Chapter 12

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Your POV

I walk out of the school sighing in relief, well because it's finally done well done for today well Chris didn't go to school so i was lonely, but i was texting him and Lauren when i was in class so i won't get bored and good thing my teachers didn't see me. I walk out of the school and was about to walk to the bus stop but something caught my eye, my jaw dropped seeing Lauren leaning against the hood of her car while she was on her phone. She was wearing a high-waist jeans with her crop top then her black leather jacket she was also wearing her sunglasses, her hair was flipped to one side as she chews on her gum like a bad ass. I look around and saw boys staring at her across her car they were just drooling over her i rolled my eyes and walk to Lauren when she saw me she smiled and put her phone on her back pocket. "What are you doing here? are you here for Chris's homework or something?" i ask she chuckled and put her sunglasses to her head "No, i was here for you angel" she said getting my bag "What are you doing?" she smiled "What does it look like? i'm taking you somewhere" she said putting my bag at the back. She walk back to me "Lauren i can catch the bus" i said she raised an eyebrow "What bus?" "The bus-" i turned around then my bus just drove off i groaned "You made me miss the bus!" she laughed and held my hand "you don't have to catch that nasty bus when i'm here" i sigh and smile "Thank you" she nodded and kiss my cheek.

"Excuse me?" we both turn to the guy i roll my eyes well because this guy is the most popular guy in school well he's known as the bad ass and the flirty one. "May i help you?" Lauren ask "I was wondering if i could have your number?" he asked shyly i sighed in annoyance making him glare at me "My number? you mean the number of my house? it's uh 14" i chuckled "No i mean your cellphone number" he said "Oh, but i don't have any" she said pouting "yes you do, i was just staring at you few minutes ago and you were on your phone" Lauren chuckled "Then now i know you're creepy guy cause you've been staring at me since i got here" she said "So?" he ask "So, i don't like creepy guys also i only have interest in girls" she said pulling her sunglasses up to her eyes again. I bit my lip on how hot she looks "Her? you pick this freak?" he said pointing to me while he did his disgusted face, Lauren cleared her throat "She's not a freak" "yes she is!" "NO she isn't she was not the one staring at me for 20 minutes now is she?" the guys glared at me then her. Lauren opened my door and looked at me "Get in angel" i walk to her and got inside she then closed the door and walk to the drivers seat. "Now move aside or i'll run over you" she said towards the guy who frown and moved aside "don't you dare talk shit about her and my brother got me shit face?" he nodded and then Lauren drove away.

Soon we stopped and i look outside seeing we were in a field of flowers i smiled and got out of the car, "Lauren why are we here?" i ask smiling she sighed and hug me "Well because these passed few days you were so busy and stressed and i wanted you to be relaxed for a while. It's a Monday anyway" i sighed "But i have homework" i said frowning "I'll help you don't worry" she kissing my cheek i smile and we started walking. When i saw a huge tree we walked around it and saw a picnic blanket and a picnic basket with two pizza boxes on top of it and on the side was speakers, i look at her and she smiled and sat down, "what's this?" i ask smirking she giggled "Come sit" i sat next to her and she plugged her phone to the speakers and a song started playing. She opened the picnic basket and got a box of pizza and open it, "Chris told me you love pepperoni" i nodded "i do" i said smiling she giggled and ate a slice and i ate one. I was still confused on why were here but right now i was enjoying the moment, after talking and laughing we both laid down under the tree and look at the sky. "Why are we here Lauren?" i ask softly she sat up and got something i sat up and look at her confused then suddenly she turned back around and placed a blue flower behind my ear, i blushed and smiled she also smiled "Now you look beautiful" i chuckle and look down.

"You look so beautiful with blue" she said smiling i bit my lip "Lauren you're making me blush stop it" she chuckled "Well i'm suppose to make you blush" i laughed and nudge her and i got a pink flower and placed it behind her ear she scrunched her face making me smile. "You look so cute" i said "Noooo..." she whined playfully "I'm suppose to be hot or gorgeous" she joked i laughed and hugged her. "Are you gonna tell me why we're here now?" she smiled and got up "Sure but you have to wait here since i forgot something inside the car" i nodded and then she walked away, i sighed and look around smiling when it was full of beautiful flowers. Then suddenly i started to think maybe Lauren is gonna leave me here i look down and sigh well she's not gonna leave her phone here right? Then suddenly i felt someone covering my eyes making me jump "Please don't kill me!" i heard Lauren chuckle making me sigh in relief "Relax angel" i nodded and tied the handkerchief behind my head. "Why am i blindfolded? are you gonna kill me?" i ask "yes" "WHAT" she laughed "Of course not" i sigh "Stop joking" i felt her lips on my cheek making me smile and relax.

Suddenly i felt something on my lap i jumped "What the fuck is that?!" then the blindfold fell to my neck i look down when it made a noise then my jaw dropped "Happy Birthday Angel" i felt tears started to form in my eyes and i started crying. I look at Lauren and she was looking at me in awe and then she pulled me into a side hug and then she wiped my cheeks i smiled and chuckled "Lauren who bought this?" i ask she chuckled "Me of course, it was my gift for you" i sniffled "You didn't have to, you know i can't bring him or her home because of my parents" i said frowning she smiled "That's why she's staying with me and if you come to visit us or sleep over you could always pet her" i smile and look down to the white cairn terrier puppy. "What if you go back to college?" i ask frowning not only because the puppy won't have anyone but i'm also gonna miss her, "She'll be in my room and i told mom that you can enter my room anytime" i sighed and nodded. I put the puppy down and gave Lauren a proper hug, "Thank you so much Lauren it really means a lot" she hugged me tighter and kiss the side of my head "you're welcome princess" i sighed and pulled back a little my arms are still wrapped around her neck. "I want her to be ours, not just mine" i said "But i bought it for you" i nodded "i know but i want to share her" she smile and nodded "Sure but you have to name her" i nodded excitedly and kiss her cheek.

"Mocha!!" i said excitedly "Huh?" i laughed "Her name is Mocha" Lauren smiled "I like that name" i smiled "Really?" she nodded "It's an adorable name" i giggle and kiss Mocha's head making her bark and wiggle her tail. "She's adorable Lauren" i said smiling at Mocha lovingly "Like you Angel" i look at her and smile we were both so close to each other and i felt myself leaning forward same with her when our lips were about to meet Mocha barked making us pull away while blushing. Shit i was about to kiss Lauren Jauregui! Holy shit! i pet her head as she bark and wiggle her tail "Oh uh.... Chris bought Mocha's things and Taylor bought her some clothes" i smiled "Really?" she nodded "I actually have one with me" i smiled excitedly "Help me?" she nodded and pulled out a cute pink polka dot shirt and then Lauren held Mocha as i put the shirt on her. When it was done i smiled widely and hug her "Ugh you're so cute!" i said Lauren held up her Polaroid camera and i lean to her and smile with Mocha in my arms. When she took a photo she smiled and took a photo in her phone then posted it on Instagram, hours later we had to go so i carried Mocha as Lauren got the things and we walk back to her car. I put my seat belt on and placed Mocha on my lap as she sleeps. "Thank you again Lauren" i said smiling at her she chuckled "You think your birthday is over Angel?" i look at her confused she just smirked and drove.

I woke up seeing we were outside the Jauregui house "Aren't i suppose to be at home?" i ask Lauren she just smile and open my door i got my bag and carried Mocha in my arms then went out. There was no light inside the house and i was confused "Where's everyone?" i ask she shrug "Probably buying stuff" i nodded and we walk inside but once i open the lights i jumped when i heard all of them say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" i smiled widely and wipe my teary eyes again. "Aw! Happy Birthday my best friend" i smile and Chris lift me up then spun me around he put me down and kissed my cheek "Thank you" i said then suddenly i felt arms around my waist "Happy Birthday girly" Taylor said i smiled and hug her "Thank you Tay" i then saw Mike walking to me with a huge grin "Happy Birthday kiddo" i giggle and hug him tight. "Thank you so much Mike" i then saw Clara holding up the cake "You guys didn't have to" i said "Well Y/N like what Chris will always say you're part of the family now" i bit my lip and smile. "Thank you guys so much" i then saw Lauren smiling at me when they finished singing Happy Birthday i made a wish and blew the candle, "what was your wish?" Chris ask "Secret" he groaned making everybody laugh "Come on guys dinner!" i smile and they all went to the kitchen. Well my wish was i hope that one day Lauren and i will be together and will live happily ever after but i don't know if it's gonna come true.

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