Chapter 21

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Your POV

4 months! AND one more month to go and i'm gonna graduate yeeeeess!! i'm gonna finally leave my idiotic parents ALONE! Chris said that he wanted to get an apartment with me since Lauren wasn't answering if we could stay in their place. Well yeah sadly Lauren stopped talking to me, i still talk with the girls sometimes we FaceTime but every time we did Lauren's not there, they always say she's out or busy or studying for an exam. I texted Lauren a lot of times and my last conversation with her was like 5 months ago, i know it's been a long time now but i don't know what's happening to her now did she forget about me? Hopefully not, i mean she has the Angel bracelet right? So that she'll remember me. But it makes me sad since i didn't get to talk to her now, i'm now in her room cuddling with Mocha and every time i look at Mocha it always reminds me of Lauren since Mocha was my gift from her. Sometimes i cry at night well because i miss her and she doesn't call me back nor texting me her family tried calling her and she does answer but their conversation was short she said she had to finish something. I wonder if i'm gonna be so stressed in college, damn i think i'm gonna have a huge headache, Mocha barked and licked my face making me smile and giggle "Stop it you little cutie" i said kissing her head. "I miss Lauren Mocha" i said frowning she then began whining "Do you miss her too?" she barked i nodded "yeah i hope she'll come back soon" she then crawl to my chest and slept there i smile and kiss her nose and then she fell asleep.

The door opened revealing Chris with ice cream on his hands "hey, you up for ice cream?" i smile and slowly placed Mocha in her bed and got the ice cream he gave me, "Thank you" i said kissing his cheek he smiled and nodded. "She still hadn't called you?" he asked i shake my head "Sadly no, not even a text" i said sighing he gave me a hug "I'm sorry for my sister" i nodded "It's alright" i said eating my ice cream. He then sighed sadly and nervously play with his ice cream "Something wrong?" he look at me with a frown "Please don't be mad at me when i tell you" i nodded "Okay" i said and faced him, he gulped "Well yesterday Lauren called me she said she just wants to ask how our family is doing. After that she said she's in a..." he stopped making me frown. "In a what?" i ask he bit his bottom lip "relationship" i then felt my heart slowly breaking i gulped and nodded "Okay, i'm happy for her" i said looking down to my ice cream. "I know you have feelings for her Y/N that's why i didn't want to tell you" he said frowning i smile a bit and kiss his cheek "It's alright" he look at me sadly i finished my ice cream and got up. "Look i'm going home okay? i'm exhausted" i lied he frown "but you can sleep here, and you hate when you're parents are home" i nodded "i know but i'm really tired i want to be in my room" he sighed "Okay" i smile and kiss cheek i then kissed Mocha's head who whined "i'll see you soon Mocha" i said and then began to walk home.


When i got home i saw my parents arguing i did myself to hide myself but looks like they saw me when my mom called my name, "Y-yes?" i stutter she crossed her arms "Did you know about Grace?" i look at my dad and he looked defeated since he was just in his shorts and i saw Grace covering her body with bed sheets. Well i guess mom finally caught my idiotic father, i nodded slowly making my dad glare at me "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked "Because he said if i tell you he's going to beat me" i said frowning. She sighed and then i heard a slap making me jump and look up seeing my dad on the ground holding his cheek as the Grace girl come to him and bent over, "Y/N" my mom said i look at her "Go to your room and i'll make sure your father won't lay a finger on you" i nodded quickly and ran up to my room. When i got there i still hear my parents fighting so i closed and locked my door, i dived on my bed and look at my phone i then went to Instagram suddenly i felt myself going to Lauren's account. When i saw her photos i scroll down and saw Lucy and Lauren together, i frown and sigh sadly i then continued to scroll until i stopped at one photo they were....uh.....kissing i bit my lip and wipe a few tears and read her caption. 'Thank you so much for making me happy Lucy, you're literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. You know how to put on a smile every time i was down, and i appreciate that i love at how goofy and cute you are and i love when you cuddle to me. I love your kisses and hugs. I love you baby! - Lern' what happened to Lauren and i? I really thought there was something happening but then she just forgets about me.

Why am i still waiting for her? I mean she's already in a relationship! The kiss meant nothing? with that thought i felt my heart starting to ache "I thought she had feelings for me" i whispered and then wipe my eyes when my phone started ringing. Fix my hair and answered the call "Hello?" i answered "Y/N" Chris said "Yes?" i ask "Are you okay? you sound like you're crying" i wipe my eyes "No no no i'm fine don't worry" i said and took a deep breath. "Uhm... well my parents said we're uh visiting Lauren tomorrow after school do you want to come? I mean my parents wants you to come, so you in? i know it's hard well because i just told you the news" i frown what happens when i see her though? "Uh... i think it's alright i'm coming" i can feel him smiling "Don't worry, i'll be near you whenever you need me" i smile "Thanks Chris i love you" i said "I love you too" i then hung up. I sighed and look out of my window "I hope this goes well" i whispered and then put myself to sleep.


It was already lunch and one more hour before i see Lauren again, and with all honesty i feel so fucking nervous and scared what if...what if...we caught her making out with Lucy? What if...they're making love? That's really gonna break my heart i really thought she really likes me well the way she looks at me explains it but looks like i'm wrong. Why is love so difficult and so complicated? I feel like i regret kissing her that day, why did i even do that? Oh yeah because i thought we both have feelings for each other! Gee thanks Lauren. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump and look at the person "Hey you look so tensed" Chris said i frown "I'm sorry i'm just nervous" he frown"you don't have to come if you don't want to see her" i shake my head "i'll come don't worry" i said sighing deeply. "Just needed to take my mind off of her" he nodded and smiled "Why don't you taste this delicious cake?" i smile and chuckle at his goofiness, i got his fork and placed inside my mouth with cake in it. I hummed "you're right this is good" i said nodding he chuckled "Really? i was actually doubting it" i laughed and some cake and cup his cheek "Open" he opened his mouth and i put the fork with cake in and he ate it. "Oh shit this is good" i nodded "Right?" he nodded "Okay you can't have anymore! It's mine" i pouted when he pulled the food to him.

"But...but" he stuck his tongue out, i rolled my eyes and push his head gently "Fine i'm getting my own" i said standing up "Oh can you get me another one?" he asked "No way, you get it by yourself" he pouted i groaned "Ugh fine, but we share" he glared at me and then finally nodded. I smile and kiss his cheek before getting cake, when i got our cakes i went back seeing him doing homework "Yay!" he cheered when he got his cake "We share!" he pouted "but..." i raised an eyebrow at him. He groaned like a kid and finally nodded "Fine" he said and sliced the cake into half, when i finished mine i got the other piece and ate it. Soon the bell rang and Chris and i walk to English when we got there we took our seats and got our books out, i sighed and remembered about Lauren "Hey hey don't worry about her okay?" Chris said softly as he held my hand i smile and nodded. I love it when Chris comforts me because it's like Lauren's comfort but Lauren's is a bit better i'm not saying that Chris is bad at comforting my but i like Lauren. I rest my head on his shoulder and sighed as the teacher started teaching.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! It's after school! And now we're driving to Lauren's apartment Chris said his parents are already there, i was playing games on my phone to distract myself and Chris kept glancing at me. "You okay?" i nodded "Yes" he sighed and kept driving, soon we arrived and i was breathing heavily. "Hey the good thing is, you're gonna see the other girls" i smile "Oh yeah" i mumble with a smile "Yeah, they live with her too remember?" i nodded and smile we then entered the house i then suddenly heard squeals. I look up and saw the girls running to me i smile and ran back to them and we all collided and hugged each other "Oh my god we miss you so much!" Camila said hugging me so tight "Girl we have to tell you something" Dinah said "What is it?" i ask they sighed "Lauren's in a relationship" i nodded "I know" i said sighing "Who told you?" i smile "Chris of course" they nodded but once again hugged me. "We missed you so freakin much" Ally said i smile and hugged them back.

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