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Hi, just to say I am editing this whole book so everything is changing-ish as this book is cringe and used to be so weird. No idea what was going on in my mind lmao.

"Mom?" I leaned my head against the car window.

"Yes darling," she says as driving and trying to concentrate on the road.

"How long until we get there?" I sigh nervously,after not seeing him for a real long time since he leaft. I've sitting in a car for 1 hour is bad, my body starts to ache in all places. This is why I hate long car journeys.

"Honey, Luke moved out of Liz's place a couple weeks back, he lives like another 25 minutes away. Liz says he gets lonely so me and Liz decided it will be nice for you to keep him company and you haven't seen him for a while. Apparently, he broke up with his girlfriend from college a few weeks ago." She added, I swallow nervously. I haven't seen this kid since he flew out for collage. I'm going to be staying with Luke for a whole 3 weeks and I don't even know who he is anymore.

Luke and I used to be so close when we was younger, we practically grew up as siblings. We stopped seeing much of each other when high school came around, his parents broke up and he moved houses to the other side of town. The summer before he left for college we did spend so much time with each other, it was like we was eight again. My childhood did get really boring after he disappeared for college, no one my age lived around me that was just like him, I only had myself. My older sister was with Jack, Luke's older brother, they were on and off for years. She did leave him when she moved England with a guy who she met on Tinder. We all got bored, my mom and Liz stopped hanging out so much with aunt Liz, as I used to call her.

I shut my eyes for a few minutes as my eyes needed a rest, thinking about how Luke is going to look like which I cannot picture. To be honest, I have miss him a lot over the past few years. I just couldn't wait to see him. However, my thoughts tired me out as my eyes closed together for the last part of the journey.


"Honey? We're here, wake up." My mom shook me to wake me up, I rubbed my eyes and stretched my body waking myself up more and before releasing I was here, outside his house, in the middle of fucking no where.

"Mom?" I yawned, "are we here?" I added a little confused, I got out the car and I saw Liz standing outside Luke's house smiling. I ran up to her and gave her a massive hug, she hasn't changed one bit at all.

"I've missed you," To hear her speak after so long is the best, tears fell down my eyes to my cheeks as I missed her smell of expensive perfume. The feeling of meeting, my kind of, family again, is the best. "You haven't changed a bit, remember when you used to call me aunt Liz." She wiped the tears from my eyes.

"You still smell the exact same."

My mom helped with my bags from the trunk and then traveled to the front room. Luke wasn't inside his house which was odd. But seeing my mom looking happy makes me so happy, even though she sees Liz often, but it's nice to see her smiling. Catching up with my family I haven't seen in 10 years and it just feels like I was 8 again and now I'm 18 I still feel like a kid.

My mom and Liz was about to leave so I hugged them goodbye before I waited for Luke to come back from his food shop, since he told his mom he was running late. I walked outside and waved to them as they drove back to Liz's place, which wasn't far. I could feel the excitement getting to me. However, I was in his house and no idea what to do with myself. So I placed myself on the couch waiting for him to turn up. It got a bit boring so I decided to blast some music to The 1975, which blasted out of the speakers. His house was so huge, since Liz was telling me about his music career he was getting into with a couple of his college friends who come around a lot, apparently, she warned me about how late they stay up and offered me a spare room at her place, which I kindly said no to.

Finally, from distant I head loud music, which was louder than the music inside the house. His car looked pretty expensive as I saw him drive up the road and onto the drive. He turned off the car and went to his trunk to get all the groceries out. I decided to help him as I went outside as he was getting a lot our of his car. I walked closer to him as he didn't notice me coming closer towards him. His hair was all messy I noticed, he was a few tattoos but they look amazingly done. Luke looked so good, his muscular arms were out on show, he looked pretty hot. As soon as I thought that, I felt weird as he did feel like family, but is tgat so wrong?

"Luke?" I smile.

"Olivia, shit, I am so sorry I was late" Luke says in shock. "Mom told me to store up on the food and then I shopped too, not a good idea to shop alone." He looks me up and down and he looked shocked. Luke smiled at my appearance, "You look... amazing, it's been so long hasn't it?" he added.

"Yeah I know, but you haven't changed music since you left," I hugged him and I help him carry things in.

Luke directs me to the kitchen and I help him put the groceries away. I stopped a few times to look at what's around me, all the walls were nicely decorated and the pictures which are beautiful. Some of them are just random posters of bands he likes and what I kind of liked too. He shows me my room afterwards and where I should put my clothes. I put my clothes into the closet in the room and checked the time. I finished packing and changed into some waist height shorts and a nice white top, I put some ankle socks on and headed downstairs. I looked around to try and find Luke and I heard music blasting from the back, I walked to the back yard and I saw Luke sitting in the sun.

"What you doing?" I caught his attention and sat next to him, Luke nodded at me and ignored me, I sat next to him on the spare seat. "Tryin' to tan?" I got his attention and he took off his sun glasses and looked at me, he got up and walked over to me.

"Yeah j am too pale, Calum keeps telling me to get a tan." He says as he tells me to sit down puts his hand in my shoulders and he starts to massage me. But, wait, who's Calum? Luke let go and git up to get me a chair and places it our for me.

"Who's Calum?"

"Just this kid who plays with me from college." he says trying to relax with the music in the background. "Although, speaking of Calum, the rest are coming over later. It's kinda our weekly thing." Luke mentions, seeming annoyed at me keeping talking all the time.

"Oh, is this like a boy get together them? Cute." I tease, which I instantly regret remembering how quickly he gets annoyed. However he ignored me and move his chair over, childish, but it's funny.

Seeing Luke lying there, he looks so attractive he looks so hot. His body was fire, honestly I wonder how many girls have seen this, I feel lucky tell myself. My thoughts are so messed up, I cringe at what I just said to myself as he's too close to family. I shook my head and tried to get rid of the thoughts and walked back inside, I sat in the couch and watched something boring.

I walked upstairs and I decided to get changed in something comfortable ready for later when Luke's friends come over for a pamper night. I laugh at myself too much.


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