Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV

As the girls are in the room doing whatever they're doing with Y/N i was collecting my things for the photo shoot like standard zoom lens, my flashgun, my reflector etc. I'm pretty sure Ally and Normani are choosing her clothes and Camila and Dinah on her make up i walked outside to our porch and saw park across our house there are only few people so maybe it's alright. Besides the background looks beautiful, suddenly i saw Chris sat next to me "Hey" i smile "Hello" he chuckled "So you're doing a photo shoot with my best friend?" he said smirking i rolled my eyes "Yes, and i'm practicing my Photography skills Chris" he nodded "Or do you just want her to pose in front of you? You know looking so hot and gorgeous?" my cheeks were burning so i pushed Chris away making him laugh. "I know you have this little crush on her Lolo" i rolled my eyes "Are you keeping her photos afterwards?" i groaned "Will you shut up baby brother?" i said he smiled and kissed my cheek. "I'm still older than her" i said he nodded "She's now legal you know?" he said winking at me i glare at him "What? She's 18 now" i groaned "you think i don't know that?" he laughed "You're gonna be old soon like 20" i sigh "I know, Ally's older tho" he nodded then suddenly we heard squealing.

We stood up and Chris went inside as i look around suddenly i saw Camila walking out "She's gorgeous, can i date her?!" i glare at her "No" she pouted "Please?" i shake my head "You're not making a move on her" i said pointing a finger on her. She sighed "Let's go set up" i nodded and we started to set up for the little photo shooting, as i was fixing my camera in the side of my eyes i saw the girls walking to us. I didn't look up yet since i was still fixing my damn camera when i finished i look up and my jaw dropped, the girls giggled and Chris started laughing hysterically "Fucking shit" i mumble Y/N turned to me and smiled "Do i look bad?" i gulp hard and stand up i put my camera on the camera stand and walk to her. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and then she smiled i felt like my knees are getting weak from that smile, i held her hand and smile back at her softly "I told you you look gorgeous" she blushed "Thank you" i nodded and was about to kiss her cheek but Dinah pulled me back "Don't ruin my masterpiece" i rolled my eyes and Y/N laughed and kissed my cheek instead. I chuckle and shake my head "Okay let's get this started" i said they cheered and started telling Y/N how to pose, ugh the girls are always like that.

Your POV

Dinah told me to copy her pose so i did "Yes!! now face Lauren and do this bitch face" i look at her confused "Bitch face?" she nodded and did it i raised an eyebrow making the other girls laugh "Try it" i tried it and Camila bit her lip. "You're so sexy" she mumble "Camz" Lauren warned i giggle and posed in front of the camera, "okay 1, 2, 3-" then she took the photo, i watch as Lauren look at her camera and then suddenly her cheeks started to get red. I chuckle and look at Ally this time "Okay i want you to sit on this tree swing" i look at the swing confused "Why?" "Just do it" i sigh and sat on it, then Dinah told me to cross my legs so i did then she said to tilt my body to the lift a little so i did. Normani placed my hair to one side and she started fix some stuff in my hair "Oooh put this on" Camila told Normani i looked at it and it was a flower crown i raised an eyebrow and she put it on my bed. "Okay now don't move and smile" Ally said and then Lauren got near me, she wasn't looking at me because probably she'll just blush well i could tell because she look so shy "are you ready?" she ask glancing at me i nodded and wink at her. Ha! told you she'll blush she then went on an angle then took the photo "One more" she said and back away and took another one. "Perfect" she said smiling, i chuckle and stood up "Next!" Camila said i sighed well i think this photo shoot will take like an hour or 2.

After 2 hours we're finally done, i already washed my make up off and changed back to my normal clothes i sighed and walk downstairs seeing all of them gathered up in the table, i walk to them and saw they were looking at Lauren's professional photos. There were like 8 photos of me then 5 photos with me and the girls then 2 with Lauren the girls wanted a photo of Lauren and i so yeah we had two and then 1 with Chris. I look at Lauren and she was looking at her camera scrolling through the pictures i smiled and approached her "Hi" she look at me and smile she put her camera down and hug me. "You're the best model ever" i laughed "Not really, i was just copying what the girls are saying" i said she smiled and cup my cheeks "Did you see your pictures? you honestly looks so beautiful" i raised an eyebrow at her and she nodded. She got her camera and showed it to me one by one, "this one is my favorite" she mumble it was the one when i was smiling happily with Mocha in my arms. I giggle "Oh this one looks hot" she said smiling i look at it and it was the one when i was leaning against the tree and bit my lip. Well Camila told me so she said to do a sexy pose i don't even get her with that but i just did what i was told, i really look so seductive there tho. I look at Lauren and she was biting her lip as she stares at the photo i smile and just stare at her as i watch her eyes scan my body in that photo.

"SO! Who wants dessert?" she said walking away since i think she noticed that i was staring at her as she stared at my photo while biting her lip i think she's embarrassed that i saw her admiring my photo. I giggle as she walk away from me and went to the kitchen with the girls, i saw Chris and i jumped on his back "Ow damn!" i laugh and hug him tight "How's my best friend going?" i ask and kiss his cheek he giggle "I'm fine, you look really hot a while ago" i blush "Thanks" i said and kiss his cheek. When we entered the kitchen he put me down and kissed my head i sigh and look for Lauren "Where's Lauren?" i ask "Uhm..." Dinah started laughing then the girls laughed too and i was confused "She's in the bathroom" Camila said smirking i raised an eyebrow at her. "You don't wanna know" Ally said shaking her head "Why?" i ask "Just shhhh..." Normani said as she gave me vanilla cake i sigh and nodded. Soon Lauren came back and the girls started laughing again "Shut up" she groan and she walk to me while pouting i look at her confused but opened my arms for her she went inside my arms and hide her face to my neck and wrap her arms around my waist tightly. I rub her back while the girls were smirking at us "What'd you do?" i ask she shake her head "Nothing important" she mumble against my neck causing me to shiver slightly.

"Are you okay tho?" i ask "She's perfect Y/N" Camila said laughing Lauren lift her head up and glare at Camila "Camz. Shut. Up" Camila zipped her lips and shrug Lauren went back to hiding her face and sigh. "I hate myself" she mumble i frown "Why Lolo?" i ask kissing her head "I can't tell you" i frown "Why not?" she sigh "Because it's too personal" i nodded "Okay then, tell me if you're ready to tell me" she sighed and hugged me tight. "You want some Vanilla cake?" i ask she nodded "yes please" she lift her head up and i got my plate and fed her Vanilla cake she sighed and chewed on it i smile and fed her again. Well it looks like that Vanilla cake is her key to happiness well she loves vanilla that's for sure, "Lauren" Dinah called she turn to Dinah and Dinah tossed her phone to her "Lucy Vives is calling you" Lauren then smiled widely "I'll be back" Lauren told me i nodded and she walked away smiling as she placed her phone against her ear. "Who's Lucy?" i ask the girls they look at each other and then back to me and i waited for an answer "Well Y/N, she was Lauren's crush before" Normani said i nodded "They're really close, it's like they're more than friends" Dinah said i nodded again. "Best friends?" i ask "No, like you know they sorta have feelings for each other but never really said it to one another" Camila said "We see then every time in college so" Ally said shrugging i nodded and put my plate on the sink.

"I thought Lauren has no time for that?" Chris ask "Yeah well that's what she always say but she always hangs out with Lucy and it looks like they're more than friends" Ally said "But not girlfriends" Camila said i walk out of the room and went to the room where i always sleep when i'm in the Jauregui house. But my room was beside Lauren's so i can hear what's saying, i laid down and stick my ear to the wall "I missed you too Lucy" she said "Oh well i'll see when we go back there are 2 months left though" "Still single" "Ugh you're so gorgeous!" she then started laughing "Baby i'll call you later okay?" "Love you" i then went under the covers and close my eyes. I sighed and tried falling asleep but i heard Lauren asking "Guys where's Y/N?" so i just stayed and closed my eyes, suddenly i felt the doors of the rooms are being open. Then suddenly mine opened "Y/N?" i didn't say anything, to be honest i feel a little jealous maybe she's in a relationship with Lucy? But now i feel like shit, cause i don't have a chance with her. "Y/N?" she called again i then felt the bed sink and a body close to mine, and i knew it was her "Are you asleep Angel?" she asked once again i didn't say anything and kept "sleeping". "Mocha" she whispered i then heard Mocha's little footsteps coming near us. "Hello baby" Lauren said in a baby voice "mommy's asleep" she said i then felt my heart beating faster. Oh Lauren Jauregui you're confusing me.

A/N: Hello guys! How's this story though? I hope it's not boring you. 😂 anyway are there any Filipino readers here? Just wanna ask if there are. 😊

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