Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV

When i was about to open my door i saw Camila came in with two sandwiches "Where are you going?" she asked i got my sandwich and put it on my table "The girls wanted to meet Y/N" i said rolling my eyes she smiled "YAY!!" she then sat on my bed and waved at the girls. I sighed and walk to Chris's room and knocked "Yeah?" he ask "Is Y/N in there?" i ask he nodded "Yeah we're playing video games" he said opening his door wide open and there she is holding a controller in her hands. "Y/N?" she turned to me "Yes Lauren?" she ask "well uh... my friends wants to meet you" i said shyly she smiled "Sure where?" she ask "My room?" she nodded and stood up walking to me. "They're all in your room?" she ask "No, i mean we're Skyping so" she nodded we then walk to my bedroom, but before i opened it i look at her "Anyway I'm so sorry for Camila" she nodded "It's okay, i was surprised at first but it's okay" i smile and gave her a hug making her relax and hug me back. "LAUREN HURRY UP" i heard my friends said, i rolled my eyes and heard Y/N chuckled "I'm sorry for idiotic friends" i said she nodded "I'm sure, their lovely" i smiled and opened the door. Camila squealed and gave her a tight hug Y/N looked at me terrified i laughed and pulled her to me "Camz you're suffocating her" Camila pulled away "I'm sorry cutie" Y/N smiled and nodded i got her hand and pulled her to my bed.

"Where is she?!" Dinah whined Y/N then sat next to me the girls gasped and look at the screen shocked Y/N looked at my screen confused Camila and i laughed at their reaction, "did i do something?" Y/N asked Camila look at her "Definitely" Y/N look at me confused i shake my head and kiss her temple. "Girls say hi, y'all want to meet her right? well this is Y/N" i said and Y/N gave them a a small wave "Hey" she said "H-Hello" they said i giggled "Look who's speechless" i told them they blinked and smiled "HEY Y/N!" Y/N giggled and wave again "Hello" then the girls started asking questions making me groan in annoyance. "Are you gay?" Dinah asked "DINAH" the girls giggled Y/N did too "You don't have to answer them" I told Y/N she shake her head "It's okay well um... to answer your question i'm not. But i'm Bi" she said smiling i raised my eyebrows, oh she is! damn! "Well our Lauren here is gay" i glared at the camera and Normani smiled sheepishly Y/N nodded "Cool" she said "Lauren also have this-" "Dinah" i warned she sighed "Never mind" i nodded Y/N looked at me and i smiled. "What was it?" she ask i shake my head "Nothing" i said "why won't you tell me?" she ask frowning "it's really private" i said frowning too "Oh, sorry then i won't ask again" she said i smile at her. "You gotta tell her soon Laur" Ally said i shrug Y/N sighed and gave me the sandwich which was on my table, "oh thanks" i said and began eating it.

Hours passed and Camila went home Y/N actually fell asleep on my bed while we were watching a movie with Camila, she's still asleep and i was just admiring her face. I smiled at how she snuggled to my pillow she honestly looked so cute, i don't know what i'm feeling towards her it's really weird. I heard the door downstairs open and heard my mom saying she's here, i kissed Y/N's forehead before standing up. I walk to my lamp and open it then quietly shut my door then i go downstairs, "Hey mom" i greeted she smiled and kissed my cheek "Hey sweetie, where's Y/N? Chris and Taylor are down here" i nodded "She's in my room" she raised an eyebrow "Mom, we didn't have sex okay? She just fell asleep when we were watching a movie with Camila" she chuckled when she heard me say 'sex' but she nodded. "Wake her up soon okay? dinner will be ready in 20 minutes" i nodded and walk to the kitchen "Sup monkeys what do we have here?" i ask "Mom bought Reese's" i grin and got two, one was for Y/N just in case she wakes up. I got a water bottle and jog upstairs, when i got to my room i put Y/N's Reese's on the table next to her, i walk to my balcony and open it i opened mine and started eating it. Minutes later i heard Y/N's cute small whining i entered my room again and saw her stretching she then yawned cutely making me smile, when i saw her open her eyes she jumped and squealed making my eyes widen. "Sorry" she sighed "I thought you were a killer or something" i smile and walk to her "well i'm not, here eat this we have dinner in 10 minutes" she took the Reese's and smiled.

"I love these" she said sitting up i smiled "Me too" i said giggling she smiled and ate it as she ate it i was staring at her, "is there something on my lip?" she ask i shake my head smiling she then started blushing. "Here" i said giving her the water bottle she then drank on it "Thank you" i smile and got her hand "Wanna go downstairs?" she nodded we then walk downstairs hand in hand, when we got there we walk to the living room seeing Chris and Taylor playing in Wii. "Wanna join them?" i ask her she shrug "I'm still tired do you want to?" i shrug "We can go after them" she nodded and then we just watched my brother and sister dance. When dinner was ready i sat next to Y/N and we began to eat dinner "Oh dad Camila came today" i said dad smiled "Really?" i nodded and smiled "And she kissed Y/N" Chris said i look at him "How do you know?" he smirked and shrug "I don't know" i raised an eyebrow at him. I look over to Y/N and she was blushing "Oooh you like Camila Y/N?" Y/N look up at my mom "No Clara i don't" she said smiling i was staring at my food hoping that the conversation will end there. "You okay Lauren?" dad asked i nodded "Yeah, perfect dad" i said not looking up, "Mhmm" i heard Taylor hum i glare at her making her giggle, i continued to eat my meal then i felt someone staring at me.

I glanced to my right and saw Y/N staring at me but once i caught her she looked away, pshh she always does that every time i catch her she always look away i find it adorable it's like when i look at her she always turns away being all shy and cute. I bit my bottom lip trying not to smile and just ate my food, once we're all done i saw Y/N walk to her room Taylor was the one washing the dishes today and i was happy because i didn't have to do it. Mom walked upstairs to their room and dad watched his favorite show and Chris joined him, hmm.... wonder i wonder where to go.... i then decided to hang with Y/N. I knock on her door and no one answered, hmm i'm pretty sure she went in here i then opened it but regretted it when i heard a high pitched squeal "Shit sorry" i said closing the door, i blushed when the view of her body was on my mind. Shit Lauren!! Really!! SHIT! Well she's not fully naked she was wearing her panties and bra so.... but still!! "I'm sorry Y/N" i said through the door "It's uh okay" she said in the other side. "Can i come in?" i ask "hold on" she said i then waited for her, "Is everything okay?" mom asked i nodded "Yeah i just accidentally opened the door while she was changing" she laughed "no wonder your cheeks are pink" i glare at her and just waited for Y/N to open the door. 

Soon the door opened revealing a cute sleepy Y/N i smile at her and she smiled back and open her door wide for me to come in, when i got in i look at her stick onesie i smile at how cute it is "You know i love Stitch so much" i said she smiled and giggle "really?" i nodded "Yeah i love watching them when i was a kid" she smiled "You wanna be twins tonight?" i look at her confused "i have another onesie" my lit up. "Really? Stitch??" she nodded "I have the Blue one and the Pink one" i look at her onesie and she was wearing the pink "you're letting me borrow the blue one??" i said excitedly she nodded "Sure" i smile and hug her "yes please" she giggle and got it from her bag. "Here" i smiled and rushed to her bathroom and changed into it, (the picture above)  when i was done i squeal since it looked so cute, when i walk out she was already on her bed reading her book. She looked up and smiled "TWINS!" i giggle and she jump to me and hug me "Cutie" she mumble on my shoulder i smile and put her down she reach for the hoodie and pulled it up to my head i smiled when she start giggling. "Cutie!!!" i smile and reach for hers and pulled it to her head, "Now that's adorable" i said she looked so adorable under her stitch hoodie she was smiling widely and i can't help but smile too. 

"Oooh i wanna take a photo" i said putting up my camera she cuddled to me and i wrap one arm around her and we both smiled with our hoodies on, once i took three pictures i smile and look at them. "We're so cute" i said smiling she sat up look at my phone "Can you send those to me?" she ask i nodded and sent it to her, i went to Instagram and posted the one we were smiling. The caption was 'Twinning with the bae! Stitch and Angel 💘💙'  i then tagged her on it, suddenly i saw people started liking the photo. I yawned and laid down on her bed i look up to her while she was on her phone she looked so ADORABLE!!! Okay i know said that like a lot of times now but i CAN'T FUCKING HELP IT!! She's my Angel.


A/N: Happy New Year kids! An update for y'all! 😄 I'm sorry for my mistakes in this chapter!

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