
2.6K 74 4

This is short but the next one won't be:) thank you so much on the support on this book, I hit 45k and 1k votes.


As its been a few days since I've been home, nothing has happened, I've cried a few times, maybe a lot. Words can't explain how much I miss everything, it just feels like I've left the whole world. Luke hasn't contacted me at all, I've been told to not even message him and to delete his number. My mom has been so strict, she's been looking at my messages, my call log, my photos, everything. She doesn't want me to message him or anything.

I look back at the old videos and memories of him. Luke being an asshole and then Calum, Michael and Ashton, I miss them so much. I wish I could go back. A few people have come to see me since I came home, I had a lot of messages from people off Facebook from my school. Only my closest friends like Zac and Katy, they haven't changed my mood at all, and I just need to see Luke or anyone that reminded me of him.

It's just around 5pm and I'm downstairs, eating a bowl of chips I brought from the local store. I put put phone in my pocket, and my phone on it just incase it vibrates or rings.

"What's up with you, grumpy ass," I roll my eyes, if he's trying to make me better it's not working. It's not even worth trying.

"Nothing, piss off," I bite my tongue, holding in all my anger from him. My body feels angry, confused and upset, I'm going crazy.

"Calm down, I was only joking," he laughs.

"Don't fucking laugh, just fuck off, you don't even live here. Your just here because what happened a week ago and then you'll fuck off!" I yell at him, I couldn't keep it in anymore.

My mom comes down stairs, her face shocked like she hasn't heard me swearing or arguing with Joe.

"Please shut up, I'm watching a film," she sighs.

"That matters so much doesn't it," I mock her. I feel so hurt inside.

"Shut up and go to your room, now!" She demands. I shake my head and laugh at her.

"I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm a free woman!" I rise my hands laughing.

"Quit that attitude right now," she points at me. "You've changed so much since I left you, and I know who comes into my mind straight away."

"Oh mother, don't bring him involved." I sigh, shaking my head at her. "Just get back to your shitty important movie," I add.

"You need to stop!"  She yells.

"Stop what?! Stop being me, stop being an asshole of a person I am." I sigh, tears come down my face and I can't control my anger at all, or any of my emotions.

"Do you know what, being in this house has made me ten times worser than anything." I walk off, walking out of the door and slamming it as hard as I could.

Being without Luke has been hard. Too hard.

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