Chapter 10

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Your POV

The next morning i woke up and rub my eyes i look around and i was home? i remember i was in a party with the Jauregui family then suddenly i heard our TV downstairs, i walk downstairs and saw Chris. "You brought me home last night?" i ask him he look up "Oh hey! You're awake! And yeah we dropped you and Lauren here because Lauren wanted to stay with  you last night. She said she didn't want you to be alone so she slept here i don't know where but she slept here with you. I just came here like 15 minutes ago? because she said she had plans with Camila and she's coming back at 1pm why?" he ask i shake my head "I was just wondering" i said sitting next to him. "You want breakfast? Lauren made you some breakfast right in the kitchen" i nodded and walk to the kitchen, when i got there i saw pancakes, bacon and egg. I smile at the little sticky note that was on the side of the plate, it says

'Good morning! i made you breakfast and i'm sorry that i had to leave early it's just i had to meet up with Camz. But i'm coming back at 1 pm to hang out with you and might bring Camila with me if it's cool? Text me if you wake up, i hope you slept good last night Angel.  :*

- Stitch :3'

I smiled and ate breakfast first because i was so hungry, i then took out my phone and went to Lauren's contact and texted her.

Me: Hey Lolo/Stitch! Thank you so much for the breakfast, it was so delicious and it was so sweet of you to actually cook for me. 😘 And i read your note, you can definitely bring Camila.

Stitch 💙: Hello Angel! ❤️ Well i wanted make breakfast for you. I'll see you at 1pm! Are you okay though?

Me: Yes i am. Well see you later.

I washed the dishes and after that i walk to the living room and joined Chris "Hey can i make a sandwich?" he asked i nodded "Yeah sure" he smiled and kissed my cheek "Thanks Y/N" i smile and he walk to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. It was already 12:55 and i was about to make lunch until the doorbell rang, i walk to the door and opened it but once i opened it i was attacked by a hug. "Y/N!" i then saw Lauren behind her i smile and wave at her while i was hugging Camila "Hey how'd you sleep?" she asked kissing my forehead causing me to smile "It was good, where'd you sleep last night?" i ask "I slept in the couch down here" i frown "Guys i'm putting the pizza in the kitchen" Camila said we nodded and i closed the door. "Lauren you could've slept with me on my bed why sleep on the uncomfortable couch?" she shrug "Well i needed some permission i mean it'll be rude if i just laid down. I also didn't want to wake you up since you looked too cute" i blushed "But still you could've just laid there with me" i said she nodded "Okay, i'll keep that in mind Angel" i smile and hug her. "Come i'm already hungry" she giggle and we walk to the kitchen to eat pizza, "thank you for breakfast and lunch Lolo" i said smiling at her she smiled and nodded.

After we ate we watched a movie and Lauren and i were cuddled up in my big bean bag while Camila was on the couch and Chris on the other, "Oh hey i bought you something" she said i lift my head up and look at her confused. "Buy me what? You didn't have to Lauren" she smiled and got her bag she then pulled out something and gave it to me i raised an eyebrow at her and she nodded "open it" i took it out of the plastic and smiled. "Aw this is so cute!" it was an Angel iPhone case then Lauren pulled out her phone showing her iPhone case i smiled and put them together hers was Stitch and i had Angel. "Aw Lauren this is so cute, do you really love Stitch?" she nodded "Yeah i'm sorry, i'm just so in love with it" i nodded "It's cute thank you so much" i said and lean down to kiss her cheek when i pulled away i swear i saw her blush. I opened her phone and was expecting a password but there's no any i look up at her and she was so focused on the screen "No password?" i ask she smiled "Yeah i'm too lazy to put on a password" i rolled my eyes and smile. "Is it alright if i invade your phone?" i ask she nodded and went back to watching i went to her music and scroll down as i read the titles. Soon i got off her music and went to her photos i look at her if she's gonna stop me but all she did was stare at her phone while leaning her head on top of my head.

Wow looks like this girl doesn't have secrets! I look at her photos and it was just full of quotes, her family photos and some photos with her friends and her selfies. I tapped on one of her selfie and smiled "You look so pretty here Lauren" i said looking up to her she smiled "Really?" i nodded "Yeah your eyes are so beautiful" she chuckled and hugged me tight. "Thanks Angel" she said kissing my temple, i just realized something.... she's kissing my cheek, forehead and temple every time, that is so weird and it looked like i got used to it? i never get to think about it though. The only place she hadn't kissed was my lips, but kissing my cheek, forehead etc will be okay at least i get to feel her pink lips, i swipe to the right and another selfie of her came when i swipe again i saw her and a group of friends. I immediately recognize Camila "Oh those are my friends the ones you talked with on Skype" i look at her "Really?" she nodded "That's Ally, Normani and Dinah" i smile "They look so pretty" she nodded "But i'm prettier" i giggle and gave her phone back.


It's been a month now since i've met Lauren and she's honestly so fun to be with! We got close and my feelings for her got bigger, she's doing some things that couples do and Chris also noticed it but Lauren would always say it is how she treats her friends too. Chris and Taylor won't believe her tho but i do, her and Camila are so damn close and they do do stuff like what couples do i'm just confused with Lauren. Today i'm at home and it's a Friday, Monday is my birthday i know my parents won't bother to celebrate my birthday so i only celebrate my birthday alone or with Chris. If you think that i doesn't hurt when my parents don't care trust me it hurts A LOT, i was on my room just finishing a book until i heard my dad talking to someone. I slowly got up and walked out of my room i slowly go downstairs and pressed my ear to my dad's office room which was locked, he was laughing "Oh babe i'm so gonna fuck you hard tonight" i was confused since my mom and dad barely have time for each other as well. "Oh trust me Grace you won't be able to walk for days" he said, Grace? Who's Grace? my eyes then began to get wide, is my dad cheating on my mom? "I love you so much" he said i back away slowly and walk to my room. When i got there i texted Chris and told him if i could meet him at the park where we always hang out.

When i entered the park i immediately saw the Jauregui kids i smiled and hugged him "hey what's wrong? oh also my sisters wants to come since they wanted to play Frisbee" i nodded "It's cool, i want to talk to you about my dad" he nodded and we sat down on the bench. "What about your dad?" he asked i gulped "He's uh...." i look down to my hands i felt Chris rub my back "Cheating" he look at me confused "Cheating on my mom" his eyebrows went up in surprise. "Really?" i nodded "I heard him talking at his office room saying he loves this girl and will fuck her tonight. Her name is Grace" i said frowning "He's cheating on mom Chris" he sighed "Will you tell your mom?" he asked me i shrug "He'll beat the shit outta me" i said frowning "It's better if i didn't open my mouth" he frown and pulled me to a hug. "Tell me what to do" i whispered he sighed "I think you should tell your mom" i shake my head "I can't, he's going to hurt me" i said and my eyes tarted to get watery, he bit his lip and caress my cheek as a tear fell. "You want me to be there when you tell her?" i shake my head "My dad is gotta beat you up too, i don't want you to get hurt you're my best friend" he pulled me to his chest again and i tried calming myself down. When i was calm he told me to play Frisbee with them so that i could forget about my father for a while so i agreed.

I walk to Lauren and hug her but she didn't hug me back which was weird, usually she hugs me back or she'll hug me first i look up to her and she was avoiding eye contact "Lauren?" i mumble she pulled away gently and ran to Taylor. I frown and hung my head down, i don't know if she's mad at me or something but i did played with them but Lauren never made eye contact with me not even once. When it was already 7:30 pm i decided to go home i said my goodbyes to Chris and Taylor now i'm walking to Lauren. "Lauren?" she got up and was about to walk away but i got her hand "Why are you avoiding me?" i ask her she didn't say anything nor didn't look at me i frown and cup her cheeks but she pulled her face away. She was just staring at her phone not even giving me attention so i got her phone she sighed and look away from me "Lauren why are you like this?" i ask again she didn't say anything. "I'm sorry for disturbing you" my voice cracked i then drop her phone on the grass and began walking back to my house.

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