Chapter 9

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Your POV

When we entered the house the Jaureguis hugged Camila's family "Oh this is Chris's best friend" Mike said patting my shoulder i smiled "Oh you're so beautiful! Are you sure she's not Chris's girlfriend?" the woman asked. "No Sinu, Chris said they're just best friends" the woman- well Sinu? Smiled and surprised me with a hug, the man looked at me and patted my back "Well i want you to meet my daughters" i nodded and we walk to the living room seeing Lauren talking with Camila and a cute little girl talking with Taylor. "Girls come here!" he said Camila looked at us and her face lit up and ran to me "Y/N!" she then hugged me tight "oh looks like she knows you" i giggle and hug Camila back "Dad i saw her when i went to Lauren's house, she's actually Lauren's girlfriend" my eyes widen at shock "CAMZ!" Lauren shouted and glared at Camila. Her father laughed "Well i'll leave you kids" he then walked away, Lauren walk to us and pulled me to her "Camila! She's not my girlfriend! why you gotta say that to your father??" Camila giggled and gave her a hug. "Because i'm you best friend which means you love me even though you really hate me" Lauren rolled her eyes "I know and it's annoying" she whine i smile at them as Camila started to tease Lauren.

Suddenly i felt someone poking my sides i look down and saw the cute little girl looking back at me "Are you Y/N?" she asked i bent down and smiled "Yes i am" she smiled "Hello! I'm Sofia Cabello you can call me Sofi" i smile "Hello Sofi" she then hugged me. "Camila?" she look at me and smile "Yes?" "You guys are a hugger huh?" she chuckled "Yeah" i smile Camila bent down to carry her sister and kiss her cheek. "Sofi that's Lauren's girlfriend" she whispered to Sofi's ear, well we all can hear it actually i look at Lauren and she was glaring at Camila "She's pretty" Sofi whispered to Camila i blushed and look down. "I know Lauren is really lucky" Camila whispered again "Camz you know we can hear you right?" Lauren said i look up and look at her "really?" we nodded "Oh" Sofi giggled "Sofi don't listen to your sister, she's making up stories. Y/N is my friend okay? not girlfriend" i frown but hid it quickly well yeah friend zone! I look up and saw Camila looking at me i gave her a smile and she smiled at me too. "Are you sure?" Sofi asked Lauren "Yes she's my friend" i faked smile and nodded well that's when i knew i didn't have a chance with her, i sighed and look around i then saw Chris eating desserts.

I walked away from them and walk to Chris "hey" he jumped "Shit Y/N!" he said i laugh and wiped his mouth with a tissue as he wiped his fingers, "aren't we suppose to eat dinner first?" i said he then put his finger on my lips. "Shhh no one shall know about this" he said "Pfft.. get your nasty finger off my lips!" he laughed and hugged me "You love me i know i know!" i rolled my eyes and hugged him back, "yeah yeah i love you" don't worry these i love yous are just in a best friend way. "Come on let me eat one more cupcake?" he said pouting "No Chris" he glared at me like a 5 year old making me laugh "Sometimes i think you're like 5 not 17" he shrug "i'm not a man yet" i giggle as he put icing on the tip of my nose. "Chris!" he giggled and suck on his finger and ate another cupcake, "hey guys" i turned around and Taylor looked at me weirdly and pointed to her nose i nodded "i know" i then got tissue and wipe my nose. "Chris! You're not meant to eat dessert yet!" Taylor said slapping his brother's arms "Ow ow ow...OW! Okay i get it" Chris said rubbing his arms i laughed "Thanks Tay" she nodded and glared at his brother. "I'm gonna tell dad!" Chris's eyes widen "NO TAY!" but Taylor ran away i laughed and stuck my tongue out at Chris "You're mean!" i smile and kiss his cheek "Sorry Chris but i've warned you" he frown and look down. "Don't worry i'll give you some later" he smiled and kissed my cheek "You're the best you know?" i flip my hair "i know" he rolled his eyes and smile, "DINNER'S READY" he then pulled me to the dining table.

Through dinner Lauren never made eye contact with me and i was so confused why, i kept staring at her hoping she'll look at me but she avoids it. I frown and finally gave up, when i was done i put my plate to the sink and look out the window "Trampoline" i mumble "Wanna go?" i turn to the person and saw Camila "What?" i ask "You wanna go to the trampoline?" she ask i shrug "But i'm wearing a dress" she look at me confused "Don't you have shorts inside?" i nodded "I do, but it'll be uncomfortable when....well shit let's go" she laughed and got my hand. When we got there we sat down in the huge trampoline and i look up seeing stars, i smile as the wind hit my face "Do you like Lauren?" she asked randomly i look at her "No i don't" i lied she looked at me "Really? I mean come on she's pretty right?" i nodded "She is, but maybe she has someone" she shake her head "Nope, she's single. Date her!" i shake my head "No" she pouted "why not???" she whine "i don't even know if she likes me" i said looking away from her. "What if she does?" i shake my head "Impossible" she raised an eyebrow "It's possible" i shake my head "Why are we even talking about her?" i ask she shrug "I don't know actually, it's just when i kissed you that day she looked really mad" she said laughing afterwards.

"Really?" i asked she nodded "Gosh she was so pissed but she still love her best friend" i smile and giggle "But yeah, i wonder why? and you know i was planning to take you out but Lauren said no so i can't date you" i look at her weirdly. She look at me and laugh "What? Well hey you're pretty, and you seem nice so why not? But Lauren said no and i have to follow her cause i have a feeling she likes you" i sighed "Why will you take me out? I mean no one really likes me you know?" she scoff "Psshh! well i do! i mean well i would want to try" i nodded and turn away from her. "But what did you feel when kissed you?" i look at her weirdly again "Why are you asking me this?" i ask she shrug "Just wanna know" i sigh "You first" she did her thinking face and look at me "It felt nice" i nodded "nice?" she nodded "Well yeah i just did that to piss Lauren off" i rolled my eyes "Such a good friend" she laughed "I know i love Lauren so much i mean she looks so funny when she's pissed at me, i mean she still loves me even though i know she wants to rip my head off" i nodded "Wow" she laughed "That's our friendship" i smile and nodded. "Oooh have you tried getting drunk?" she ask i shake my head "Not really why?" "Wanna try?" i shake my head "No thanks" "Come on just a little bit" i sighed "Okay i'll try" she nodded and she got some drinks.

After some drinks i feel a little tipsy i was a little drunk not so much but just a little, Camila was too but not too drunk she was laying down just staring at the stars. I felt my phone vibrate so i took it out and answered it "H-Hello?" i half slurred "Y/N? Where the fuck are you?" Lauren said i giggle "I'm outside with *hiccup* Camila" i said "Are you drunk?" she asked "Just a little" soon i saw the back door open and saw Lauren walking to us. She hung up and went inside "CAMZ!" Camila jumped and look at her "oh hey Laur" she look at her angrily "You made her drink?!" "she just had a little" Lauren rolled her eyes "Put that back!" she said Camila got out and walk inside. Lauren looked at me "Lauren I'm not so drunk don't worry" i said and then giggled "Are you sure?" i nodded i then started yawning and rubbing my eyes. "You're sleepy now huh Angel?" i nodded she smiled and pulled me to her, i then cuddled myself to her nuzzling my face to her neck.

Lauren's POV

I watched as Y/N cutely nuzzled her face to my neck i smile at how cute she looks "Does your head hurt?" i ask softly she shake her head "No but i'm cold" i then look at my jacket, "Hold on can you sit up for a while?" she nodded and sat up. I took off my leather jacket and pulled her back down to my chest, i then placed my jacket to her shoulders she sighed deeply and i just watched her. "Lauren?" she called "Hm?" "Why were you avoiding me when we were at dinner?" she asked softly i frown "Let's not talk about that okay?" i said combing her hair with my fingers. "But why not? You left me confused and now you're here with me i'm really confused" i bit my lip "It's nothing really Angel" i lied i then felt her smile "i love it when you call me Angel" i smile "Really?" i know she's a little drunk but i really want to know what's she's saying. "Yes, it always makes me blush" i raised an eyebrow "Hm..." i smirked and hugged her tight "really now?" she nodded she lift her head and look at me, i look at her and smile "You alright Angel?" she smiled and then suddenly i felt a soft pair of lips on mine. She then pulled away leaving me shocked, did she just??? uh??? Did she just....kissed me? HOLY SHIT. i look down at her shocked but she was sound asleep. "Y/N?" i whispered she didn't say anything but her soft snores, i then mindlessly touched my lips suddenly i felt my cheeks heating up. Shit am i blushing?! Oh hell no. BUT she kissed me! Fuck!

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