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We sat there didn't even know what to say. Luke looked at me a few times but I couldn't say anything nor could Luke.

"Where going home," my mom says, grabbing my arm and taking me out of the room. "I don't want to listen to any of this any further." She adds.

She grabs me by my wrist and I follow her walking down the stairs, I turned back and Luke was still sat on the bed. I don't know what to do, I just head downstairs with my mom and go home, but I don't want too. My mom takes my things and throws them into the trunk of the car. I sit down on the wall outside the door as he anger gets the best of her. She can't even look at me or anything. She opens the car door and sits herself down, she slams the door hard and starts the engine.

I still sat down on the wall. I walk back inside, slamming the door behind me, I need to take drink or something. As I sat down in the kitchen foot steps came from the hallway, walking towards the kitchen, I hope it isn't Liz or my mom. The tall, annoying and crazy blonde, Luke, came in, ignoring me, grabbing a glass of water.

"Ignore me then," I say sarcastically, acting like nothing has happened. Luke rolls his eyes at me

"It's better of if you actually leave," he says, sipping on the drink.

"Why?" My eyebrows knit together in confusion. He didn't even want me to go earlier.

"Because it's going to get worse Olivia. Do it for your mom, and for everyone." He glanced at me.

"What about you?" I tilt my head, raising from the seat.

"What about me?" He asks turning away.

"Do you want me to go?" I ask, softly.

He looks at me, his eyes was watering, he turned away and walked away from me. I just stand there, I feel water falling from my face, I didn't even know I was crying at all. I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder, I throw my drink in the bin and headed towards my door. I guess this is it. I opened it, the car engine was still going and my mom was still in the car, probably seeming frustrated. I looked back behind me and Luke was standing there once again, I turned around fully and he walked closer to me.

"I don't want you to go," he whispered.

"Me either, maybe it's time," tears fall from my eyes once again as I look into his beautiful blue eyes for the last time.

"I never thought you'd leave," he pulls me into a hug kissing my the top of my head. I pull him in closer, pushing my arms into his back.

"Me either, but it's for the best of us. We both knew this day would happen, but we never thought how it turned out to be," we separated from the hug. "I don't know why they act it like its a really big deal, they just think it's wrong because it feels like we are practically family."

I put my hand in his hair, messing it about, tugging on it. His lips met mine, slowly kissing me. It felt good, amazing. Now kissing him is going to make me miss him more, more than I ever thought I would. As I move my lips away from his, we hug for one last time before I head for the door.

"I'm sorry for everything," he says.

"Don't be sorry," I turn around before I get to the car. "Daddy," I blush, laughing to myself.

He laughs too, smiling widely as I get into the back seat of the car. I get my wor comfortable and I look back into the back window as we drove off. I waved at him as I started to cry, silently to myself. All the memories and fun times with him all came back, just like it all happened yesterday.




I need to thank everyone who supported me on this book, all of you, the votes, the comments everything!

I might do some bonus chapters?? Or not comment below!

Make sure to vote and comment like crazy:))))

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