Meet Jeremiah Wilson

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Jeremiah Wilson is played by Brandon T Jackson, him and Aaliyah seemed like the perfect match


Jeremiah Wilson Pov

Aye' I'm Jeremiah Wilson, I'm seventeen, I'll be eighteen in November plus I'm a high school senior.

I'm 6'4, tall like a tree I know but my baby loves it, that's my future wifey'.

Yep' I'm taken, I love my princess Aaliyah, I'm in love with her, yeah she crazy, she got trust issues but she loves me and I love her so there's no much to worry about, I got this, we good, she has her good and bad days, the good days I'm there for her and the bad days no matter what happens, I'm there to pick it up and make it better, that's what boyfriend's are for I guess plus ion' mind, cause' I don't got a issue with it, you  supposed to do things like that for people you love, I love Aaliyah.

My good friend Tremaine goin' through a heart break but it'll be healed, eventually, he likes this girl, he know what she look like and he know she ain't single but she isn't happy either', he doesn't know her name but he does know she likes him too so that's a point, basically they have a crush on each other and they barely know each other, actually they don't know each other at all so let's hope they cross paths someday cause I personally think they need each other.

Just don't bring that shit to the trap because it's a dangerous place so if you can't handle it don't come, I'm one of his right hand man's but Khaleel is the second one, y'all will meet him soon in the story.

All three of us got big bank, we making money, yeah it's dirty money but we the type of niggas' where you gotta' do what you have to do to survive.

I never thought about college, I'm good at a lot of stuff, I keep a 4.0 GPA and I've been thinkin' about gettin' out the game and start really thinkin' about my future, hell I don't know, every nigga' got a dream right but I just don't know if mines is worth dreamin' about yah' know.

I'll find out my dream soon enough, at least I got my keeper right here by my side, I'm friends with Khaleel too, he's my best friend and so is Tremaine.

Get ready for the Journey cause' it's gonna' be a long ass one but don't worry, y'all never get bored, not if you stick with us and have a bunch of patience.

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