my waist. "I'm tryna fix my car" she said then lean down to kiss my cheek. "Mhmm... And you look so dirty and sweaty huh?" She bit her lip and nodded "yup... Am I turning you on?" She asked smirking I chuckle "Mmmm... " I whispered she smiled then captured my lips. I smile through the kiss and pull her shirt up then threw it away my hands started to caress her arms feeling her guns. Then my hands went to her abs making me moan a little into our kiss. She ran her hands to my arms then down to squeeze my butt cheeks I gasped but she kissed me again and then pulled me up to her. So my legs are now wrapped around her waist my arms are around her neck deepening the kiss she started to kiss my jawline then down to my neck making me melt. I ran my fingers through her hair and moaned a little.

She started to walk to a chair then sat down with me on her lap, i smile and smashed our lips together again her hands on my back pulling me closer to her. As i felt her crotch getting hard i started to smirk she pulled away then started to kiss and suck on my cleavage i started to pant and tighten my grip on her hair but not too much. She left small kisses on the top of my boobs making me bite my lip and smile at her, "Guys?" we jumped and i got off Lauren's lap and look at Camila who is raising an eyebrow. I chuckle "Uh hey Camila" i said hugging her "Um....did i interrupt something?" she asked looking at Lauren i turned around and saw Lauren covering her face she groaned and then stood up. She walked to me and kiss my cheek "No you didn't Camz, what do you want?" she asked Camila as she wrap her arms around my waist cuddling her face to my neck. "Ally made um snacks and she told me to call you two" i nodded "we'll be there" she nodded and then ran inside, i heard Lauren sigh making me turn to her. I smiled then started to giggle "You're turning red again" i said cupping her cheeks "I know, i know... we were in a heated make out session" i smile and peck her lips. "Wanna get food?" she look at her car then to me "Sure well go ahead because i still have to shower" i nodded "Oh  i think i threw your shirt somewhere" i said giggling she smiled and kissed my nose. "I'll find it, go ahead and eat i'll be there soon" she said i nodded and started to walk away but as i walk i felt a slap on my butt making me turn to Lauren who was biting her lip then wink at me.

I shake my head "You little pervert" i mumble then chuckle then continued to walk inside i sighed and went to the kitchen where everybody is i smile at them then sat down next to Dinah. Minutes later Lauren came back looking fresh she sat next to me and got some cookies "How's the car Laur?" Ally ask she shrug "It's almost done" she said Ally nodded and continued to eat. Lauren looked at me then wrapped an arm around my shoulders kissing my head, i smiled and snuggled closer to her then sighed.

- 2 years later -

Lauren is now done with college!! She's now 22 and i'm 20. I'm still like i think is my third year next year will be my last but oh well. Lauren has finally graduated college and now she's looking for a job, oh also she rented an apartment she wanted her own apartment with me because you know Lauren. She can't keep her hands to herself so she told me to move in with her in the apartment, so Chris is now with Jade and the girls also graduated!! They have their own apartments with their boyfriends. So yeah now i'm at home well apartment with Lauren, she's on her laptop searching for jobs and i was studying. I groaned since i started to have a head ache i placed my things on the coffee table and laid my head to Lauren's shoulder wrapping my arms around her "Hey you okay?" she asked turning her head towards me then kissed my head i smile. "Just head ache" i said pouting she smiled "Aw" she cooed and then lean down to kiss my lips "it's okay, you can rest you've been studying for like four hours now babe" i nodded "i know" she wrapped one arm around me and then i snuggled closer to her. "Have you found any jobs yet?" i ask looking up at her she scrolled down and then nodded "I was thinking i would get a part time job first then a real job well as i work in a part time job i will continue to search for jobs" i nodded and kiss her cheek.

"I'm hungry, you want anything baby?" i ask standing up then pulled down my over sized shirt well Lauren and i sleep together in one bed now and she kept whining and groaning about me wearing pjs. She doesn't want me wearing sleeping pants or shorts so here i am with over sized shirt with and short shorts, sometimes i wear short shorts because of Lauren kept telling me to wear it instead of the sleeping pants. Lauren's reason why she wants me to just wear panties or short shorts to sleep is "i love when our skin touch it makes me melt" or "you look sexy" i sighed yeah that's Lauren. Lauren wears boxers or basketball shorts, she still looks hot and cute at the same time anyway, "um can you make me some orange juice?" i turned around and saw her staring at my ass. "Lauren Michelle Jauregui" i warned she just smiled at me "i'm sorry, that ass is just wonderful" i rolled my eyes "Whatever, but is that all you want? Orange juice?" she bit her bottom lip and think. "I want to eat you" she then started to smirk i groaned "Stop with your horniness" i whined then went to the kitchen and started to make Lauren's orange juice. I heard footsteps behind me then arms snaked to my waist pulling me close "i can't help it you know?" i sighed "I know, you're always horny now. Ever since i started to live with you" she giggle "Is it my fault that my girlfriend is fucking hot and beautiful?" i look at her and she was smiling at me cutely.

"You're lucky you're cute" i said then kissed her cheek she giggle "Yay!! I'm cute" she said in a baby's voice i rolled my eyes and continued to make her orange juice. When i was done i walk to her and hand her the glass she was on her phone and i peeked and saw her texting someone "who you texting?" i ask she look at me and smile "my friend, she said that there's an ice cream shop needing some people i might have to try it" i nodded "Part time job?" she nodded smiling at her phone. "I have to go to that ice cream shop because she said that her manger wanted to talk to me" i nodded she started to drink the orange juice then she finished it. She smiled and kissed me "i'll see you later okay?" i sigh "Yeah sure" she gave me a hug and kiss my head, "I love you" she said my heart started to beat fast then i smiled. "I love you too" i said truthfully she smiled and then went up to change, i sigh and washed the glass and started to make my own sandwich. "Goodbye, i'll see you later" she said giving me one last kiss before rushing out of the house, i bit my lip and then finished my sandwich and then ate it.

Two hours later i was done studying and just got out of the shower i walk to our room and opened the closet, i got my normal house clothes then wore it. When i heard the doorbell i ran downstairs and opened the door seeing a girl with blonde hair with blue eyes (or green? idk XD) "Um... hi" she said with an english accent. "Hello? May i help you?" i ask "I was wondering if Lauren lives here?" she asked i nodded "Yes she does lives here but she's not here now" i said she nodded and then stared at me. I awkwardly stood there and look around "Um.... why do you need to talk to her? i mean what's your name maybe i can tell her later" i said she smiled "Oh my name is Cara Delevingne, i'm her friend and i wanted to hang with her today" i nodded "Hm... well i don't know when she'll get back but-" "Cara?" we heard Cara turned around and then smiled. "LAUREN!" she then hugged her tight "Hey Cara" Lauren said chuckling then hugged her back, i look at them then awkwardly walked inside.

Lauren's POV

"She's beautiful, who is she?" Cara asked i smile "Her name is Y/N why?" i ask she then ran inside the house i rolled my eyes and then got inside, i saw Cara started flirting with Y/N making me groan "Don't flirt with her" i said pulling her away from Y/N. "Why not? i mean she's single right?" Y/N looked at me confused, oh shit! I forgot to tell Cara that i'm taken "She's not single Cara, um... i'm her girlfriend" i said looking at Cara. "Oh. i thought, you didn't have a girlfriend?" Y/N crossed her arms making me gulp "Cara it's been a long time since we've talked and that was like years ago i'm sorry i forgot to tell you" i said Cara sighed "It's alright, dang it i thought she was single she's really beautiful" Y/N smiled slightly "Thanks Cara" and then she walked away. Her face was unreadable, so i don't know if i'm in trouble or not. "Go to the living room and watch whatever you want i'll just talk to Y/N" she nodded and then i followed Y/N upstairs "Y/N you okay?" i ask she nodded "Yeah i'm fine" i wrap my arms around her making her sigh. "Who is she Lauren?" she asked looking at me confused "Um... uh... she's my friend" she raised an eyebrow "There's more isn't there?" i shake my head but she just stared at me. i sighed "She was my ex girlfriend" her jaw dropped and i gulped i know i haven't told her about Cara because it's been years. "Ex girlfriend? why don't i know this?" she said i saw her started to get mad making me pout.

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