Chapter 25

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- Months later -

Your POV

I was now in college with Chris! OH Yeah we also got an apartment for the both of us and yeah it's actually fun being with your best friend! Like if you don't know anything about some work just ask one another, yeah so basically me and Chris are like helping each other out. Also i got a part time job in a cafe and Chris also works there with me, right now i don't have classes for a week because i've done all of my works so now i'm gonna chill. But next week going back. UGH. Oh yeah also, the girls kept visiting us when they have time of course well our apartment is not far from them anyway but Lauren rarely visit us and i don't really care. Oh good news? I've moved on! When i see Lauren or Lucy i was just like "eh fuck them" i'm actually really proud of myself, i am now focused on studying and friends no Lauren Jauregui and no Lucy Vives. Just Chris, Camila, Ally, Normai, and Dinah and some other people. Between Camila and i we're still friends but we still do kiss i actually like it i like kissing her she said she'll just look at me as a crush nothing more . That was our deal so yeah but yeah we do kiss and sometimes when Lauren comes and sees us she really gets irritated, but i could care less. It's just our friendship, we just like copied Lauren and Lucy's friendship so eh.

"Y/N, Camila told me that they wanted to invite you in a bonfire hang out later at like 5:30 pm" Chris said i took off my glasses and put it down "really?" he nodded and sat next to me "Who are the people that are coming?" i ask "you know... the girls then Lauren, Lucy and Vero" i sighed "No thanks i'm busy" i lied "come on Y/N" i frown "fine, but wait- you said i was invited? how about you?" i ask he chuckled "Oh just hanging out with other guys i met in History" i sighed and nodded "Sure, tell Camila to pick me up" he nodded and then left. I look at the time and it was like 5:00pm maybe i should get ready now. I sighed and closed my notebook then walk up to my room and showered then changed into something comfortable, i dried my hair then grabbed my phone and unplug the charger then went down i look at the time and it was 5:30 oh i was on time. "Y/N!" the door opened and Camila came in i laughed and hug her "Hey Cami" she then peck my lips i smile and pull away "Okay let's go, CHRIS I'M GOING" i shout "OKAY! ENJOY YOURSELF" i smile and then Camila and i started to walk. "Are they all there?" i ask fixing my bag she nodded "Yeah well they're all fixing some stuff like the picnic basket and some music and shit" i nodded and then few minutes later we have arrived the beach. "Oh i didn't know we're going to a beach" she smiled "Well we're doing the bonfire here, they said it's a perfect view for the sunset" i smile "Aw that's cute" she nodded "Also we'll be sleeping in a tent" i look at her "What" she laughed "I didn't get to bring enough clothes" i said "What did you bring?" she asked i shrug "Extra panties, bra then shirt and shorts" she nodded "That's enough" i sighed and nodded.

"Okay so there are like two tents! One is with the girls and one is for Lauren, Lucy and Vero which one are you going to?" she asked as we walk on the sand i chuckled "It's obvious i'm going with you and then girls" she smiled and hug me "YAYY!" i laugh and then we arrived. The girls smiled and ran to me then suddenly with all the weight i fell down with them on top of me i laughed and tried to get up but they kept laughing and won't move. "Ugh guys, y'all are heavy" i whine they laughed and got off one by one, i sighed and Camila helped me up and smile at me i walk to the blanket where the girls are and sat next to Dinah then Camila sat next to me. "Hey Y/N" Vero said i smile "Hi" i said but didn't bother to say hi to the other two, as the girls and Vero and Lucy started talking i was looking at the waves. "It's so beautiful" i said smiling Camila look at me and smile "It'll be more beautiful when the sun is setting" Camila said i nodded and place my chin to her shoulder and kiss her cheek she smiled and peck my lips. "You gonna swim?" she ask "Are you?" i ask she shrug "I don't actually know" i sighed "Where will be the bonfire?" i ask she then pointed to the other spot in the sand there were woods in the middle. I nodded "Ooh did you bring marshmallows?" i ask pouting she laughed and nodded "Yup i got two bags" i bit my lip "Can i have some?" she nodded "Sure" i smile and hug her.

I glance to my left and saw Lauren staring at the waves with a frown on her lips, she wasn't talking to the girls it looks like she was thinking, her eyebrows were furrowed and her breathing was calm. She scrunch her face and sighed she brought her fingers to her hair and flip it to one side then sighed deeply. Wow she must be thinking really deep, suddenly i saw a tear escaped her right eye but she quickly wiped her cheek, she then sniffled she bit her lip then look down. "Why is Lauren sad?" i whispered to Camila's ear she look at Lauren who was still staring at the waves she shrug "I don't know, she hadn't really talked much when they got here" i nodded and look at her. She hung her head low and hid her face with her hands i took my phone and went to her contact i was thinking if i should text her or not but eh i'm not gonna have a crush on her again anyway.

Me: Hey, you okay?

i look at her and saw her jump she lift her head up and wipe some tears away she opened her phone and read my message, she look at me and i just look back at her not smiling just looking at her, she gulped ad went back to her phone.

Lauren: Can we talk?

Well here we go again, should i or not? I took a deep breath, okay i'll hear what she have to say.

Me: Fine, but where?

I saw her look at me then gave me a small smile before looking around and i did too soon i felt my phone vibrate. I look down and read it.

Lauren: What about behind that big rock over there?

I look at her confused and she look to my right so i did and saw a big rock i look back at her and nodded she whispered something to Lucy and she nodded Lauren then stood up and walk there. "Hey Camila, i'm gonna talk to Lauren okay? i'll be back" she nodded i then stood up and followed Lauren, when i got behind the rock i saw Lauren sitting down on the sand staring at the waves. "What's wrong with you?" i ask and sat next to her but i'm making sure there was like space between us so it won't be that awkward, she sighed "I'm sorry Y/N" i look at her and she had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry that...i played with your feelings.." she wiped her eyes and stare at the water again "I promise you that, i had feelings for you back then" i stayed silent as she continued to talk. "But when i came back to college i began to think i want a serious relationship, Lucy was there and we began to have feelings for each other" i rolled my eyes "If you're telling me what happen between you and Lucy i'm not interested" i said looking at the water. "So i asked her to be my girlfriend...." i glared at the water and kept listening "But it didn't feel right, i didn't get to talk to you because like i said i wanted a serious relationship because when i call you or when i talk to you my feelings for you might grow" i frown so she doesn't want to be with me? that's fine.

"Months later, i caught her kissing someone" i look at her and she looked angry "I was really pissed but she convinced me that it was an accident so i forgave her. Then soon i saw a text from a random person saying that he would want to fuck Lucy again soon so we both argued. I then felt really heart broken i... i wanted to talk to you but i knew you were mad and was moving on" she then look at me i sigh and look down. "Have you moved on?" she asked softly i gulped and nodded slowly "Yeah a bit" she frown but nodded "When i was with Lucy, i was thinking about you. I remembered she took the bracelet away from me and hid it at my drawer and now i have been looking at it and i cried every time i look at it. Knowing you were mad at me" i sighed she then lean her head to her knees and sob "I-I m-missed y-you" she sobbed i then started to feel myself being soft i hate seeing her like this. I hesitantly move to her and wrap an arm around her but once i did she immediately hugged me and sobbed on my chest. I sighed and rub her back "Shh... it's okay" i said "Please hold me" i gulped and just hug her "I'm so sorry" she cried "I'm really really sorry" i bit my lip and thought "Do you still love me?" she asked hopefully. Of course i do but i don't want to tell her that since she's still with Lucy i gulped i hate when i have to do this. "Lauren you still have Lucy she still thinks you love her so i'm not going in between you two, i don't want to ruin your relationship. I'm sorry Lauren but... i've moved on" there i said it! she gulped and her eyes started to water again "No please... please give me a second chance?" i shake my head "I've moved on Lauren" i lied i still sorta love her of course but i'm not gonna get between her and Lucy.

A/N: What do you think Lauren will do? 😂😏

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