Chapter 25: I'm Falling In Love Again

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Don't be scared because of the title that could imply to anything

On with the story


2 days later

December 16th - Wednesday

Maria's Pov

So it's Wednesday and we just pulled up in front of the field trip, we got here in a bus and Mrs. Jackson trusted us to handle the project on our own so they didn't come, neither did her husband, he's really cool people though, both of them are.

Me and Tremaine got this little girl named Mia Diamond she doesn't have a last name and her parents dropped her off when she was born the minute she could come out the hospital, her mom getting pregnant was a mistake and they never spoke of it again.

Aaliyah and Jeremiah got Amira, she was raped and abused and she was put up for adoption when a neighbor finally found out what was really going on but that was last year, Amira been happy ever since about her new safe life, yes little do they know, my mom was the social worker on that case, maybe she'll remember Amira.

Khaleel and Keira got Katelyn, she never knew who her parents were but she was found in the back seat of a car and the front seat was her mother and father that has been in a fatal car crash and been shot in the head, the case was never solved and it's been 4 years since that night, no one knows who the murderer is but at least beautiful Katelyn is ok but she wants a mommy and daddy that will love her forever.

All that information is in the files that were given to us By Mr. and Mrs. Jackson.


Maria and Tremaine bought Mia a toy pink car, Aaliyah and Jeremiah bought Amira a barbie doll dream house that cost 300 dollars they worked out a deal and got everything they saw on TV, Khaleel and Keira bought 3 barbie dolls and Bratz doll with 2 toy houses and 2 toy cars

All 3 girls are five years old but got at the adoption center at different times and years

We walked in reading over everything, everybody went their separate ways to find their kid.

I looked up from the file and Mia came running towards us, I kneeled down picking her up kissing her spinning her around while she giggled.

Call me crazy but I'm falling in love with the little girl, she's too cute.

I handed her to Tremaine and she squeezed his neck kissing all over his face running her fingers through his beird she loves him already I quickly took out my phone and started snapping pictures posting them on instagram tagging them as #FatherDaughterMoment and #Adopted so there's no confusion.

"You smell nice." Mia said.

"You smell better precious diamond." Tremaine said.

"Let's go sit and talk." Maria said.

"What's in the big box?" Mia said pointing at it.

"Your Christmas present, can't get it until we leave." Maria said.

Tremaine put Mia down and picked up the box, Maria grabbed Mia's hand and walked with her to go sit down in Mia's favorite spot, Tremaine carried the box behind them and sat it down next to Mia then sat down next to Maria on the floor and Mia sat across from them

Maria picked up Mia sitting her on her lap hugging her and running her fingers through her soft warm sweet smelling hair

"So what do you want for Christmas?" Maria asked.

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