Chapter 24: Group Project

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Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson at the top

Mrs. Nikki Jackson is played by the beautiful Jennifer Hudson

Mr. Lance Jackson is played by Lance Gross I decided to just keep his first name

I also just Realized something damn, I good at putting people together forming a beautiful couple Yas I did that Mr. And Mrs. Jackson look so cute together #AnotherPowerCouple

This chapter will be short, it's really a filler chapter


December 14th - Monday

Maria's Pov

I'm still healing from everything that's been happening and Tremaine has been right here by my side every step of the way, yeah he's very busy now with basketball but I never missed a game, I'll always be there for my man.

We're back at school but in my opinion we wasn't even gone that long and people missed us, especially me, it's like when they saw Tremaine by himself the school was dead but now that I'm back the school is turnt.

We walked in last period, my favorite class of em', all Mrs. Jackson.

Mrs. Jackson came running towards me embracing me in the tightest hug while Tremaine stood next to me just laughing, I don't see shit funny.

"I missed you, Tremaine told me what was really going on, thank the lord you're ok, I prayed every night on my hands and knees, thank god my prayers have been answered." Mrs. Jackson said.

"Baby let that child go before you kill her." Mrs. Jackson said.

Nikki let go and Maria glanced at Mr. Jackson not shocked

Nikki Jackson is a Beautiful woman, who expected her to have a ugly ass husband, not me.

"Oh' Maria this is Lance my husband, y'all finally meeting him." Mrs. Jackson said.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Maria." Maria said.

"Nice to meet you too, my wife stay talking about you the most, she's right, you are a pretty girl." Lance said pulling out his hand shaking Maria's hand.

"You must be Tremaine, she talks about you too, nice to meet yah' nigga'." Lance said giving him a bro hug.

Kiera and Aaliyah walked in with Khaleel and Jeremiah behind them Nikki went to go embrace them in a hug but she also kissed Aaliyah's baby belly

"Thank god my precious favorite students are ok but we need to get started, everybody get to your seats, today is slick a free day, after we talk about the Christmas Prodject." Mrs. Jackson said.

Everybody sat down in they're regular seats Lance sat down at his wife's desk while she walked around the classroom ready to teach

"Ok I can see everybody is here, not finna' waste my time going through the roll but before we officially get started I want y'all to officially meet my husband." Nikki Jackson said.

"Lance Jackson." Nikki said.

"Wassup' y'all, call me Lance and I'll answer all y'all questions." Lance said.

"So Lance how long y'all been married?" One female senior said.

"Ten years." Lance said.

"How many kids do you'll have since you're 30 in all." Another female senior said.

"Three, Lance Jr. he's 8, Lamar he's 5 and Naomi she's 2." Lance said.

"Do y'all plan on having any more?" Another senior female asked.

"No." Nikki and Lance said at the same time and everybody laughed.

"How often do you'll have sex?" A male senior student said, the class clown.

"Baby you don't have to answer
that." Nikki said.

"Naw' he asked, well we both work, I own some homeless shelters and we got three kids to raise so every night." Lance said.

"So y'all were college sweethearts." Another male senior student said.

"Yeah, still can't believe my luck." Lance said smirking at his beautiful wife licking his lips.

"Ok no more questions until we talk about this Project, baby get up." Nikki said.

"No." Lance said.

"Fine." Nikki said sitting on his lap getting on her laptop and pulling up the presentation for the Prodject.

"So you are all going on a field trip to a adoption center and you all will be assigned a child, you are required to do a biography on them and present that Friday before we get outta' school for Christmas break, which is this Friday so the field trip is free and it's actually Wednesday, you will be paired in two's but you both will be assigned one child to share and I'll let you'll pick your partners, get the information, spend time with the child, buy them a Christmas present, and you get a 100, that simple." Mrs. Jackson said.

"I have the files we both own this adoption center." Lance said.

"I love this Project." Maria said.

"Thank my husband, it was his idea." Nikki said.

"Thank you Lance." They all said at the same time.

"You'll welcome, just make those kids happy is all were asking." Lance said.

"Don't worry bout' it nigga', we got this." The class clown said.

"You better have some good work Timothy." Nikki said.

"Ain't that a bitch, you don't trust me Mrs. Jackson, I thought we were cool." Timothy said.

"Get the project done." Nikki said.

"I will, you'll see." Timothy said.

"We gon' win." Tremaine said.

"Yep we gon' have the best kid and best work." Maria said.

"Good I hope y'all win." Keira said.

"Hopefully we will." Tremaine ssid smirking at Maria.

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