Chapter 34: Aaliyah's Delivery

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Beautiful Baby Jelana at the top

This chapter will be short


Thirteen hours later

Aaliyah's Pov

It's been 13 hours and everybody is here, our daughter Amira, my future husband, Jeremiah, all my good friends and Maria's mom.

We've been in this room some time now and I hate it, I'm ready for our baby girl to get here so we can go home.

I laid down on the bed softly crying, theses contractions killing me, Keira and Maria are right here by my side and Amira is laying down in the bed with me, she keeps rubbing my head.

Tremaine, Khaleel, and Jeremiah are in chairs having a full blown conversation while Mariah went to go get everybody something to eat

A female nurse and male nurse came in with the equipment and Jeremiah jumped out his seat pissed.

"What the fuck you doin' in here?" Jeremiah said.

"My job sir'." The male nurse said.

Jeremiah chuckles

"Yeah that's funny, get the fuck outta' here." Jeremiah said.

"Baby why can't you just let the man do his job." Aaliyah said getting irritated.

"You shut up, ain't no other man looking at the p*ssy but me, raise up nigga'." Jeremiah said getting mad.

He stood up and walked out while another female nurse came in

"Only females I like that." Tremaine said chiming in.

"Ok Mrs. Gambel whose staying besides the baby daddy." Nurse Armstrong said.

"Mariah can you help me push?" Aaliyah asked.

"Yeah sure." Mariah said.

"We'll be back as soon as the baby is out." Maria said walking out with Keira Amira Katelyn Mia Khaleel and Tremaine behind her.

"Ok Aaliyah sit up rest your feet on the bed and open up your legs as far as you can get them and when you feel the next contraction coming I want you to push for me ok." Nurse Armstrong said.

"You two grab her hands and Mr. Wilson cut the cord once the baby's out,  I'll give you sisccors." Nurse Armstrong said.

"Ok Aaliyah you feel a contraction communicate with us." Nurse Armstrong said.

"Yes it hurts." Aaliyah said.

"On three, push, one, two, theee." Nurse Armstrong said.

After two hours of pushing Jelana Wilson was born on April 3rd she weighed 8 pounds and 7 ounces

Jeremiah was holding her staring at her and a smile never left upon Jelana's face

Everybody came back in taking pictures and making videos

Amira wanted to hold her little sister, Jeremiah showed her how to do it and she held her running her fingers through her soft curly hair

"I love you, already can't wait to play together." Amira said.

"Jeremiah 6 weeks, that's the rule." Aaliyah said.

"Awww' damn what about yo'
mouth." Jeremiah said.

"Yeah, we can kiss all day." Aaliyah said winking at him.

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