Chapter 6

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Your POV

I am now looking at Lauren's body as she swims, i mean this is my first time seeing Lauren in a bikini and she looks so sexy oh my god she's going to kill me in any second now. But i'm actually wondering why she's wearing trunks? I looked away from her and went back to reading, but minutes later i saw Chris coming near me "Aren't you swimming?" he asked i shake my head "No i just showered" he pouted making me smile "Aw Chris" "Please?" i shake my head "I really don't want to" i said "but it's refreshing" i shake my head. "Fine" i smile "Thank you- NO!!" he threw me to his shoulder and ran to the pool and we both splash, when we got up i punched his shoulder Taylor and Chris were laughing hysterically but Lauren was just staring at us. "Now i'm soaked!" i said pouting "Aw it's alright just shower again" he said shrugging i pouted again and swam to the stairs so i could change but Taylor pulled me back. "Nope you're swimming now" i groaned and just stood there watching them spray each other with water guns, "Boo" i jumped and look at the person who was giggling "Lauren" she smiled and stood next to me "You don't like swimming?" she asked "I do, it's just i just showered" she smiled and gave me a hug. "Come on let's get water guns" she said i followed her up and she gave me one. We filled it up and aim at the other two "go" Lauren said and we started spraying water at them they gasped and started to spray us too.

Minutes later we gave up, Lauren got up and pulled her beach chair to the sun and got her sunglasses wearing it and she laid down. I bit my lip and stare at her as she sun bathed "i'm going to shower again" i said getting up, after i dressed up i walk back downstairs smelling the scent of burgers i walked out to the pool and saw Lauren grilling a burger with sausages with Chris helping him. Lauren was already dressed up but Chris and Taylor are still in their bikini and trunks, i walk to them and smiled "Mmm... that looks delicious" i said licking my lips i heard Chris giggled making me smile and look up. When i did i saw Lauren staring at me but when i caught her she smiled and got a fork "Here, try a sausage" she said handing me the fork with the sausage i smiled and blow it first. When i ate it i closed my eyes and nodded "This is so freakin amazing" i said biting on it again "Really?" Lauren asked i nodded and smiled at her. She blushed and look down to her grilling Chris looked at me with a smirk and i just shrug and ate the sausage, when i finished it i walk back to Lauren and pouted she looked at me and look down to my lips but look up to my eyes. "Yes?" she asked "More sausage?" i said in a small voice she smiled "But it's for lunch" i frown and nodded "Kidding you can have another one just cause you're cute" she said giving me another one i smiled and hug her. "Thank you Lauren" she smiled and nodded i then ate my other sausage.

Soon lunch was done i walk up to the living room but once i sat down the doorbell i groaned and stood up, i walk to the door when i opened it i saw an adorable girl "Hello" i greeted her she looked at me up and down "Woah mama" she said smiling i raised my eyebrow at her. "Excuse me?" she looked at me eyes and smile "Hey, is Lauren here?" i look behind me and look back to her "Uh who are you?" i ask she chuckled "I'm sorry, i'm Camila Lauren's best friend" i nodded "Oh okay uh i'll Lauren for you" i said opening the door for her. She walked inside still staring at me, okay... she's being creepy i bit my lip "You can uhm... sit in the living room?" she nodded and then winked at me "Later cutie" my eyes widen while she walk to the living room. I sighed and looked for Lauren, when i got to the kitchen i saw her "Lauren" she turn to me and smile "Hey what's up?" i gulped "Uh.... Camila is in the living room. She's looking for you" her eyes widen "Did she see you?" i nodded looking at her confused "Oh okay, thanks for telling Y/N" i nodded and she walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room. I drank some water and then walk out as i passed the living room to the stairs i heard Camila say "Lauren i saw a girl a while ago when i got here what's her name? She's really adorable" was that me? i walk behind the wall and look at them.

They were both on the couch talking "No i won't tell you, you'll just flirt with her" Lauren said i saw Camila smirking "I mean why not Lauren? She's really pretty" i saw Lauren groan "Camz, if you dated her i'm gonna kill you" Lauren said sternly "Why? are you jealous Lauren? i just wanted to know her name" Camila said giggling "Fine her name is Y/N and i'm not jealous" Camila's eyes widen "Chris's best friend?" Lauren nodded "Oh shit! Chris got a gorgeous best friend!" i blushed and smiled slightly. "Camz please shut up?" Camila laughed "Why are you afraid she'll hear me?" Lauren nodded "Yeah cause you're too damn loud" they both smiled and started hitting each other with pillows. I then started walking up the room "HEY!" i stopped walking and faced them Lauren gave Camila a look but Camila just motioned me to come down to them. I sighed and and walked down "Yes?" i ask "so how old are you?" she ask "I'm 17 you?" she chuckled "I'm 18" she said biting her lip "So do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" i shake my head "I don't have any" Camila smirked "Oooh so you're single huh?" she said standing up. I look at her weirdly "Will you go out with m-" "Okay. I'm so sorry for her Y/N she's drunk" Lauren said covering Camila's mouth she then laughed. I shrug "okay?" then started to walk away but i got pulled back the next thing i knew her lips were on mine, my eyes widen and pushed her back i was so fucking shocked.

She literally stole my first kiss "KARLA CAMILA CABELLO!" Lauren shouted Camila giggled and winked at me "Her lips are irresistible, i just had to kiss her right there" she said touching her lips "You do realize you stole her first kiss right?" Lauren said angrily Camila's eyes widen "Woah really? Yay! now you have your first kiss" Lauren faced palm herself. "I-I'm...gonna go now" i said awkwardly Lauren nodded "Please, i'm gonna talk to Camila" she said glaring at her, Camila just shrugged and laid down at their couch i then ran up to Chris's room.

Lauren's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" i whispered/yelled at Camila she smiled "What?" i rolled my eyes "You fucking kissed her!" she nodded "I know what i did" i groaned "WHY?" she shrug "She's cute" i closed my eyes and put my face to my hands. "Why are you here?" i ask "Wanna spend time with you? duh" i sighed and stood up "You still frustrated when i kissed her?" i glared at her "Stop it" i said through gritted teeth. "Let's go to my room" i said walking up with her behind me once we got there she got my laptop and contacted our friends in Skype, when their faces showed i smiled and sat next to Camz, "Hey" i greeted they smiled "Hey Lauren!" they all said "Omg guess what Chris's best friend is so fucking hot" Camila said i rolled my eyes and pushed her head gently "Shut up" Camila smirked "And our Lauren likes her" the girls squealed making me groan "Guys! y'all know i'm not into that" i whine "Lauren you gotta try to be in a relationship it's part of college" Dinah said the other girls nodded "Yeah Lauren" Camila mocked "One more time Camz, one more time i'm gonna shove your head in my toilet" i said glaring at her. "No! We don't want that!" Ally said pointing at finger at me i crossed my arms and glared at Camila "Why are you so mad at her anyway?" Normani asked "Wanna answer that Camz?" she smiled "I kissed her" their eyes widen "YOU TWO KISSED?!" our eyes widen "WHAT NO" we both said they sighed in relief.

"Well we could, i have no problem with that" Camila said winking at me i groaned "Camz! Shut up!" she just smiled and kissed my cheek "I'm gonna make a sandwich, want one?" she asked i nodded "yes please" she nodded and walk out of the room. I sighed and stared at the screen "So Camila kissed who?" Dinah asked i frown "She kissed Y/N, Chris's best friend" they nodded "Well i'm not surprised" Normani said i laughed same with the others "Yeah we all know she's a flirt" Ally said shrugging we smiled at each other but i frown again. "But there is something about Y/N, and when Camila kissed her i got a little mad at Camz" they all smirked "Oooh... now i'm curious at this mysterious Y/N" i rolled my eyes "Don't start teasing me kids" i said they giggled "Can we see her?" i shake my head "Nope" they all pouted "Please? i bet she's really gorgeous" Ally said smiling. I nodded "She is" i admitted they squealed "SHOW US HER" they said "NO" i said glaring at them, "PLEAAAASEE" i shake my head "Y/N!!!" they started screaming i covered the speakers and hoping Y/N didn't hear that. "Guys shut up please?" i beg they smirk "We will only shut up if you call her Lauwen" Dinah said and they started screaming her name i groaned and covered the speaker with my pillow. "OKAY OKAY FINE" i said groaning they clapped their hands while cheering, "y'all owe me Reese's each one of you" i said sternly they nodded "Okay" they said i groaned and got up. I love my friends but sometimes they're annoying as fuck!

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