Chapter 41

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Your POV (years later )

Griffin and Grayson are now two years old! Now you can actually see who they look like, mostly Lauren but their nose, lips and hair are like mine. They are both adorable boys! "Mommy hungry" Grayson said i walk to him and carried him "You hungry? What would you want to eat?" i ask soon we both heard Griffin's laugh from upstairs. "Griffin Jauregui! Stay still!" i heard Lauren say i chuckle and shake my head well Lauren is giving Griffin a bath, i walk to the kitchen and sat Grayson on the counter. "Okay baby boy what would you want?" i ask kissing his little nose making him giggle and wipe it he looks around cutely and i watch him with a smile. "Peanut butter!" he said excitedly pointing to the peanut butter container i nodded "You want that? Or Nutella?" i ask he smiled widely "NUTELLA" i laughed and nodded "Okay, stay right here and i'll make your Nutella sandwich" he nodded cutely and i began to do his sandwich. When i finished i gave it to him and he smiled "Thank you mommy" he said i smile and carried him again we walked to the living room and i put him down on the couch and turned on his and Griffin's favorite cartoon.

Soon i heard Lauren called me "Y/N!" "YES?" i yelled soon i heard little footsteps running down i turn around and saw Griffin running while laughing then Lauren running after him, "Griffin!" he laughed once more and then squealed when Lauren got him. I smile and walk to them "Baby i don't know where Griffin's onesie is" Lauren said pouting i smile and got Griffin from her arms "They're in the drawer beside their bed Lauren" i said pecking her lips she made an 'o' shape with her mouth then ran upstairs. I look down at Griffin and he was smiling at me innocently i scrunch my nose and poke his nose "are you being naughty to momma?" he pout "No. Watch!" he then point to the TV, i then heard Grayson's laugh making him pout even more. "Do you wanna watch while momma put you in your onesie?" he nodded still with a pout, "Okay but you have to behave okay baby?" he smiled and kiss my cheek. "I love you mommy" i awed and kiss his cheek "i love you too Griffin" i then walk to the living room and placed Griffin next to Grayson, Griffin look back to me with puppy eyes and i know he wanted something. "Nutella?" i chuckle and nodded "i'll be back" i said he smiled and nodded i walk back to the kitchen and made Griffin his sandwich and when i was on my way to the living room i saw Lauren coming down.

"You found it?" i ask she nodded and kiss my cheek "Yup" we then walk to the living room and Lauren dressed Griffin up and he was behave and just watched TV while eating his Nutella sandwich, yup guess where they got their Nutella Obsession. Lauren. Ever since Lauren started eating Nutella she fed some to our kids and they started to like it so now they're always asking for Nutella, Lauren finished dressing Griffin up and then she stood up she walk to me and wrap her arms around my waist "Babyyyyy" she whine i wrap my arms around her neck "Yeah?" i ask her "i'm tired" she mumble against my shuolder. "You can sleep if you want to babe, i can take care of the boys" i said she sighed "Cuddle with me?" she asked pouting i smile and peck her lips "Sure" she smile and pull me to the biggest couch and she pulled me down with her. Lauren placed her head on my chest and i wrap my arms around her body, minutes later i felt her snoring i smile and kiss her head Lauren must be tired because of her work. Well Lauren as found a proper job and she said that it's giving her so much brain work so now she's tired, i was about to close my eyes until i felt a tug on my shirt. I opened my eyes and saw our boys pouting at us, "we want cuddle" Griffin said pouting Grayson nodded rubbing his eyes.

I chuckle "Okay, but be careful with momma she's really tired and she needs rest okay?" they nodded and then got in the couch with us, Griffin gently went on top of Lauren and i and Grayson stayed on my side. He cuddled himself to my chest and close his eyes same with Griffin, he yawned and close his eyes i sigh and reach for the remote, when i got it i turned the TV off and looked at my babies. They all look so adorable! Two boy versions of Lauren. I smile and kiss each head and then slept with them. 

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