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UPDATES are going to be everyday. I'll update everyday for you guys:)
Plus I don't even know when this will end, maybe in its 30's/40's!


I sat up in shock, I moved off Luke and stood up by Liz.

"What you on about?" I say calmly trying to his everything that has happened. What happens if everyone will find out? The whole situation will go down hill, I'll probably never able to see Luke again?

"You and my son... all of that... and that. What the hell is going on Luke!" She yells making the whole house hearing it.

"Nothing, we just watched movies and fell asleep?" He says getting frustrated, inside I'm annoyed and frustrated like him.

"Really didn't seem like it, Olivia's hands was all over your body!" She yells even louder, tears flow down her eyes.

My hands start to shake, I become super nervous since she started shouting. I don't want my mom to hear this at all, but she will find out. I stare at them as they just stood in silence. Luke wasn't saying anything. He should of, now everything looks too off plan that we didn't plan at all and didn't expect.

"Come on then! Say something!" She cries, going into a panic mode. I couldn't help but even cry at this point.

"Mom it was nothing, nothing. Why are you so fussed anyway?" Luke says, holding her hand.

He moved her hand away from his hand, Luke's face drops. "Don't touch me Luke. You know what's happened. Earlier I came here and there was stuff going on that I would not like to know."

"Mom, that wasn't her," he says, frowning not even looking at me.

"Who was it then! Why would you be doing something in the guest room when you got your room! You shouldn't do it here anyway!" She cries, yelling at the top of her voice.

Moments later, my mom comes racing up the stairs, seeing Liz crying and panicking on the bed. My moms face drops, she looks at me weirdly, she couldn't even speak to me. She doesn't know the situation but I think she does in her head.

"I swear mom, nothing happened," I cry, I couldn't help but feel so sick inside, the whole thing made me want to die.

"What the fuck!" My mother swears, she looked angry, a side I've never seen before.

"Mom it's was nothing at all!"

"Why is Liz crying then? Why is she shouting all of these things that make sense!" She yells back.

Luke was sitting next to his mom that looked like she couldn't even speak. I was worried and sick, I couldn't do anything, I felt weak and the pain from earlier came back, but worse. This was never meant to happen at all, this wasn't planned at all. I wish that this never happened so I wouldn't be in a mess leaving Luke at all. Everything has messed my mind, everything. Why did this all happen in the first place. I sat down on the bed, far away from Luke as possible, my hands shaking and tears rushing out my eyes.

"Speak to me, please." She calmly says, I can still hear her anger and all of her emotions in her voice.

"Mom, nothing happened at--"

"Yes it did." Luke owned up. My moms face turned red and Liz looked straight at Luke. Oh shit. "I only kissed her once, once." He repeated.

"So what was all of that earlier, w-when I came up?" Liz says calmly too. Everyone spoke different from five minutes ago, hopefully the way Luke is going everything will be settled.

"I-It was another girl." He gulps.

"Where was she," Liz pointed at me.

Luke shrugged. "She wasn't in her, my lock was working."

Liz turned to me and looked at me. "Where was you then?" She says.

Luke looked at me, his eyes widen and he closed them slowly.

"I was out," I finally say.

"But you two came down together? where did that girl go then Luke?" She tilts her head. Looks like she's winning.

"Went down the back way, through the window, she's an expect at climbing." He adds.

"If you was out how could both of you come down together then? That's odd isn't it?" She turns to my mom. I guess she won.

Luke turns to me and I shrugged. Where dead.

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