Chapter 24

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Your POV

It's already our graduation! Well it's actually done all of the students are just taking pictures and everything my parents of course didn't come i know what kind of parents are they? Never mind them at least i'm out of that fucking house, i was so done when they kept arguing at night i literally couldn't sleep so i had to plug earphones in my ears to help me sleep. Well now i just finished high school i'm off to college with Chris! Speaking of Chris, the Jaureguis came and of course they treated me like their own daughter i was actually so thankful for them i mean whenever i felt so abandoned from my parents they're always there to carry me whenever i felt weak. I was thankful for Chris cause he would understand me and lets me cry on his shoulder, he's always there for me when i needed someone to comfort me. He would buy me food or make corny jokes just to make me smile, he's honestly my best friend like our friendship will never break cause i wouldn't allow it. I love him too much, well for the other Jauregui...... yes i mean Lauren, she came to our graduation with Lucy but didn't dare to look at me and i didn't look at her either but inside i was slowly tearing apart. I still love her to be honest i still really love her but seeing her with Lucy is just breaking me, the previous nights i have been crying over Lauren and Chris was there to comfort me and telling me i'll have someone better than her.

I told myself that i'm gonna move on but fuck! Moving on from the person you love is really hard! It's been a month and i haven't moved on, i just can't anymore..... Lauren is actually now 20 years old she had her birthday last month but i didn't come to her birthday because i already knew she wouldn't want me in her party. For Lucy, she had been giving me death glares whenever i look at Lauren there's this one time when she pulled me away from the people just to talk to me she just said to move on because Lauren doesn't want me anymore. So here i am trying my best to move on even though it's really hard for me to do so, i look around and saw everybody is really happy with their family including the Jauregui family and i was literally alone. This is so hard for me well because my parents doesn't care about me, i told them it's my graduation but they just said congratulations and gave me money that's it. If i had kids in the future i wouldn't do this to them, i would go to their graduation and gave them a hug and would say i was proud of them i wouldn't copy my parents actions because their assholes. I snapped out of my thoughts when i felt a leaf fall and landed on my lap i sigh and stood up walking outside i was on my way home until i felt someone hug me from behind "Y/N" i turned around and smile slightly "Chris" i said his smile dropped when he saw my eyes "What's wrong? it's graduation day you should be happy we passed those shitty exams" i chuckle and nodded "I am happy for that just not happy that my parents didn't bother to come" i said looking down.

I felt my eyes started get teary but i held them back Chris hugged me tight and i cried on his shirt "Shh.. it's alright. We're here for you Y/N you know that we love you so much" he said i smile and sniffled "Yeah we love you too" i heard Camila say i smile and look up Chris pulled away and i gave Camila a hug "Hey Coconut" i chuckle "Don't call me that" she giggle and wipe my eyes i smile at her as she did and then she began to make silly faces. "Aw my baby girl is growing up" i heard Ally say i chuckle and hug her "So, you wanna share an apartment with us?" she asked i pull away and look at Chris "Oh um... i was planning to share an apartment with Chris because you know my situation with Lauren" they both nodded "Yeah listen, we're sorry about her okay?" Camila said i nodded "I don't care, i just want to focus on college now" they smiled and hug me. "You know, i'm still free right?" Camila joked Ally slapped her arm making Camila wince "Ow!" Ally glared at her "Stop flirting with her!" Camila rolled her eyes and kiss my cheek. "Whatever" she said and hugged me from behind i smile and rest my hands on top of hers as she hug me, "well i'm gonna talk with Chris for a while" i nodded and Ally walked away and went to Chris. "Y/N?" Camila ask "Hm?" i ask turning around in her arms "I uh... like you" she said shyly i look at her shock "I know i'm sorry" she said i smile and held her hand. "Really Camila?" she nodded slowly "Uhm... well it's okay if you don't like me too it's just i have a little crush on you" i smile "you're cute" i said then kissed her cheek.

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