Chapter 15

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Your POV

It was already Friday and Chris wanted me to join them to bowling alley so here we are, "Y/N" i turned around but was already inside someone's arms i lift my head up and saw Lauren hugging me. "Hey" i said hugging back, well i felt a bit distant with her maybe because of the jealousy i felt? i didn't get to talk to her for two days and she kept blowing up my phone so i turned it off. She pulled away and look at me "Are you okay? Are you mad at me?" i shake my head and smiled "Are you sure?" i nodded again she pouted "Please say something?" i shrug "Hi" i said she frown "I feel like you're mad you never responded to my texts" i sigh "I'm sorry Lauren i was just busy" i said and then kiss her cheek. I then saw Mocha trying to reach for me so she kept jumping i smile and picked her up and kiss her head "Hey baby" i cooed "she misses you" Lauren said looking at me i smile and look at Mocha. "Did you miss me little buddy? I miss you too" i said kissing her head again, i heard Lauren sigh deeply making me look at her but she was looking somewhere else but she looked sad. "Why are you upset?" i ask her she look back to me and shake her head "I'm not" i raised an eyebrow at her she sigh "It's just i feel like you're ignoring me and i feel sad" she said i awed and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry Lauren, but i'm already here hanging out with you" she nodded but look down to her feet i cup her cheek making her look at my eyes i smile "Don't frown, smile" she smiled and i giggle making her smile bigger. "Come on" i said holding her hand and i pulled her to where the others are, we then started bowling in one lane it was Lauren and i and Lauren was winning. I pouted when she had a strike she laughed and pulled me into a hug "Don't pout you look so adorable" i blush and giggle "But you're winning" she giggle "Want me to help you get a strike?" i shrug she smiled and got my ball and went behind me. My breath hitched when she held my hands "Okay now roll" i rolled it with her we then watch it roll soon it hit all the pins making me jump and hug her "Lauren! How did you do that?!" she laughed and kissed my head "I have powers?" i rolled my eyes and walk back to Mocha who excitedly stood up and wiggle her tail. "Hey baby" i said kissing nose "Mocha was on my chest when i woke up this morning" Lauren said giggling i smile "Was she?" she nodded "She was licking my face" i giggle "Good girl" i said hugging Mocha. "You really do love puppies huh?" i nodded shyly "Aw" i smile and put her down, "i'm gonna buy food" i said getting my wallet out. "Okay i'm coming" i nodded and Lauren gave Mocha to Camila when she saw me her eyes widen "Y/N!!" she then hugged me "I didn't see you a while ago" i chuckled "Really?" "Yeah but HEY Lauren can you buy me a burger?" she pouted Lauren groaned "Fine" she smiled and hugged Lauren "Thank you" we then walked away.

Once we got to Burger King Lauren asked what i want so i told her what i want and she said she want one like mine next thing i knew i heard her say our orders and seeing her paying "Lauren here's the money" i said giving her the money she shake her head. I pouted "But you spent so much money on me already, you bought Mocha" i said she smiled and kissed my cheek "I don't care about money Y/N" she said smiling i sigh and just got the order "Thank you" i mumble "don't be mad" she said frowning "I'm not it's just i feel like i'm wasting your money" she sigh "No you're not" i look at her "are you sure?" she nodded i smile and hug her "Thank you" she nodded and we walk back to the girls. When we started eating i wanted to ask her about Lucy so i did "Lauren?" she swallowed her food and face me "Hm?" i sigh "Who's Lucy?" i ask she stopped chewing and look at me. "She's a friend" i nodded "Because i heard you two talk on Tuesday, so i thought you two are together" i said smiling but it was fake "You heard me?" i nodded "Well because my room was next to yours so" she sighed "Well i'm sorry you had to hear that" i shake my head "No it's fine! I just thought you're single" she nodded "I am, she's just my close best friend" i nodded "Okay" i said then ate my food.

Lauren's POV

Why do i feel like she's mad? i look at her as she watches the girls bowl i sigh and just finished my food, when we were done she stood up and threw her trash in the bin and then i saw her ran to Chris and hug him. I frown and i threw my trash and walk to Camila she looked at me and smiled "Hey!" i smiled slightly "Hello" i mumble "you okay?" i nodded "Yeah i'm fine" i said looking at Y/N and Chris but quickly look away. Camila followed my gaze and nodded "You're jealous" i look at her confused "No i'm not, she's just my friend" Camila laughed "A friend that can turn you on when we were having the photo shoot?" i blush "Stop it Camz" she giggle and hug me. "I'm not jealous, she's my brother's best friend anyway" i said look over to them they were laughing i sigh and smile at Camila who look at me like i'm ridiculous. I shrug and played with my other best friends.


It was already 6:30 pm and the we all wanted to eat outside in a restaurant so we are in our van they started to leave the van and Chris looked at Y/N and i, i was about to leave but Y/N got my hand "We'll lock the van" Y/N said Chris nodded and gave the key. I sat back down and look at her "Yes?" i ask she sighed "Why were you ignoring me? you didn't even talk to me" she said frowning "Fine, i'm a bit jealous" i said nervously and shyly i look at her reaction and she was smiling "Really? i nodded "You're jealous of Chris?" i nodded "Aw! Lolo" she pulled me into a hug i smile and hug her back. "I'm sorry i can't really help it i was really jealous" she pulled away and kissed my cheek, "it's okay i get jealous too" i look at her and smile "Really?" she nodded "With Lucy" i giggle "That's why you weren't talking to me the past 2 days?" she nodded "I'm sorry" i nodded and kissed her forehead. We sat there in a comfortable silence but then suddenly i felt the urge to kiss her well because she was biting her lip while staring into my eyes. I slowly lean forward but stopped to see her reaction but she also leaned forward and i continued to lean when it was already centimeters away i felt her heavy breaths her hands then snake up to my shoulder then cup my cheeks and then she kissed me.

I felt so many butterflies in my tummy, i had goosebumps all over my arms and legs and i honestly felt so happy, our kiss wasn't forced or uncomfortable it was sweet and loving her soft lips drives me crazy. Soon her hands went to my head and pull my hair gently just the way i like it when i kiss somebody i moaned and made our kiss deeper but passionate, Y/N then pulled me to a lingering kiss before pulling back. We both opened our eyes and smile at each other our cheeks were red and i can see that Y/N has that sparkle in her eyes like she's truly happy and so was i. But we're not together i'm not sure what we are now, but i'm glad we had this kiss she cleared her throat and smile at me "We should uh get going" she said still smiling i nodded and we both walked out of the van and then i look our van. When we were in front of the restaurant i got her hand making her look at me i wasted no time and just pressed our lips together again, trust me it's such a nice feeling. I pulled away and smile at her "Sorry just had to kiss you cause i couldn't kiss you in front of them or they'll tease forever" she nodded "Yeah i agree" she said then peck my lips making me smile. "Come on" she said and then we walk to the girls and Chris.

"Finally you two really took your time" Dinah said "We didn't have sex if you're thinking that Camila Cabello" i said rolling my eyes as i sat next to Y/N, i sighed and got her hand under the table she look at me casually and then intertwined our fingers then look away. I smile and look at the menu. As we ate Y/N and i had been looking at each other and smiling we also sometimes held hands under the table. "Will you two stop eye fucking?" Dinah said we look at her "Eye fucking? We were not eye fucking Dinah" i said glaring at her "Sure" she said rolling her eyes Y/N shrug and i shrug too. Soon we had to go home but i wanted to cuddle with Y/N so i went with her in her house, when we entered i saw her parents "Hi mom hi dad" she greeted her mom looked and look at me "Who's this?" i look at Y/N "she's my friend mom can she sleepover?" her mom rolled her eyes "I don't care" her dad look up but look away too. Wow such bitches. Y/N pulled me up to her which was far from her parents room "Gosh i hate them" she mumble "Don't worry you're not alone tonight Angel" she smiled and walk to her closet and hand me an onesie i smile and went to her bathroom to change. Once i got out she was already in bed yawning and rubbing her eyes i smile and joined her "goodnight angel" i said she smiled sleepily and gave me a soft kiss on the lips "Good night Lolo" we both smiled and we fell asleep.

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