Chapter 29: Rest In Peace

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Mostly everybody outfit at da top all da boys wearin tuxedos

This chapter won't be long

2 days Later

December 23rd - Wednesday


Maria's Pov

We're all in this limo heading to the funeral, I'm sitting next to Tremaine listening to I don't like me by K. Michelle, no, I'm not feeling this way about myself comparing to the song but I just feel like hearing it, today ain't a happy day for me.

Christmas Eve in two days so this is the last day I'm crying, after today we gon' be happy and enjoy Christmas.

Laying in this bed

With this man

I know it's sex

But I wish it was more

Praying when he

Get out this bed

He'll feel the same way

He did before

But I know good

Damn well when

He walks out of that door

I ain't gon' hear from him


Cause if I let him

Do what I did it

To myself

And I was so dumb

I admit it

I need some help

Cause I that I can see

Is she's prettier then me

Damn I wish I had

Her body

I can hear myself

I don't like me.....

I turned dat' shit off, I couldn't listen anymore, I'm already depressed about my dad passing, that song ain't helping put a smile on my face.

We pulled up in front of the church, let's get this over wit' so I can go back home and sleep.

We all got out and walked in my mom decided to have the casket closed and a picture of my dad, having it open it would be a painful moment.

We all sat down in the first row and Mia sat down on Tremaine's lap.

My mom was last to walk up to the casket, she was finna' fall on the floor until I jumped up catching her she cried hard as fuck in my arms, this is obviously too hard for her.

Tremaine's parents got up helped her up and walked with her out the church, she's been crying that hard for days, I hate seeing her cry, god help us please, since my mom can't do it I gotta' do the speech.

Save me from breaking down.

I looked at everybody and eventually walked on the stage, wish me luck.

"Morning everyone this is a very hard day for me and my mom." Maria said.

"My dad was a incredible father and husband, he was always there for us no matter how hard things got he never gave up, he would do something to make it better, when the lights turned off he lit candles and we would laugh over funny times or funny parts in movies we saw." Maria said.

Flashback *2 years ago*

Maria in 10th grade but hides her bruises

"You'll remember in Friday next cregs dad was mad cause the grass wasn't cut and he fell in that dog shit." Malcolm said.

They all busted out laughing

"He said oh damn." Maria said.

They're all on the living room floor living in the same neighborhood the lights been cut off they lit candles ordered pizza and wings

"Or in rush hour 2 they chased that guy into the back all the Chinese people were there and that girl hit him." Mariah said.

"You done knocked out my feeling girl, that's gonna' cost yah'." Mariah said.

She hit him again that noise he made says Maria rolling on the floor holding her stomach dead

"I ain't never hit a woman in my life but yo' ass is pushing it." Malcolm said.

"And then they let him up and he said some dumb shit causing her go hit him again they ended up in the back of a truck." Mariah said.

"Betta' watch yo' back." Maria said.

Flashback over

A tear slid from Maria's eye and she quickly wiped it

"He would always find the good in something bad, he loved making people laugh or making them happy plus very over protective over me but that just means he loved me, he loved all of us and we love him we'll never stop loving him, dad we love you, rest in peace." Maria said.

Back at the mansion

Everybody was eating and socializing, Maria, Keira and Aaliyah made sure everybody was fed

Maria walked towards Tremaine with Mia on his lap playing patty cake laughing

"Tremaine you seen my mom?" Maria said.

"Yeah she walked away upstairs lookin' depressed a while ago." Tremaine said.

Maria walked away upstairs looked in her room and she wasn't in the bed she opened the bathroom door and Mariah was crying struggling to open a full bottle of pills cap and Maria gasped

"I can't....get ....the ....cap off." Mariah sobbed.

Maria rushed in slapping her taking the bottle from her throwing it as hard as she can against the wall embracing her in a hug slowly falling to the floor and she cried in her daughters arms

"Why mom, why, we don't wanna' loose you too, I know you stronger then this, dad wouldn't want this, he would want to see you happy." Maria said wiping her tears away.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm not strong enough, he was my other half, what am I supposed to do now?" Mariah sobbed.

"Move on, I know it's gonna' take a minute but don't spend the rest of your life miserable, your still young, sexy and beautiful, you have more life ahead of you, don't let it go, please were in this together even when I go off to college, I'm still here for you mom." Maria said.

"You promise." Mariah said.

"You have my word." Maria said.

"I love you princess." Mariah said hugging her.

"I love you too momma' and don't let Mia see you like this, promise me you'll be strong for her." Maria said.

"I promise." Mariah said.

God whatever you have planned for our life I'm ready for the ride, Maria thought in her head.

Rest in peace Malcolm

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