Chapter 28

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Lauren's POV

"So uhm... was it bad?" i ask shyly she blinked and smile at me softly "Lauren i told you it's beautiful" i smile and blush "Really?" she nodded and got the guitar from my hands and place it down soon she got up and sat on my lap i shyly wrap my arms around her waist and look at her. "Lauren i didn't know you had an amazing voice" she said cupping my cheeks i smile "Thank you for the song Lolo" she said kissing my cheek i blush and smile at her "You know i'm keeping this" she said winking at me she then fold the lyrics and put it inside her pocket. "When did you write that?" she ask "I wrote it when i was lonely months ago Lucy kept going out at nights so i had to sleep alone in my bed and that time i was thinking about you and everything and then soon i realized i missed you so i started to write." she smile "Better Together huh?" she teased i blush and shrug "but what was the "when we were together" part?" she asked raising an eyebrow "We weren't together" i blushed again "It was like we were together" she smiled and hug me. "You're mean you know?" she mumble "Why?" i ask "I promise myself that i wouldn't give in that easily but with that voice and that song you wrote for me....fuck! i think i like you again" she said smiling i smile excitedly "REALLY!?" she chuckled and glared at me playfully "No psshh" i then started to tickle her making her squeal then laugh.

Minutes later i stopped and she was breathing heavily i chuckled and was about to kiss her cheek but she surprised me with her lips on mine. Shit did that really happen?! i pull away and look at her shock she smiled and caress my cheeks, "d-did... you kiss me?" i whispered she chuckle "Yes Lolo, why you don't want to?" she ask i smiled widely and then smashed my lips to hers she giggle making me smile and deepen the kiss. Holy shit! I'm kissing her again.. woah i'm kissing her again!! OMG i'm so excited!! I love her! THERE i admit it! i love her so much. I don't want to ever let her go again if I did let her go I would make sure to catch her again. I would chase her even I'm out of air in my lungs, I would do that because I love her I can't believe I just figured this out just now. I'm in love with her why did I choose Lucy in the first place when she was there ready for me to take her but I lost that chance now I'm making this right. She pulled away and sat up i look at her making her smile "What?" I ask wondering why she was smiling at me "you're looking at me lovingly and I like it" she said I smile and kissed her cheek. "Because I'm in love with you" I said blushing "aw Lolo" she then hugged me tight.

After the picnic I brought her to the Bowling Alley it was just the two of us and I taught her how to get strikes. She rolled her ball and we both watched then suddenly the ball hit all the pins making her jump to me. I caught her and held her tight I didn't want her to fall, well even though she did I would catch her anyway. "Lauren did you see that? I did it! All by myself! Are you proud of me?" She said cutely she was acting like 5 year old who just did something by themselves and honestly it was pretty cute. I giggle and kiss her nose "I'm proud baby girl" she smiled and wrap her arms around my neck and hug me tight. "Thank you for teaching me" she said in a baby voice, "you're welcome, go continue bowling I'll buy us some food" she nodded and I put her down gently. I peck her lips and smiled at her sheepishly she giggled and got her ball and then roll it I smile and started to walk to the food section. When I bought a huge box of pizza I walk back to her and saw her still bowling the tip of her tongue was sticking out on the side of her lip looking at the pins with her concentrated face. When she rolled she knocked 9 pins she turned around and pout making me smile and hug her she wrap her arms around my waist and whined i smile and kissed her head. "That was good you knocked down 9 pins" i said smiling she look up pouting making me kiss her pout away she smile then pull me to a table and we started to eat pizza. We're now on our way to my apartment with the girls and i felt a bit tired so i walk up to my room and fall asleep with Y/N inside my arms.

Your POV

Hours later, i woke up i look at Lauren and she was still asleep so i slowly got out of her arms and walk downstairs where Camila and Ally are i smile and sat between them "Hey how was the little date?" Camila ask i look at her confused. "That wasn't a date" i said and laid my head to Ally's shoulder "Did you two... you know?" i look at her confused she made kiss sounds i rolled my eyes and chuckle "Yeah" i said shyly they both gasped "Really?!" i nodded while smiling they both hugged me and i laughed. Suddenly i heard footsteps going down we look at the person and our eyes went wide Ally and Camila started laughing hysterically and i was about to laugh but i held it back Lauren looked at us confused i bit my lip "Uhm.... there's something in your forehead" she was still confused until she got her phone and look at it. "WHO DID THIS?!" she screamed suddenly i saw Normani and Dinah laughing with Sharpies on their hands, Lauren started chasing them and i giggle "REALL?! A PENIS?!" Lauren yelled angrily i got her arm and pulled her to her room. I sat her down and she was glaring at Dinah and Normani who was standing on her doorway, I got some hands sanitizer and a towel and then sat on her lap. She wrap her arms around my waist and pout at me i smile and kiss her "It's okay, i'm gonna clean it" i said and then started to clean her forehead "I'm so gonna prank them back" i chuckle "Nope you're not" she pouted "I want to" she whine "Nope" she sighed and playfully glare at me.

When i was done i put back the items and then walk to Lauren "Hey Y/N?" i smile "Yes?" i ask "I asked Chris if it's okay that you sleep here tonight with me and he said yes since Jade was gonna be with him tonight too" i nodded "Sure" she smiled "Angel" i blush and remembered the time she called me that. "I miss you calling me that" she smiled "Really?" i nodded "Yeah, the old times" suddenly we heard her phone started ringing she groaned and she got it, "Hello" she said grumpily i giggle and kiss her cheek and then stood up to walk up to her closet and look for some clothes to wear. When i found my favorite baggy shirt and saw booty shorts? "Please Lucy don't call me again okay?!" i turn to Lauren and she looked pissed i showed her the shorts and she smiled "That was a gift to me before and i never wore it cause you know" she said shrugging i chuckle "You can have it" i smile and blew her a kiss. I then walk to the bathroom and showered, after i showered i let go of my tight bun and did a messy bun then walk to Lauren's room again. When i entered she was laying down on her stomach i smile and laid on top of her making her groan "Y/N" she whine against the pillow i giggle and kiss her cheek. She turned around and smile at me, i was straddling her lap now and we were both staring in to each other's eyes and right in this moment i felt so mushy inside she smiled at me softly and cup my cheeks. "You're so beautiful" i blush in her hands and smile shyly she then pulled my face down and press our lips together i smile into the kiss making her giggle. "CHILDREN SLEEP!" the door opened i jumped off of Lauren and look at Dinah who was smirking at us, "you two sleep" Lauren sighed in annoyance and nodded.

Next morning i woke up feeling someone's arms around me i turn my head slowly to my left and saw Lauren's face cuddled up to me i smile and kiss the tip of her nose making her scrunch it up and pull me closer to her. I chuckle and slowly turn my body towards her she was still in a deep sleep so i admired her face first before i start to wake her up, i kiss her nose again but this time she didn't do anything. I kiss her cheek nothing happened i pout and pepper kissed her face making her groan "Y/N" she groaned i smile "Wake up wake up!!" she whined but didn't open her eyes "Come on Lolo i wanna see those beautiful green eyes" i said kissing her lips she open one eye but closed it i giggle "Lolooo" i whine she gave me a small smile and finally opened her eyes i smile when i saw her beautiful eyes. "Pretty Lolo" i said in a baby voice she smiled and peck my lips "I hate you" i pout "Why?" she rolled her eyes "I was dreaming about you and i" she said with her husky voice i smile. "Really? What were we doing?" i ask she chuckled "Um.. we were um...nothing" i raised an eyebrow at her "Nothing" she said smiling her eyes were shining brightly and her smile reached her eyes, that dream must be good! "WHAT IS IT" i whine she chuckled "Nothing i promise" she said pulling me to her chest then kiss my forehead. "What. Is. It" she sighed and comb my hair with her fingers "I just dreamt about us having a family" she said quietly i look up to her and it looked like she was thinking i smile and kiss her cheek.

"Did we have kids in your dream?" i ask she then started to blush "Yeah" she mumble i smile "Tell me about your dream" she sighed and smile at the ceiling "Okay um... we got married first and then we had children. We had two boys one was 2 years old and the other one was 7 months old it was cute. In my dream it was Christmas and when we were watching our 2 year old boy open his gifts excitedly and then you woke me up" i smile and kiss her cheek lingering it there for a moment then i pulled away. "That's so cute Lauren" she was biting her lip while smiling and look at me "I want two boys Y/N" i chuckle "Isn't too early?" i joked she chuckled "Yeah anyway let's go downstairs?" i nodded and then we both walked downstairs.

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