Chapter 3

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Your POV

Monday morning, i was downstairs waiting for Chris to come down i was on my phone playing games since i was bored. Minutes later i gave up and look up i then saw Lauren in her messy bun with her oversized shirt and black shorts, she still looks so tired she whine and rub her eyes "Oh hey" she rasped out i smile "Hi" i said shyly she chuckled "Stop being shy will ya?" i just smile at her. "Oh god, what time is it anyway?" she ask i look at my phone "6:35 am" i said she groan "Why did i wake up?" she said grumpily "I don't know baby but good morning" Mike said kissing her temple as he walk passed her Lauren glared at him sleepily making me laugh. "Why are you awake?" i ask she shrug "I actually don't know maybe because i always wake up at this time? ugh whatever i'll cook breakfast" she said walking to the kitchen i smile and followed her. "Dad where's mom?" Lauren asked "Sleeping" he said Lauren nodded and she looked at me "What do you want for breakfast?" she asked i shrug "I don't mind" she walk to me making me nervous. "Excuse me i just want to get the eggs" she said smiling i then blink and look behind me and saw the eggs i blushed and moved aside "Sorry" i mumble she chuckled and got them and then she started cooking.

Soon i saw Chris entered the kitchen i smile and gave him a hug "Morning" i mumble he then started to pretend sleeping on my shoulder making me laugh he then started snoring "Ew! Stop" i giggle then push him away. He smiled and kissed my forehead "What's for breakfast sis?" he asked sitting down "Well since no one suggested on what to eat i just made bacon, eggs and toast? is that alright?" we nodded "Thank you Lauren" I thanked her she gave me a cute smile before nodding. We then started eating, i feel so weird like i always want to be with Lauren like i want her to notice me every time and i really love the smiles she gives me it's making me melt. Yeah she is like my first girl crush but i know she won't like me back cause come on she's like in college she probably have a boyfriend there or girlfriend or she's straight not gay? I'm not really sure but i would love just to keep it inside me and just admire her. Why is all the Jauregui's perfect? Like Taylor is so pretty and so talented and Chris is so hot and Lauren! Oh shit! She's gorgeous. I stood up and placed the plate on the sink i went up to brush my teeth and then got my bag, i walk back down "hey how's your finger?" i heard Lauren asked i turn to her "It feels alright" i said she walk to me and got my hand and look at my finger. "I'll put another bandage" she said and then she pulled me to the bathroom and she got the bandage and open it.

As she put on the bandage i look up and stare at her face since she was so close to me, gosh she's so flawless my eyes then fell to her lips it was so pink and kissable i blush and look away but looked back i couldn't help it. "Here, next time you have to be careful around sharp objects" i nodded and she look at me in the eyes and i got lost in her eyes oh my gosh it's so gorgeous!! She looked down and cleared her throat "Uh you better get going" she said and gave me a smile i nodded and blushed a little. "uh thank you" i said nodding and then walked out of the bathroom and followed Chris out of the house, "Where were you?" Chris asked as she started to drive "Bathroom" he looked at me "Why?" i then showed him the bandage "Did Lauren do that for you?" i nodded "She wanted to" he smiled and shake his head. "Oh my sister" i giggle "It's cute when she cares" he nodded "i know, she's the best sister wait- Taylor is too" i gasped "You forgot about Taylor" he look at me "NO!" i smile "Kidding", we then soon arrived school i got my bag and we both walked inside. "See you soon Chris" i said smiling he gave me a side hug and we parted ways, i walk to my first class and sat at the left side of the classroom.

Lunch time came and i looked for Chris i then saw him sitting down on a table so i joined him "Hey" he smiled "Sup, my sister is asking about you" he said chuckling i look at him weirdly "Taylor? well say i'm fine" he laughed "Wrong sister" my eyes widen "Oh." he nodded "Yup my older sister" i nodded slowly "Well tell her i'm fine?" he smiled and said i was fine. "Oh by the way my mom said we're eating Chinese food tonight in a Chinese restaurant is that cool with you?" i nodded "Yeah definitely" he smiled and nodded he then looked at his phone. "Ugh here, take my phone for a while she's texting you" he said i got his phone confused and read the message.

Lauren: That's good. How is she?

Chris: Hi it's uhm Y/N, Chris gave me his phone because he said you wanted to talk to me and i'm fine Lauren thank you for asking :)

Lauren: That little shit! Anyway uh... we're having Chinese food tonight is that alright?

Chris: Yes, Chris already asked me :)

Lauren: Okay can i talk to my brother?

Chris: Okay bye Lauren :D

I gave Chris his phone back and i ate my lunch "Do you like her Y/N?" i shake my head "No, well as your sister yeah she's really nice" i said smiling he nodded "Hmm... do you like like her?" i shake my head "Nope" i lied and continued eating my lunch. After school Chris and i went to McDonalds drive thru and got Frozen Coke and Frozen Fanta well because we love them, mine was the Frozen Fanta i don't know but i'm addicted to it. As we arrived at their house we went inside and i went to my like kinda room and took a shower, when i finished i wore a white crop top and high waisted shorts. (like the picture above) i then wore my white converse and got my phone and walked back downstairs, when i saw Clara she smiled "Good you're ready! we just have to wait for Chris" she said patting my back i nodded and plop down to the couch. Soon i saw Lauren on her phone she was walking to the living room her eyes still glued to her phone and she sat down on the couch and crossed her legs, she looks so damn sexy to be honest. She was wearing high waisted jeans, a white sleeveless crop top saying 'Let's Roll' and boots, she looks so freakin hot! and i think i'm staring at her too long since she looked up causing me to look away and blush. Oh shit that was so fucking awkward well since we're in the same room. That's just great.

She was about to speak up so i held my breath and my body is stiff "I'm ready!" Chris yelled running downstairs i then sighed in relief quickly standing up walking to Chris, i saw him and his hair was still a mess. I got his comb and straighten his hair up while he was on his phone doing whatever shit he's doing "Chris get out of your phone and fix your damn hair" Lauren said suddenly i look at her and she was look at Chris who locked his phone and got the comb from my hands and combed his hair. I glanced at Lauren who looked at me before walking out with her family, i sighed softly and smiled at Chris "ready?" i asked he nodded and took my hand pulling me to their van. When we entered the van i had one seat which was at the very back with Lauren, damn it Chris why not sit with me?! i pouted and sat near the window. I gulped when Lauren got off her phone she started to look around and i was just staring at the window trying to distract myself from the beautiful girl beside me, suddenly i saw her reflection on the window making my eyes go wide but quickly went back to my normal face when i saw her reflection look at me. I lick my dry lips and just stared at the window i sighed deeply and just distracted myself, "Hey mom?" i heard her husky voice said i looked at her and her eyes were focused on her mother. "Yes Lauren?" she smiled "Can my friend come by tomorrow? Her name is Camila. Can she?" she nodded "Sure honey" Lauren smiled "Thank you" she said and went back to her phone.

Few minutes she looked at me, and then i noticed i was staring at her too long AGAIN! Fucking shit Y/N! Really? i turn my head away from her and put my earphones on and just closed my eyes i hope i forget the most embarrassing moments in my life. I felt my body shaking causing me to open my eyes and take my earphones out "Hey sleeping beauty we're here the family is already inside, they told me to wake you up. But you looked too adorable so i took my time." i blushed at Lauren's words as she smirked and got out of the van. I sighed and shake my head "That was embarrassing" i muttered like seriously she caught me staring at her twice today! and i fell asleep making her stay with me! UGH Y/N seriously. Once i got out of the van i ran my fingers through my locks and look at her as she closes the sliding door and locked it she turn to me with her hair flip in slow motion. Well for me it was slow motion, "come on we don't want the food to wait right?" i nodded and she placed her hand on my right hip as we walk. I felt like jumping like seriously, her hand is just literally on my hip right now and it feels like it's tickling me but all it's doing is just staying there not moving. We got to the table and i sat next to Chris "Had a good nap?" he asked sipping his water, "why didn't you wake me up?!" i whispered/ yelled he chuckled "I was about to until she told me she wanted to so" he said shrugging i groaned and finally look at the menu.

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