Chapter 32

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Lauren's POV

"I'm so sorry Lolo" i then felt something wet on my shoulder i pull away slightly and look at her she was crying? Why? "Why are you crying angel?" she sniffled and wipe her eyes "Because... i treated you badly, i didn't know you were hand cuffed and everything and then i just ignored you i feel bad. I feel so bad i'm sorry" she cried i smile and kiss her cheek "It's okay baby" she hug me again and cuddle her face to my neck. "I'm sorry i ignored you for three weeks, i'm so sorry you had to waste so much money on me for buying stuff for me and.." she started to ramble i rub her back for comfort "Shhh... it's okay, it's okay" i said kissing her head. "I don't care about money Y/N all i care is to get you back" she sniffled and hugged me tighter "i still feel bad" she whisper i pull away and look at her red puffy eyes she had a little pout on her lips i smile at her and kissed her softly "it's okay" she wipe her eyes and then cuddle to my neck again. "Y/N?" i saw my door open and saw Chris standing there Y/N lift up her head and Chris then looked worried "What happened?" He then look at me angrily "What did you do this time!" i jumped "N-nothing" he was about to approach me but Y/N wrap her arms around me. "No Chris" she said Chris stopped and look at her confused "It's okay, it was a misunderstanding" she said then sniffled "Are you sure it's not because of her?" she nodded "It's not my Lolo" she said hugging me. Chris looked at me and then point a finger "I know you're my sister but i treat Y/N as my sister too, i hate seeing her hurt, do not hurt her understand me? i don't give a shit if i'm younger than you but i'm doing this because i love my best friend" he said i nodded i couldn't talk this was my first time seeing my brother so scary.

When he left the room i let out a deep sigh i then heard chuckling from Y/N "That was my first time seeing my brother so scary" i said honestly Y/N lift up her head and smile at me "Really?" i nodded and she started laughing making me pout. "It's okay Lolo, you won't get hurt if you don't hurt me" i shake my head "I'm never gonna hurt you, you know that right?" she smile and peck my lips "Yes" and then hugged me tight. "I missed you" she mumble after a few minutes of silence "i missed you too baby, every night i would always think of you i know it's cheesy and shit but it's true" i felt her smile making me smile too. "Did you really miss me that much?" she ask i nodded "Yeah...i hate Lucy so much i thought she was my friend" i said sighing "What did you do to her after our argument?" she ask "Oh" i chuckle "um... i actually got super mad at her she was scared because it was the first time she saw me so furious. i was so mad because she called me then drugged me! I mean she also cuffed me to the bed and i really wanted to punch her. Because she ruined my hard work which was getting you back, so when you and Chris drove away i shouted at her and threw two punches at her and the look on her face says that she's scared so i don't think she's coming back to me" i said sighing "She didn't get hurt so much right?" she asked me she looked worried "Not really, maybe emotionally" she nodded and then hug me.

"Now will you go on a date with me since the last one was ruined by a bitch?" she laughed and kiss my cheek "Yes Lolo of course, you can take me out every time" i smile and then kiss her, when she deepen the kiss i decided to go silly with her. Since i miss her laugh so much i started to tickle her sides making her pull away and then laugh hysterically "Nooo" she squeal then laugh i smile and continued to tickle her. "LOLOOO!!" i giggle and then saw tears in her eyes from too much laughing i smile and pull my hands back to mine and hovered her she was breathing heavily and smiling up to me, she then started giggling as i pulled some silly faces at her. I then started to give her pepper kisses all over her face, "stop" she said while giggling she switched our positions but i quickly switched it back but when she did it again we both landed on the ground with me on the bottom and her on top laughing and i was groaning playfully. "IS SOMEONE OKAY IN HERE?!" we immediately stood up and saw my dad looking at us curiously "What were you doing down there?" he ask "Nothing dad" i said he raised an eyebrow "Lauren be honest with me"i rolled my eyes "Dad, we didn't do anything we just fell" he sighed and nodded "Honest?" i nodded he then closed my door. I sigh and then grabbed Y/N's waist then jump to my bed making her giggle, "so let's just go grab dinner later?" i ask she nodded "Sure" she said then peck my lips.

"I think we should go down, all them might be eating my favorite cupcakes" I said she chuckle "Oh i made vanilla cake for Tay" i gasped and pout "Why her" i whine "Because it's her birthday" she said chuckling "okay fine i'll just eat it" i said standing up but i was pulled back i chuckle and land on Y/N's lap. "You will not eat your sister's cake" i pout "But-" "But no" i whine "But-" she cut me off by her lips i smile and kissed back "But no" she whisper i pout and cross my arms she giggle and pull me up, "I'm going to bake you one tomorrow" she said caressing my cheek smiling at me beautifully before walking out of the room. I stood there smiling like an idiot i don't know for how long because i saw Dinah walking to me "You okay?" she ask i blink and smile widely "She's perfect" i said "What?" she ask confused i shake my head and pat her shoulder. "See yah Dinah" i said and ran downstairs looking for Y/N, when i saw her she was talking to Chris i smile and hug her from behind when Y/N noticed it was me she pulled me closer to her and lean her back against to my front. As she talk with Chris and the girls i just stood there enjoying Y/N's body inside my arms, suddenly she accidentally brushed her butt to my crotch making me tighten my grip on her waist. She chuckled randomly so i'm guessing she knew what she did, "don't do that to me princess" i mumble to her neck she turn her head and kiss my cheek "sorry just wanted to get comfortable" i glare at her playfully and she giggle.

After the party i went with Y/N to their apartment so she could change for our little date, so i was now laying down on her bed watching her change yeah i love watching her change cause you know every time she wears skinny jeans she always wiggle her butt. Okay i know i'm weird but she's perfect, when she was done i stood up and kissed her cheek "you look beautiful" she smiled "But it's just my normal clothes?" i shrug "You're still beautiful" she hugged me tight and i kiss her forehead. Suddenly i heard barking my eyes lit up and smiled widely "MOCHA?!" she chuckle and nodded "I think she's in Chris's room" i jumped up and ran to Chris's room and when i open the door Mocha jumped to me and i hug her. "Aw you little cutie! i miss you so much baby girl" i said kissing her nose she barked and lick my cheek "No Mocha, only i can kiss her cheek" i heard Y/N say i giggle and peck her lips "And you're the only one can kiss my lips" she smiled and hug me from behind since i was carrying Mocha in my arms. "Okay let's go" i nodded and put our Mocha down "See you later pumpkin" i said and then we walk to my car and then i drove to a restaurant. After our little date i told the girls that i'll be sleeping with Y/N tonight so when we got to the apartment we saw Chris and Jade kissing i raised my eyebrows at them making Y/N chuckle quietly, she closed the door gently and got my hand.

We slowly go up and went to her room since we didn't want to disturb my little brother who is busy with his new girlfriend, i saw Mocha jumping on her bed making me smile i dived to the bed and Mocha started jumping on my back then just laid down there. I chuckle "Mocha" i whine Y/N smile at us then put the flowers i gave her in a vase she went to her closet and threw a pair of boxers i think i left before? and a shirt i smile and reached for it. "Mocha, baby girl can you please get off my back so mama can change?" i said "Mama huh?" i blush and shrug "Well yeah" she chuckled and peck my lips "Sure, let's play house i'm the mommy and you're the daddy" she said biting her lip i stare at her and felt my cheeks turning red. "Zon't zo zat" i said and kissed her lips before going to the bathroom i quickly change into boxers and shirt then tied my hair into a messy bun, i smile at my reflection and then walk out. I walk to Y/N and Mocha and cuddled with them, Mocha was on Y/N chest and she looked so cute i lean down and kiss Y/N's lips she smile at our kiss making me smile too. I heard Mocha bark telling us to pull away i glare at Mocha and she whimpered and nuzzle her cute nose to Y/N's neck "Aw, my little baby is jelly" i laugh and pet her head "It's alright little one, next time i'll buy another puppy so you have a mate too" Y/N look at me smiling "really???" i nodded "Yeah of course, but mine will be a boy" she nodded and kiss my cheek. I stare at Y/N with adoration as if she was the last beautiful diamond in the sea, and i found her, i was the lucky girl.

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