Chapter 39

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- 2 weeks later -

Lauren's POV

"Baby? I'm back!" i yelled i placed the grocery bags on the table and then looked for Y/N, and then when i got to the bathroom she was brushing her teeth "hey baby" i said smiling then kissed her head. After brushing her teeth she looked at me in the eyes and i feel that something was up, "are you okay?" i ask rubbing her arms. "Lauren...." i look at her confused she then got my hand and we walked to the bed we sat down and i look at her still confused "I'm sorry" she mumble suddenly i felt upset "did- did you cheat on me?" i asked hurt she shake her head. "Gosh no! it'" i look at her then kissed her cheek "What is it baby?" i ask she gulped "I'm pregnant" i blinked and then got angry "WHO IS THE FUCKING FATHER" she jumped and look at me scared "No Lauren-" "Wow Y/N! you're cheating on me?! Am i not good enough for you-......" i kept saying shitty things and i saw her getting mad too. "GEEZ LAUREN IT'S FUCKING YOURS!" i stopped and look at her "What?" i asked and i was calm now, she sighed "it's yours" she whispered i blink a couple of times then suddenly i felt tears flowing down my cheeks. "It''s mine?" she nodded "yeah... i took a test and it's positive Lauren" i bit my lip to stop myself for smiling so widely "oh my god baby, i'm so sorry i-" "Shut up, and it's okay" she said then peck my lips i smile and hug her. "We're gonna have a baby" i cried she look at me and smile "why are you crying?" she asked wiping my eyes.

"Because...we're having a baby Y/N, i want twins! or just a boy or a girl" i said giggling she smiled and wrap her arms around my neck, i look down and lift her shirt. She didn't really have a bump yet since it was just two weeks i bent down and kiss her stomach "Mama loves you baby, i hope you look like mommy of course you have my hotness and you have your mommy's beautiful face" i cooed Y/N smiled down at me and ran her fingers through my dark brown locks. "I love you so much, i can't wait to see you little one" i then kissed her stomach "and i love you too" i told Y/N she giggle and then kissed my lips.

Your POV

Lauren and i are now cuddling on the couch and she kept stealing kisses from me while i was on my phone, then again she peck my lips again "Mmm... Lauren!" she giggle "I'm sorry, i'm just really happy" she said pouting. I smile and caressed her cheek with my thumb "What will you name her or him?" i ask her she then smiled widely and then thought about it. "How about if we had two sons you choose the other one and i choose the other one and i chose Grayson" she said i giggle and nodded "Hm... the other will be...Griffin" she smiled "I like that name" i smile and peck her lips. "Really?" she nodded and then lift my shirt up "No baby.." "Nooooo! i wanna kiss my babies" she said glaring at me playfully then kissed my tummy i sigh and ran my fingers through her locks. Like i always do, "what if they're girls?" i ask she smiled and then laid her head on my lap, "Um.... one will be Tanya" she said i nodded "I'll choose Tayla" she nodded and then she got my hand. "Baby..." i look down at her and caressed her forehead "Yes Lauren?" i whispered she look at me in the eyes and they were light green i smile since every time it's light green she's super happy. "I'm excited" she said and then kissed my hand i nodded "me too baby, i can't believe we're having a baby. When will we tell our parents?" i ask she sighed "Maybe when you're four weeks?" i nodded and kissed her forehead. "I'm not sure i would telly parents tho, i mean... they don't really talk to me now so" i said sadly she frown and then kissed my cheek.


"Baby!! I got new piercings!" i heard Lauren said i look at her confused and she showed me her new piercings "Damn Lauren! these are cool but you could've told me your getting new ones" i said she giggle "Oops... sorry" i rolled my eyes and cup her cheeks. "It's okay" i said and then peck her lips and when she saw the dinning room she saw plates "Why are there so many?" she asked i look at her "Your parents are coming Lo" she blinked "Wait what? we have to tell them about our baby?" sh asked i nodded "They're gonna find out anyway Lauren" she sighed and nodded then smiled happily. Soon the doorbell rang and i told Lauren to open it so she did then suddenly i heard Lauren's parents talking "Hi!" i greeted they smiled and then hugged me"Hello honey! you've grown so beautifully" Clara said i giggle "Thank you Clara" i said with a sweet smile. "And she's MY beautiful girlfriend mom" i heard Lauren say i look at her and she pulled me to her arms kissing my cheeks i smile and hug her "I know Lauren!" Mike said kissing Lauren's cheek. After we eat Lauren looked at her parents excitedly suddenly there's a knock on the door "I'll go get it" i told Lauren and then got to the door when i opened it i smiled and saw Chris and Taylor "HEY!" they giggled and hugged me "Hey! are there any food left?" Tay asked "yup" she then ran to the dining room.

"Sup Y/N" Chris said squishing my cheeks making me look like a fish i giggle "Stop it!" i said slapping his hands away, he smiled and kissed my cheek "How is my best friend going?" he asked wrapping an arm around my neck. "I have good news" i said wiggling my eyebrows "Oooh news! what is it?" he asked i smile "Lauren will tell all of you" i then pulled him to the dinning room, "Great! Since everybody is here i wanted to tell you guys something" Lauren said she sighed "Y/N's pregnant" she mumble but everybody heard. I hesitantly look around and saw Clara immediately smiled and ran to Lauren crushing her with a huge hug, i look at Mike and he was tearing up i look over to Taylor and she still looked shocked and lastly i look at my best friend. He gasped and look at me, i smiled at him slightly "Wait you mean...y-you..have a little Jauregui in there?" i bit my lip and nodded "yeah" i mumble he turned around and i thought he didn't approve of it but soon i saw his shoulders shaking. I turn him around but when he did he hugged me tight "I'm so happy for you Y/N!" he said then i heard him sniffle i smile and hug him back. "Are you crying?" i asked giggling he looked at me and smiled "It's just... before we were just teenagers you know? just hanging out. Then soon my sister came in and you fell in love with her, and now look at us. We're now adults and..and you and my sister you're crush before is now your girlfriend and soon to be your wife. And we have another Jauregui to come" he said smiling at me i blush and hug him.

I turn to Lauren and she was busy talking to her parents they were laughing and smiling at each other i walk to them and Clara hugged me tight "Aw Y/N sweetie! i'm so happy we're gonna have a grand son or daughter" i giggle "Well Clara.." i pull away from her "Lauren here wished that it would twins" i said smiling then Mike giggled "I always wanted twins but looks like i didn't" Lauren rolled her eyes and hug her dad. "Well dad you've got two daughters and one son" she said he smiled and kissed her head "Yeah and i love all three of them" i smile at them and then Lauren came to me and hug me placing her hands on my stomach. After the night we said goodbye to Lauren's parents and then we were preparing for bed. I walk to the bed and smile at Lauren i crawl on top of her and kiss her lips "I'm so happy my parents approved on our baby" i nodded "me too" i then cuddle to her side, "Goodnight baby! and goodnight little nugget" i snuggle closer to her and kiss her cheek. "Goodnight Lo" and then we fell asleep in each other's arms.


A/N: Short chapter but hey at least I updated? Also it's just Monday and I'm already stressed. 😔 anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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