Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

I walk to the living room to watch TV "Lauren honey your father and i have to work okay? We'll go home at 9" i nodded and kiss them goodbye and then i opened the TV looking for a movie. I sigh "I miss this place so much" i mumble while stretching on the couch i then watched the movie i chose, i sigh and got my phone. "Chris!!" i look back to the kitchen and saw Chris laughing and Y/N had bubbles on her hair, hmm....speaking of Y/N she was staring at me when we were eating breakfast which was creepy but when we talked she looked so shy and she looked so adorable. I don't know....she's like different, i saw them laughing and blowing bubbles at each other well they're suppose to wash the dishes but looks like they're having fun. I stood up and walk to the kitchen then watch them "Are you guys sure you two aren't dating?" i said randomly they stopped and look at me "Nope we're best friends Lauren" Chris said i raised an eyebrow "What? We are!" i look at Y/N and she was looking at the floor shyly. "Why does it look like you two are together?" i ask Chris shrug "People always think we're together but the truth we're just really best friends" he said smiling at Y/N who look up shyly. She's a shy girl isn't she? That's so adorable.

"Anyway, mom and dad are at work and they left me in charge" i said smirking "UGH NO!!" Chris whined Y/N looked at him weirdly and i laughed "Sorry Christopher but i am still the oldest Jauregui" he rolled his eyes and washed the dishes. Y/N looked at me and i gave her a smile i literally saw her blush but she just hid by turning around i chuckle quietly and went back to the living room and watched my movie. Few minutes later i heard Chris said "you're bleeding!" i immediately stood up and ran to the kitchen "Who's bleeding?!" i asked worriedly "Y/N has a small cut from the knife but it's bleeding hard" Chris said worriedly "guys i'm fine" she said i look at Chris "Get the bandage" i said he nodded and then i look at Y/N who was staring at me again. "Come i'll wash it" i said she nodded slowly and then i washed her finger, "Damn that is a small cut but a long one" i mumble "not that long" she said i look at her and she just looked at her finger. Chris then came and i took care of her finger, i sighed when it's now wrapped up with the bandage "What happened?" i asked Chris "I honestly don't know i just heard the knife fell and saw her bleeding" i look at Y/N who was looking down.

"What happened?" i ask her softly "Well my hands were wet and i think it just slipped from my hand and made a small cut on my finger" i sighed and shake my head "be careful next time okay?" she nodded. "Wow, you're so worried" i look at Chris "I'm sorry it's just i don't like seeing people getting hurt or worst bleeding" i said and rolled up my sleeves "Y/N i'll take care of the dishes" i said smiling at her "No it's okay there are just few left" she said i shake my head "No, i bandaged your cut" i said and started washing the dishes. "Chris go with her" i said he sigh "Okay thanks sis" he said giving me a side hug i smile and kiss his forehead and then they walked out of the kitchen, i then started to think on how her soft hands touched mine. I got goosebumps when our hands touched but i ignored it since she was bleeding but seriously she really had soft hands and i saw her face up close! Her eyes are so beautiful it was Y/E/C gosh it's just so beautiful. What am i talking about? Why am i talking to her like that? Why am i even thinking about her like that? Well maybe because she's just so beautiful? Well i'm still thinking that they're together they just won't admit it. I shake my head and finished the last cup and then i wiped my hands.

I walk to the living room and saw them on the couch i then sat on the other couch, i then heard someone yawning i look back and saw Y/N yawning cutely "You sleepy?" Chris ask quietly she nodded "come" he said opening his arms. Y/N went inside his arms and laid her head on his chest closing her eyes, shit she's so adorable! i look away and got my phone. I then saw a text from Camila one of my best friends.

Camz: Hey Lauren! How's your family bonding going?

Me: Well we bonded this morning but now my parents left for work so i'm here watching a movie with my brother and his girlfriend.

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