Chapter 8

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Lauren's POV

"Hey Y/N can i have your number?" i ask she nodded and i gave her my phone she then started typing her number soon she gave it back to me, i smiled and put her name as 'Angel 😇'   so no one will suspect who she is. She then gave me her phone "Your number?" i smile and entered my number and put my name as 'Stitch 💙' I gave it back to her and she smiled when she saw it "I'm guessing i'm Angel in your contacts?" i blushed "How'd you know?" i ask she shrug "you put your name as Stitch" i giggle and shrug. Suddenly i heard a knock on the door Y/N got up and opened her door "Aw you cutie!" i heard Chris said Y/N giggle "Well i'm twinning with your sister" she said looking at me then i saw Chris poke her head to see me. "Hahaha! you look so adorable sis" i smiled and gave him a thumbs up "I'm Stitch and she's Angel" i said smiling widely Y/N smiled too and gave my brother a hug "Do you need anything?" she ask "uh i was wondering where my sister was so i checked her room she wasn't there so i check yours" i sat up "What's up?" i ask i then stood up. "Mom said we're going to our cousin's birthday tomorrow so we gotta wake up early" i nodded and stood up "Okay, well goodnight Y/N" i said kissing her forehead. I saw her blush and smile "Goodnight Lauren" i smile and as i walk out i saw Chris smirking at the both of us, so i pushed his face out "Sweet dreams" i said smiling at Y/N as i walk out of her room.

I woke up when i felt a body next to me so i jumped and opened the lights i saw Y/N curled up next to me "Y/N?" she look at me i look at my clock and it was 3:25 am i then noticed it was raining hard then there was a thunder. "What are you doing here?" i ask while yawning "I'm sorry, i should go to Chris's" she said standing up, i frown and pulled her back to my bed "No i didn't mean it like that i mean why are here? are you scared?" she sighed "I couldn't sleep" she mumble i sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Why can't you sleep?" I asked softly then another thunder came Y/N jumped and close her eyes "Thunder? you're scared of thunder?" she look at me and i saw tears were forming in her eyes. I pulled her to my chest and hug her tight "Shh no need to cry" i said rubbing her back "What's wrong?" i cooed in her ear she sniffled and cuddled her face to my neck, "Y/N?" i called i look down to her and she was playing with my necklace. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" she frown and look at me with her sad eyes "okay" she mumble i pulled her down with me and i covered us with the warm duvet then i waited for her to say something. "Well every time there's thunder i always remember what my parents did" she said frowning "What did they do?" i ask she sighed deeply and played with her fingers.

"When i was 5 i was sleeping in my room and then there were thunders i was so scared and i wanted some comfort, so i ran to my parents room but when i woke them up they started whining and then they got angry cause i didn't want to go back to my room. My dad slapped me on the face that was the first time i got slapped and my mom dragged me out of the room by my hair and i was like crying so bad and i ended up sleeping in front of their door. Crying." I frowned and look at her she had tears running down her cheeks i wiped them with my thumb and hugged her tight. "So every time there was thunder i always remember that day and i couldn't sleep cause i always think about it" she said frowning i sigh and pulled her closer to me "you know i won't do that to you, so you can sleep here with me okay?" i cooed in her ear. She look up "Are you sure? i could go to Chris" i shake my head "No stay with me" i said smiling i then wrap my arms around her and reach for my lamp and closed it, "try and sleep okay Angel?" i felt her smile "Thank you my Stitch" i blush and closed my eyes. Soon we both fell asleep in each other's arms. 


I opened my eyes when i felt the sun is hitting my face i groaned quietly and stretch my arms i look down and saw Y/N was on top of me still peacefully asleep, i sigh and wrap my arms around her body. After minutes of staring at her she started moving her eyes were still closed, she nuzzle her face to my cheek like a cute puppy would do. She then sigh deeply, i can't help but chuckle at her cute actions once i chuckled she scrunched her face i smile and poke the tip of her nose lightly once again she scrunched it up. I giggle and poke her nose again "Mmm" she groaned and nuzzle her whole face to my neck, i was smiling and trying so hard not to laugh this girl can really make me smile and laugh. "Wake up sunshine" i cooed to her ear she made cute noises and sighed "No" she said cutely i chuckled and poke her nose once again "Nooo... stooooop!!" she whine "Get up then princess" she sighed and rub her sleepy eyes. "Why are we awake?" she asked still half asleep i smile and sat up "Because we're going to my cousin's birthday" she yawned "It's okay, i think i'm gonna go home now" she said standing up but i pulled her down. "No stay please?" i beg "This is a family thing Lauren so i'm going home i'll see you later though" she said smiling i frown but hid it "At least eat breakfast here?" i ask she smile and nodded i smile too and we both went downstairs.

When we got downstairs my family was already there i went to the kitchen to make some waffles, "Chris i'm going home first after breakfast okay?" i heard Y/N say "What? Why? You're coming with us" Chris said "I'll see you when you want to hang out" she said "No Chris don't pout!" i turned around and Chris was pouting and Y/N was glaring at him. "I'll see you when you get back" she said kissing his cheek i turn away from them and continued what i was doing, Chris sighed "Fine, but take Bailey with you i know he makes you happy" he said "But my parents?" she said in small voice. "Your parents will be home the next next day" Y/N sighed "Sure" Chris and Y/N then started laughing, i turned around again and saw them tickling each other. I groaned "Guys will you two do that outside the kitchen?" i said annoyed, i don't know why i'm so annoyed "fine" Chris said pulling Y/N's arm. 


Your POV

When i got home i walk to my bedroom and showered i put all the dirty clothes in the laundry and i walk down to make myself some vanilla milkshake, when i was done i grabbed a bag of chips and walk to the living room where Bailey is. He started barking making me smile "Hey there boy" i said putting the stuff down in the coffee table and i picked him up, he barked again making me scrunch my nose "You so cute" i cooed he then started to sleep on my lap. I opened the bag of chips and got the remote in the other hand and i started to watch a movie, suddenly i felt my phone vibrating Bailey stood up on my lap and he was sniffing my pocket i giggle and got my phone "It's just my phone Bailey" i said then laid back to my lap and slept. 

Stitch 💙: Hey Angel, my brother wanted to tell you that you will come with us in a family friend's party. Well that family friend is Camila's family, i'm sure you remembered her?

Me: Of course i remember her, she kissed me.  😐

Stitch 💙: Yeah.... 😒 anyway! we'll be there in 20 minutes so go get ready. Just casual clothes nothing fancy it's just a small gathering. See you later Angel. 😇😘

Me: Okay, i'll be ready when you guys get here. See yah Stitch! ☺️

I always blush when she calls me Angel, it gives me butterflies on my tummy every time she calls me Angel. I don't know why she put Stitch or Angel in our contacts well maybe she loves Stitch so much? i guess so, "oh shit! 20 minutes!" i placed Bailey down to the couch and put the bag of chips to the kitchen and drank my milkshake. I ran up to my room and i started to look for an outfit, it's been 5 minutes now and i can't find any yet! i groaned and just a got a dress. When i was already wearing my dress i got my matching shoes and put little make up on, i curled the ends of my hair and look at the mirror. Then the doorbell rang, "Woah i never knew i could get ready for 20 minutes usually i take like 30" i said to myself and began to walk downstairs, i opened the door and saw Chris smiling "Sup- woah" he then started looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes and got Bailey "Dude i know i'm your best friend but you look so sexy" he said i smile "Thanks" i said kissing his cheek "you look handsome" i said fixing his jacket. "Chris Y/N we gotta go or we'll be late- Shit" i turned around and saw Lauren looking at me with wide eyes, "She's hot huh Laur?" Chris said smirking "You know you can't wear that!" she said i look at her confused "Why not?" i ask "yeah why?" Chris asked "Because! We all know Camila!" she whine i giggle "You scared she might kiss me again?" Chris looked at me. "Holy shit" i shrug "She stole my first kiss" i said "Yeah i know and i don't want her getting the second one" she said through gritted teeth.

"GUYS! Come on- woah mama!" Taylor entered the room she then started checking me out too Lauren rolled her eyes and hit the back of her head "Stop drooling" she said she then got my hand and we walk out of the house. When i looked the door i swung my bag to my shoulder and we walk to the van, "looking gorgeous as always Y/N" Clara said i blushed "Thank you Clara you look beautiful too" i said smiling i then got pulled to the back and sat with Lauren. This will be interesting.

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